Custom Texture Thread.

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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by EffinghamHuffnagel »

A 14-high brick? That tiles seamlessly? That's a size I haven't seen before. Love seeing new work from an experienced artist.

FYI to all: Don't save the images as posted. They may save as pngs, but they are actually lossy jpegs. You have to open the link, then save the image from that. It's an imgur thing. If the last letter of the saved image name is a capital 'I', it's the wrong one.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Nmn »

Oh really... // Alucard voice.
I'll probably use my DRD server next time. Thx for the tip, bro.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by EffinghamHuffnagel »

If you right-click on one of your posted images and "Save Link As" you also get the proper png.

You can still use imgur. I use it all the time. It's a matter which link and which tag you use.

Here's something from my imgur folder. It's some patches I edited for my copy of TNTR.
The first link is using the tag. The first image uses the first li ... om/Ps3r1Vf


Imgur converts images to jpegs for its folder view. If you open your folder of imgur posts, every image you see is actually a jpeg. Each individual page will have the png on it. The [imgur] tag here does the same thing. That's why that image is a clickable link.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Enjay »

Nuthin fancy


It does tile but being 64x64, the repetition is pretty obvious. It's in the Doom palette. The only interesting thing about it is that it is actually based on a NASA satellite picture of the surface of Mars.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Captain J »

This might work for Moon Surface as well! Smooth and nice.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Enjay »

A couple of not-so-serious (but potentially useful I guess) animated textures. Both are set up in PK3s with demo maps for an easy look-see.

Terminator in fire animation: ... rmfire.pk3

And a wiggly optical illusion-like computer screen: ... Wiggly.pk3

Both adapted from animated gifs that I found via google image search.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by abbuw »

Enjay wrote:Nuthin fancy


It does tile but being 64x64, the repetition is pretty obvious. It's in the Doom palette. The only interesting thing about it is that it is actually based on a NASA satellite picture of the surface of Mars.
Filled in that big ol' spot in the middle, should tile juust a bit better.

Made this rocky wall texture in GrafX2, with some brightness and contrast adjustments in Paint.NET. I'm getting really used to the DP2 style of brush grabbing, makes editing low-res textures way easier! Doom palette.


Less edited version, tiling is going to be more noticeable but the rocks look a little more interesting. Maybe you can use this alongside the first variant for variation variance variety various vary.

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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by NeuralStunner »

Not strictly "custom" but close enough: A higher quality version of that horribly upscaled boss cube switch in Plutonia!


Yeah, my upscale method was a bit cheap, but worlds better than what was already ingame! (The bolts came out a bit blocky initially, so I touched them up by hand.) Plus the eye-glow is new, and far better than the little red triangle (if I do say so myself). Great autoload material, these. ;)
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Clay »

Some texture I made a few days back. Hope someone get some use out of them. No need for any credits.

GIF of all textures - - -

DL - ... y7RGWieiaI
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Enjay »

abbuw wrote:Filled in that big ol' spot in the middle, should tile juust a bit better.
Thank you. Looks much better.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by EffinghamHuffnagel »

Clay wrote:Some texture I made a few days back. Hope someone get some use out of them. No need for any credits.

GIF of all textures - - -

DL - ... y7RGWieiaI
Nice industrial/space ship feel. Would work nicely with that BlackGreen texture set.

Question: There are 34 walls in the rar archive. One of the samples you posted was named wall_38 and is not in the archive. Did you miss adding some images?
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Clay »

Nice industrial/space ship feel. Would work nicely with that BlackGreen texture set.

Question: There are 34 walls in the rar archive. One of the samples you posted was named wall_38 and is not in the archive. Did you miss adding some images?

Yep. I forgot.
Here is the new link. ... y7RGWieiaI
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by YukiHerz »


Some textures I made from CC0 sources, under the same license.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Darkcrafter »

Enjay wrote:Nuthin fancy
It does tile but being 64x64, the repetition is pretty obvious. It's in the Doom palette. The only interesting thing about it is that it is actually based on a NASA satellite picture of the surface of Mars.
Nice find!
My take on resynthesising it, scaling it up 200% and taking the seams out - comes in doom palette as well.
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Re: Custom Texture Thread.

Post by Expect No Mercy »

RiboNucleic Asshat wrote:
Here's an edit of the Turrican title screen to work as a TITLEPIC. It's in the Doom palette, and the proper 320x200 resolution. I had to remove the "TURRICAN" text and do significant editing to the character to make him into Doomguy, so I feel that enough work has gone into this to make it worthy of sharing. Feel free to use it for anything you want, credit is appreciated but not necessary.
Reminds me of this:
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