[Merged!] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

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[Merged!] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Captain J »

(English further down on the page—special thanks to Undead for the reference)

NOTICE: PLEASE READ THIS FIRST! The download link of this thread is perma-unavailable since the whole project got officially merged with Graf Zahl's GZDoom global translation project. Basically you can apply the korean translation without having to download korean.pk3.

Please either set the language to korean in Miscellaneous Options, or simply open up the console and type 'language kor' in GZDoom.



우선, 이 스레드를 시간 내주어 방문해주시거나 읽어주셔서 감사드립니다! Undead님의 도움으로, 우리는 GZDoom의 완벽한 한글화를 이뤄낼 수 있었습니다.

지원되는 게임들:
  • 얼티밋 둠 (The Ultimate Doom)
  • 둠 2: 헬 온 어스 (Doom II: Hell on Earth)
  • 파이널 둠 시리즈 (Final Doom)
  • 헤러틱: 쉐도우 오브 더 서펜트 라이더즈 (Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders)
  • 헥센: 비욘드 헤러틱 (Hexen: Beyond Heretic)
  • 스트라이프: 퀘스트 포 더 시질 (Strife: Quest for the Sigil)
작업 진행중인 게임들:
  • 첵스 퀘스트 (Chex Quest)

한국어, 한글은 자모를 조합함으로써 다양하고 유용하게 쓸 수 있는 언어입니다. 어쩔 때는 긴 외국 문장들을 한국어로 번역하면 길이가 짧아짐으로써 글씨 공간을 아낄 수 있게 되죠. 지금 유니코드를 호환하는 GZ둠 덕에 한글 폰트를 만드는 게 아주 쉬워졌으며, 밑에 글은 번역 예문들입니다.

A secret is revealed! =
비밀 발견!

Are you sure you want to quit this great game? =
이 위대한 게임을 종료하시겠습니까?

Picked up a medikit that you REALLY need! =
메디킷을 필요한 순간에 사용했다!

Trying to cheat, eh? Now you die! =
치트할려고? 그럼 죽어!

(일부 메시지를 이미 번역해 주신 나무 위키 회원들에 감사드립니다. namu.wiki)

설치 방법
  1. korean.pk3 파일을 다운받아 주세요.
  2. GZDoom을 korean.pk3와 함께 실행시켜 주세요.
  3. 메인 메뉴에서 `키를 눌러 콘솔창을 열고 다음을 입력하세요:
    language kor
한국어로 설정되었으면, HUD의 크기를 사용자의 취향에 맞춰서 조정하는 걸 추천드립니다. 설정 → HUD 설정 → 배율 설정에서 “인터페이스 크기 조정”을 조정해주시면 됩니다.

이제 한국어로 게임을 즐겨주시면 됩니다!

하고 싶은 말

저희 팀의 목적은 그동안 눈을 굴러가며 스스로 번역하거나 아예 내용을 포기해야만 했던 둠을 좋아하는 한국인, 그리고 한글에 친근한 분들에게 편의를 제공하는 것입니다. 이제 이 프로젝트가 제작됨으로써, 한글을 읽으며 부담 없이 플레이할 기회가 드디어 생긴 것입니다. 최선을 다해서 열심히 작업하겠습니다!

이 번역 계획에 참여하고 싶으신 분은, 여기 스프레드시트를 편집할 수 있도록 요청을 보내주세요. (이 문서들은 실시간으로 업데이트되며, 어떠한 변경 사항도 즉시 확인이 가능합니다.)

번역 팀

아직 조합 가능한 모든 한국어가 지원되지는 않습니다. (모든 조합은 https://unicode-table.com/en/blocks/hangul-syllables/ 에서 확인 가능합니다) 대신, 현재 게임 내에서 실제로 사용되는 낱말들만 지원되고 있습니다. 또한, 낱말의 크기가 큰 한국어에 맞춰서, 각 게임마다 기존과 다른 새로운 영문 폰트가 추가되었습니다.

그리고 한글이 뚜렷하게 보이도록 공간을 제공하기 위해서 폰트 크기가 커졌습니다. 화면 해상도를 높게 정하시면 괜찮을 것 같습니다.

현재 GZDoom에서 한국어 채팅은 불가능합니다. 각각의 자모음은 입력 가능하지만 하나의 낱말로 구성되지는 않습니다. “ㅅ”와 “ㅏ”를 입력하면, 안타깝게도 “사”로 조합되지 않습니다. 자세한 사항은 옆의 링크를 참조해주세요: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=64030

사용한 폰트들
추신: Graf Zahl님이 한국어 번역 스프레드시트를 국제적 공식 번역 스프레드시트랑 합병 시켰습니다. 그 분께 정말 감사드린다는 말씀을 전합니다!




First of all, thank you for visiting this topic! Thanks to Undead, we have been able to develop a full GZDoom translation into Korean.

Supported games:
  • The Ultimate Doom
  • Doom II: Hell on Earth
  • Final Doom
  • Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
  • Hexen: Beyond Heretic
  • Strife: Quest for the Sigil
Games in progress:
  • Chex Quest

Korean is a versatile and useful language that is used by combining various characters. Sometimes when long, foreign sentences are translated into Korean, space can be conserved by shortening the length. Thanks to new innovations in GZDoom, which is now compatible with Unicode, incorporating Hangul characters into Doom has never been easier.

A secret is revealed! =
비밀 발견!

Are you sure you want to quit this great game? =
이 위대한 게임을 종료하시겠습니까?

Picked up a medikit that you REALLY need! =
메디킷을 필요한 순간에 사용했다!

Trying to cheat, eh? Now you die! =
치트할려고? 그럼 죽어!

(Thanks to members of Namu Wiki who have already translated some of the messages: namu.wiki)

  1. Download korean.pk3
  2. Launch GZDoom with korean.pk3
  3. Open the console (by pressing the ~ key) and type the following:
    language kor
Once the Korean language is set, we recommend changing the HUD scale to something that suits your preference. Go into 설정 → HUD 설정 → 배율 설정 and adjust “인터페이스 크기 조정”.

All done! Enjoy!

Extra info

The purpose of our work is to provide convenience to Koreans who are interested in Doom, to those who speak only their native language and don’t speak English at all, and to others who are familiar with Korean. Now that this project is being produced, you have an opportunity to play in Korean with ease. We will do our best!

If you are interested in contributing to the translation project, please send a request to edit these two spreadsheets. (These spreadsheet are updated live, and any changes can be viewed instantaneously.)

Translation team

GZDoom’s font size has been increased to provide space for Korean characters. If the game’s screen resolution is high enough, everything will render correctly.

Not all possible combinations of Hangul are supported (all of which are listed here). Instead, only all symbols that are used ingame are utilized and supported. In addition, to accomodate the larger size of all Korean symbols, new English characters are included for each game.

Currently, chatting in GZDoom using Korean is not possible. Individual characters can be entered, but they cannot be combined to form syllable blocks. “ㅅ” and “ㅏ” will, unfortunately, not join together to become “사”. More details here.

Fonts used

Thanks for reading, and here’s something extra (추가로 보여줄게 있습니다!):

Last edited by Captain J on Sun Aug 14, 2022 7:02 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Enjay »

Good job (as far as I can tell). I find Korean script very interesting to look at. It's very strange to my eyes (because, I don't often come across it). I think that there is something quite appealing about its shapes and overall appearance though.

Of course, the text itself means nothing to me at all.

I find Thai script very interesting too, though very different to Korean of course.
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Kostov »

Thanks, Enjay!

The Korean script is unique in that it’s not nearly as complex as its neighboring languages, Chinese and Japanese. However, the sheer amount of character combinations makes it roughly as daunting when dealing with computer fonts. Luckily, I have a few automated tools to help me with that—none of what you see in the screenshots is handdrawn (asides from the font creators’ work, of course).

Thai seems to me like it would be a much easier language to work with, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy language by itself. :D
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by GreenLegacy »

Thank you Gzdoom developers for enabling Unicode support. It's so nice to see Hangeul on Gzdoom.
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Captain J »

Enjay wrote:Good job (as far as I can tell). I find Korean script very interesting to look at. It's very strange to my eyes (because, I don't often come across it). I think that there is something quite appealing about its shapes and overall appearance though.

Of course, the text itself means nothing to me at all.

I find Thai script very interesting too, though very different to Korean of course.
Ahh, isn't that the graceful and grateful Enjay himself! Thank you so much, super much for replying this humble thread. It is an honour. And now let's get to the point; Hangul is indeed interesting language to use and combine. Each characters almost has square shape, to maintain the line and fill up the surplus spaces. Oh, also some sentences are much shorter than foreign ones as well. So you can save up some spaces.

I'm so glad you're interested in Hangul. And please be surprised when it's done! :D
GreenLegacy wrote:Thank you Gzdoom developers for enabling Unicode support. It's so nice to see Hangeul on Gzdoom.
Darn right it is! This is very surprising yet amazing. Soon, Doomers and Modders who knows korean will receive their rightful reward; A Betterment for Gameplay without Translating every single messages manually!
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Minuk »

워우... GZDoom 한글화 프로젝트라니!
가독성을 고려하면 쉬운 작업만은 아닐것 같은데, 수고스런 일을 해주시네요.

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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Captain J »

Thank you!... I mean, 감사드립니다! 비록 어렵기야 하지만 팀원들 덕분에 일이 쉬워지고는 있습니다. 응원 감사드리며, 언젠간 완성해서 편의를 제공하겠습니다!
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Kostov »

Some font progress:



Credits to Kinsie for the shading template. (The font in the second image is Yeonsung.)
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Captain J »

Kinsie sure did some excellent job shading the fonts nicely and retrospectively. Nice looking!
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Kostov »

Now that Graf’s added a new console font in GZDoom with CJK support, we won’t have to do anywhere near as much work as before! Our plan is:
  1. Finish the spreadsheet
  2. Export all characters used in the spreadsheet and experiment with font sizes ingame
  3. Finish all BIGFONTs
  4. Make available all Korean characters for the SMALLFONTs
The new console font looks like this:

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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Captain J »

And that sounds mighty and easy. Hyper thanks to Graf Zhal! Thanks to him, the project is 'bout to go nicer and faster!
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Kostov »

번역이… 전부 완료되지는 않았지만 모든 문자열이 번역되었다는 것을 발표하게 되어 기쁩니다!

지금은, 개정판이 당연하게도 기다리고 있습니다. 우리는 모든 게임을 2—3 번 테스트하고 품질 검사를 해야 하며, 모든 것이 세계관/상황에 맞는지 확인하고 모든 작업을 마무리 해야 합니다. (포토샵에서는 한글 문자를 편집하는 게 누워서 떡 먹기입니다. 진짜로요.)

I’m happy to announce that the translation has been… well, not completed, but all strings have been translated!

Now, of course, it awaits a revision. We’ll need to test all the games a couple of times and do a quality check, make sure that everything fits in-universe/context etc. and also finish up all the assets. (With Photoshop, though, editing Korean characters is easy as pie.)



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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Captain J »

First Post Updated, and the Korean translation addon is ready to go. Please consider giving it a try and let us know what you think. And make sure you read the Instructions before using the Translation!

Thank you so much for waiting, and Chex Quest Translation and the Update will be there soon!


스레드 첫 번째 글이 업데이트 되었으며, 비공식 한국어 번역 애드온이 업로드 되었습니다. 부디 플레이 해주시길 바라고 피드백을 주시길 바랍니다. 칭찬이나 지적이라도 커다란 도움이 될 것입니다. 그리고 파일을 다운로드 한 뒤에 실행하기 전, 첫 번째 글에 적혀있는 설명서를 참조하시길 바라고 실행 바랍니다.

그 동안 기다려주셔서 감사드리고, 첵스 퀘스트 번역을 비롯한 더 많은 업데이트로 뵙겠습니다!
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Captain J »

한가지 더 알려줄 소식이 있습니다. 무기들이나 몬스터들 교체하는 모드, 토탈 컨버젼, 그리고 맵 팩(특히 메시지가 새롭게 추가된 맵) 등은 번역이 안 되었고, 수동적으로 골라서 번역하기엔 곤란하다 생각하므로, 하다 보면 뭔가 심심할테니 한글화 에드온이랑 문제 없이 같이 실행할 좋은 다른 에드온들을 추천해주고 싶습니다. 여기 리스트입니다:

둠 효과음 리마스터 에드온 (perkristian의 에드온이 아닌 다른 것입니다!)

헤러틱 효과음 리마스터 에드온

헥센 효과음 리마스터 에드온

스트라이프 효과음 리마스터 에드온

Xeotroid님의 게임 음악 리믹스 에드온 모음 (실행 가능한 대부분 게임의 사운드트랙이 있음)

관심 가져주셔서 감사드리고, 그냥 korean.pk3 에드온과 같이 드래그해서 실행하시면 됩니다. 즐거운 시간 되시길!


I've got one more thing to inform! We did not translate Weapon or Monster Replacement mod, Total Conversion mod, and Map Packs(Especially maps filled with custom messages and strings). We just can't pick other mods and translate them manually. So the gameplay without them might be boring, i want to recommend another Addons that runs functionally with the Korean Translation Addon. And here's the list:

Doom Sound Effect Remastering Addon (Not Perkristain one!)

Heretic Sound Effect Remastering Addon

Hexen Sound Effect Remastering Addon

Strife Sound Effect Remastering Addon

Xeotroid's Music Cover Addon (Has almost every soundtrack for avaiable games)

Thanks for your attention, and you may run those addons along with korean.pk3. Have fun now!
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Graf Zahl
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Re: [WIP] GZ둠 한국어 번역 프로젝트/Korean Translation of GZDoom

Post by Graf Zahl »

It'd be nice if the Korean texts could be added to the official spreadsheets. What I'd like to do is to implement some font fallbacks for the most common things, i.e. the notification and cenrtered messages (already done), the intermission text screen, the Strife dialogues and the confirmation menu. These parts cover roughly 95% of all displayed text in the game so once done, most of the Korean text could be used without any added font data. In addition it makes other spots that need treatment easily stand out. My goal is that any language that does not require special composition of characters can be handled by the engine without having to add new assets.

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