Rotating title screen help?

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Dark Jaguar
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Rotating title screen help?

Post by Dark Jaguar »

The PSX TC mod has a pretty nice behavior in place where it rotates through different title screens. Could someone point me to the scripting needed to implement this? I'm pretty new to this stuff, but I'd love to use this effect for a few things I have planned.
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Void Weaver
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Re: Rotating title screen help?

Post by Void Weaver »

Haven't saw PSX TC but can assume that you talk about animated title page. If it so then there example of solution.

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Dark Jaguar
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Re: Rotating title screen help?

Post by Dark Jaguar »

Void Weaver wrote:Haven't saw PSX TC but can assume that you talk about animated title page. If it so then there example of solution.

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Thank you, that may be the "cheat" PSX TC used to give the illusion of rotating through title screens.

To clarify, it isn't so much animation as it is the standard PS1 title screen, then credit screens, then back to the title but it is now using the PS1 Final Doom title screen, then the credit screens again and back to the PS1 Doom title screen. A simple trick, but I wasn't sure how they did it.

Here's my long term goal. I'm going to make a pack that makes all the official Doom engine IWADs rotate through their history of title screens, rather than simply using their latest ones. If all the PSX TC team did was skip over the standard title/credit rotation in favor of a long animation "faking" it, that's what I'll do too, since the end result is the same.
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Re: Rotating title screen help?

Post by Enjay »

The other option is to use a [wiki]TITLEMAP[/wiki] and print whatever pictures you like to the screen using HUD messages in ACS.
Dark Jaguar
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Re: Rotating title screen help?

Post by Dark Jaguar »

Enjay wrote:The other option is to use a [wiki]TITLEMAP[/wiki] and print whatever pictures you like to the screen using HUD messages in ACS.
Ah I see thank you too! Both good options! I'll experiment a little now and see what I come up with.
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Re: Rotating title screen help?

Post by Enjay »

Certainly one PSX TC( or version of the PSX TC, not sure how many there are) even uses a TITLEMAP to create an animated title sequence that includes the fire effect, the logo rising up out of it and so on.
Dark Jaguar
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Re: Rotating title screen help?

Post by Dark Jaguar »

Enjay wrote:Certainly one PSX TC( or version of the PSX TC, not sure how many there are) even uses a TITLEMAP to create an animated title sequence that includes the fire effect, the logo rising up out of it and so on.
I was only aware of one such project! Alright, that's the one I'm aware of so if that's the trick then I'll be going that route! I know it used an animated series of titles to play back the Williams logo (and PS1 startup sequence, but I opted out of that since, well, I'm not on a PS1).
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Re: Rotating title screen help?

Post by Enjay »

There is one ( I think the one that you are describing) that uses its own fork if the gzdoom code to add a special control lump that is used to create animated sequences like the Williams logo. It may even be the same one as I am talking about. Perhaps s special lump for the Williams stuff but a TITLEMAP for the fire?

[Edit] relevant viewtopic.php?f=15&t=63160&p=1086496#p1086496 [/edit]

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