randomlag wrote:Graf Zahl wrote:Since you are the only one seeing any real value here I doubt it.
Lol - I'd call that VERY selective reading Graf. It's very clear that some people would enjoy this very much.

[suggest rereading the posts]
Maybe. But it still won't improve the results. Just because it is your idea doesn't make it good.
As to the rest, you've again merely avoided objective points and shifted to subjective opinion. Whether something is good or bad is hardly for you to judge - that's up to the author.
No, it's for the program's author to decide. There are some features that would be cool from a user's point of view but they aren't implemented for good reasons.
That same "noobie" author would probably make a crappy level too. So what? However, the fonts are actually way better looking than that crap you used for an example. As I said before, LOOK at the code [and some programs that do this] and see what it can do before you resort to just made up stuff that you "think" is how it would be.
Those fonts aren't 'crap'. They were pulled from a few WADs from which I knew they had a custom system font. Too bad that I didn't want to browse through hundreds of WADs to find one that might please the mighty Randomlag.
Don't be so defensive about an alternative idea. What you did is a quick hack and actually not all that beneficial if you think about it. Why? Because it's much simpler just to replace the stock fonts for most people. Only a few would go to all that work much less understand it.
Yeah, whatever. It's still useful but since the idea isn't from you it has to be bad. Typical.
By your own admission, the fonts that are supposed to be so different are actually pretty much the same - because it's hard to make good looking alternate fonts for most people [no matter how many examples I see here]. The reason is the same reason you see relatively few custom sprites - it takes experience and talent.
For the final time:
Remember what I wrote more than a year ago:
§1 RandomLag always got to have the last word.
§2 RandomLag is always right
§3 When in doubt, see §2
I still stand by that.
And frankly I am sick of your constant attempts to devalue other people's work just to present your own ideas as the greatest invention ever. Do I remind you of the extended nodes issue last year? I still can't see what makes your suggestions so inherently better than ZDoom's format.
Don't forget: I offered this code
for free and all the work involved in adding it to ZDoom would be a little cutting and pasting. And regardless of what you think: Most fonts which are usable in Doom are in the same format as the system font. This allows anyone to use them without hassle - something that wasn't possible before.