(HELP) Textures override folder names

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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by hoover1979 »

I'll look into this further after I recover. I just got out of the ER after spraining my neck 6 and a half hours ago. :(
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by Get Phobo »

Oh my, I hope you get better soon.
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by hoover1979 »

Get Phobo wrote:Hoover, you'll still need to make a folder called 'hires' where you put the 'textures' folder into (inside each respective PK3 file). Otherwise the textures might be displayed with improper scaling.

So, for the main file: filter\doom\hires\textures
Doom 1: filter\doom.doom1\hires\textures
Doom 2: filter\doom.doom2.commercial\hires\textures

You do not need to put the 2GB of textures in every file, but you need to give every file the filter\ folder structure.
OK, I tried this:

Main textures = filter\doom\hires\textures
Doom 1 overrides = filter\doom.doom1\hires\textures
Doom 2 overrides = filter\doom.doom2.commercial\hires\textures
Plutonia overrides = filter\doom.doom2.plutonia\hires\textures
TNT overrides = filter\doom.doom2.tnt\hires\textures

Not one single HD texture loaded in GZDoom under this structure only the original Vanilla Doom textures.

Same issues with:

Main textures = filter\doom\textures
Doom 1 overrides = filter\doom.doom1\textures
Doom 2 overrides = filter\doom.doom2.commercial\textures
Plutonia overrides = filter\doom.doom2.plutonia\textures
TNT overrides = filter\doom.doom2.tnt\textures

So far every time I tried to put PNG texture files anywhere inside a filter folder none of them load. The only time the main textures loaded was in GZDoom\Textures and the doom 1 and 2 overrides only work when placed in folders inside GZDoom\textures. Plutonia and TNT only work from PK3 files atm and I am now lead to believe the filters folder is for lump files and not PNG textures.

This is really starting to do my head in!

I NEED to get all the textures to work in folders as PK3 files cause stutters. Even when I had the main files in a folder and all the overrides in PK3 I encountered issues, like in E2M1 if I turned around to see the sky it froze for half a second every time, but when the doom 1 overrides were put in a folder this stutter no longer happened.
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by Get Phobo »

I'm sorry, I made a mistake. You need to copy the actual texture files, not the 'textures' folder, into the hires subfolder. That way it will work.
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by hoover1979 »

Get Phobo wrote:I'm sorry, I made a mistake. You need to copy the actual texture files, not the 'textures' folder, into the hires subfolder. That way it will work.
Just did that and they still won't load.

Main folder = filter\doom\hires\
Doom 1 overrides = filter\doom.doom1\hires\
Doom 2 overrides = filter\doom.doom2.commercial\hires\
Plutonia overrides = filter\doom.doom2.plutonia\hires\
TNT overrides = filter\doom.doom2.tnt\hires\

Not one single HD texture loads. Are you sure putting PNG's into the filters folder works? It certainly isn't for me and more and more I think these folders are for lumps, not textures.

Does this file structure only work when contained in a PK3? If so I need another way. My textures are huge and GZDoom opening such big files from a PK3 to then load them and cache them introduces stutters. I need these textures to work from a folder and not a PK3. This way I can remove the troublesome stutters and make it easier to install for people.
Also, I can't put all the textures into a PK3 anymore as the PK3 gets so big GZDoom skips loading it and I get no HD Textures. I would never have discovered using folders would eliminate the stutter if it wasn't for my main PK3 getting too big and GZDoom skipping it completely.

This is getting beyond frustrating. I can't get Plutonia or TNT overrides to work in the textures folder and I can't get ANY textures to work in the filter folder. I swear this is going to give me a stroke! :x

@Graf Zahl Help me, please?!
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by Enjay »

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what this thread is about, but this setup works for me:


A sub-folder of my GZDoom folder called Textures. In there there is a folder called Doom and that's where the Doom2 textures and textures common to all Doom games go. In the Doom folder there are also sub folders for textures specific to Doom, Plutonia and TNT.

[edit] Hmm, I'm not sure that the TNT and Plutonia specific textures are working - but the rest do. I'm not familiar enough with the textures from TNT & Plutonia to be certain what's going on there. This was just a setup that was extracted from a hi-res pack BTW. I did not name the folders myself.[/edit]
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by hoover1979 »

That's the same structure used in risen3D I don't think Plutonia or TNT work that way either. I looked at some mods and see they use the filter structure, but that's inside a PK3 file. It seems using the filter folder structure outside of PK3 files doesn't work.

You'll know if the Plutonia or TNT textures are working because if they aren't these games will use Doom 2's skies instead.
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by hoover1979 »

I tried putting my textures into a PK3 using the same structure as another mod I downloaded from Doomworld.

the mods structure was


so I did:


And tried to load GZDoom with the PK3. No textures loaded. Either this is because the PK3 was too big and GZDoom skipped it (PK3 was 2.4Gb) or the PK3 won't work without coding a definitions file and putting it into the PK3 (way beyond my knowledge). I still can't get one single texture to load when using the filter structure as folders either.

I can get textures to work as:

Main Textures = GZDoom\Textures\
Doom 1 Overrides = GZDoom\Textures\Doom\Doom1\
Doom 2 Overrides = GZDoom\Textures\Doom\Doom2\

I can't get Plutonia or TNT to load this way as I don't know the name or location these folders need to be, every attempt I have made has failed. There has to be a way to get the Plutonia and TNT overrides to work in this structure. The Filter structure is just not working at all and the Textures structure is working for the main files and the doom 1 and 2 overrides. Please for the love of god can someone help me get Plutonia and TNT overrides to work in the Textures structure?!
Last edited by hoover1979 on Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by hoover1979 »

Enjay wrote:Maybe I'm misunderstanding what this thread is about, but this setup works for me:

A sub-folder of my GZDoom folder called Textures. In there there is a folder called Doom and that's where the Doom2 textures and textures common to all Doom games go. In the Doom folder there are also sub folders for textures specific to Doom, Plutonia and TNT.

[edit] Hmm, I'm not sure that the TNT and Plutonia specific textures are working - but the rest do. I'm not familiar enough with the textures from TNT & Plutonia to be certain what's going on there. This was just a setup that was extracted from a hi-res pack BTW. I did not name the folders myself.[/edit]
Ok, I got doom 1 and 2 working in that structure but can confirm Plutonia and TNT do not load with those folder names/locations.
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by Get Phobo »

I mean to do that inside a PK3 archive, not a normal FS folder. It totally works for me.

EDIT: It also works with Plutonia and TNT.

Plutonia map 01:

Animated texture in map 02, third texture is missing:
https://imgur.com/FZkPRp1 - https://imgur.com/mxNjxfO - https://imgur.com/TJbF9XX

https://imgur.com/1u4mzP7 - https://imgur.com/ed7m5Hi - https://imgur.com/YMRMDvM - https://imgur.com/WQfOY6h

(In case you're wondering -- I'm using a mix of your 2K and 1K textures, with 1K acting as fillers where some of the 2K's are missing.)
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by hoover1979 »

I want to get all the textures to work as folder structure. I did try the filter structure in a PK3 as troubleshooting and not one single texture loaded then either. That's probably because the PK3 file was too big for GZDoom to handle and was skipped, or I need to code a defs file (beyond my ability) to get the game to recognize them. I can get the main textures and the doom 1 and 2 overrides to work through a TEXTURES folder, but not the overrides for Plutonia and TNT, this is what I need help for. Even under my original structure, the main files stopped working under PK3 structure so I believe I Have PK3 that's too big for GZDoom and am now required to use folders now.

The main files are in GZDoom\Textures\
The doom 1 overrides are in GZDoom\Textures\Dooom\Doom1\
The Doom 2 overrides are in GZDoom\Textures\Doom\Doom2\

I need to know what folder name and placements are required for the Plutonia and TNT overrides. I can't use the filter structure, it is not working, it HAS TO BE the Textures folder structure and NOT in PK3 files. PK3 files are not working for me anymore no matter what structure is inside of them.
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Re: (HELP) Textures override folder names

Post by Get Phobo »

The PK3 cannot be larger than 2 GB. I thought you knew that...?

Unless this limit gets removed, you won't be able to put everything into one file. But you can try to convert those textures that have no transparency to JPEG to save a lot of space and RAM. I use IrfanView and a 70% setting for that. That program has a really good JPEG saving function that produces a nice quality even at medium quality settings. Most of the time, 70% is enough for Doom.

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