Zagemod (v1.6 Announced, pg 25)

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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.2 Released, Page 9)

Post by silentzora »

I tend to opt for "frag," in the spirit of the game and all. Anyway, back on topic, I've got something I need to address.
DabbingSquidward wrote:I assume every player class has their own ammo types (AlphaShell, D64Shell, D3Shell) to prevent picking up another class' weapon for ammo. You can use the INVENTORY.RESTRICTABSOLUTELY flag to prevent this from happening and still have all classes have the same ammo type.

In Hexen by default, since each class' weapons use either blue or green mana, you can pick up their weapons for ammo, but not in coop or deathmatch.

The flag serves as an extension to the RestrictedTo & ForbiddenTo properties.
This isn't how I have the ammo set up at all in Zagemod. I'll try to give a brief rundown on what's going on.

[*] For weapons based off the original ammo types, they all use a derivative ammo class from the base game. Eg, shotguns use SZ_Shell, instead of Shell. There is no separation of these ammo types between classes - For example, the Shell ammo that SlayerGuy uses is the same Shell ammo that Doomguy uses.
[*] Now, there do exist separate fake inventory actors that alter the way ammo spawns. Case and point, D2Shell and AlphaShell. Yes, both of these items give the same Shell ammunition, but exist for different purposes. D2Shell spawns and is only visible ammunition for characters that are unable to acquire and use the Battle Rifle, while AlphaShell periodically spawns with Cartridge ammo. I found it pointless for other actors who can't use a given weapon to interact with, or even see, ammo types they can't use.
[*] All weapons do indeed define Inventory.RestrictedTo and VisibleToPlayerClass properties, and the Inventory.RestrictAbsolutely flag is enabled. Since spawners do spawn weapons for all classes at once, being able to interact with these weapons would reward the player with a needlessly high amount of ammo, which I wanted to avoid.

Hope that clears things up.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.2 Released, Page 9)

Post by namsan »

I think I found a minor oversight.

The secondary fire of Slayerguy's EMG pistol deals more damage when the player skips charging.
So tapping secondary fire key is the most effective operation method of EMG pistol.
I know fully charged EMG pistol technically deals AoE damage, but this is less than 10 damage and its explosion is so small.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.2 Released, Page 9)

Post by silentzora »

namsan wrote:I think I found a minor oversight.

The secondary fire of Slayerguy's EMG pistol deals more damage when the player skips charging.
So tapping secondary fire key is the most effective operation method of EMG pistol.
I know fully charged EMG pistol technically deals AoE damage, but this is less than 10 damage and its explosion is so small.
We'll call that a feature until I get around to fixing it. ;)
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.2 Released, Page 9)

Post by silentzora »

Just wanted to update everyone on what's going on with v1.3.3.

Basically, the update is more or less finished. I'm just testing it and adding whatever VFX I missed in my original run of the code. But, I hate to say, it's going to be a bit of time still before I can release it. I'm in the process of moving Zorasoft at the time of writing to a new host, and am just waiting on the domain transfer. Once that's all done, I can release v1.3.3.

I'm hoping that I can release it here in the next couple of weeks, or however long it takes for my domain registrar to cooperate. Hang in there, guys.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.2 Released, Page 9)

Post by AlphaSoraKun »

silentzora wrote:Just wanted to update everyone on what's going on with v1.3.3.

Basically, the update is more or less finished. I'm just testing it and adding whatever VFX I missed in my original run of the code. But, I hate to say, it's going to be a bit of time still before I can release it. I'm in the process of moving Zorasoft at the time of writing to a new host, and am just waiting on the domain transfer. Once that's all done, I can release v1.3.3.

I'm hoping that I can release it here in the next couple of weeks, or however long it takes for my domain registrar to cooperate. Hang in there, guys.
I understand, SZ.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.2 Released, Page 9)

Post by Facínora »

Looks like my public liked Zagemod (or at least the video I made about it).

I liked it very much myself. I loved the consistent way in which everything was combined, how the difficulty is balanced and the new classes. the Zoragal's katana stuff is really nice. I think I'm going to record a new one with v1.3.3 with Project Doom and playing with the classes that I didn't show in this one.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by silentzora »

Zagemod v1.3.3 is now live!

Download Zagemod v1.3.3

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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by SiFi270 »

I'm not sure how to get the NC Hud working with this. I've tried loading nchud-main.pk3 after Zagemod, and as you can see below, the ammo counters don't match what's seen in your videos.

Also, if the Thunderbolt kills you when used underwater, then Mjolnir should as well, since it did in SoA.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by silentzora »

SiFi270 wrote:I'm not sure how to get the NC Hud working with this. I've tried loading nchud-main.pk3 after Zagemod, and as you can see below, the ammo counters don't match what's seen in your videos.
Also, if the Thunderbolt kills you when used underwater, then Mjolnir should as well, since it did in SoA.
You need to get the Zagemod patch from the NC HUD GitHub to make it work correctly. It'll be available in the next official release, but in the meantime, that's how you get it to work.

I'll look into the Mjolnir discharge behavior.
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by Dwailing »

silentzora wrote:Zagemod v1.3.3 is now live!

*incoherent screams of happiness*
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by Bobby »

You forgot to update the original file in the OP
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by silentzora »

Bobby wrote:You forgot to update the original file in the OP
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by silentzora »

Can't stop, won't stop. Yeah, I just released v1.3.3, but I'm already making improvements for the next build.

No rest for the wicked, eh?

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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by StroggVorbis »

Loving the crosshair :D
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Re: Zagemod (v1.3.3 Released, Page 12)

Post by Elkinda »

Hey Zoraguy.

My friend and I still play the mod regularly, thanks for making it :D

I have a minor thing to report from our co-op session: When a player picks up a key, that key vanishes for the other player.
This is troublesome when playing without respawns or if there is a multi-key door.

Thank you for your time.

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