Samsara: Extra Heroes (Version C2) + ExMixer (0.81)

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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Whoah »

dawnbreez wrote:I'm getting an error when I load ExHeroes in GZD3.5.1:

Code: Select all

Script error, "samsara_ex-hb3.pk3:decorate/lowang/slot7.dec" line 1211:
'user_angle' is already defined in 'MagicCircleFlameBall_1C' or one of its ancestors.
Script error, "samsara_ex-hb3.pk3:decorate/lowang/slot7.dec" line 1211:
Unexpected ';' in definition of 'MagicCircleFlameBall_1C'
The GZDoom compatible version ain't out yet, my dude
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Pangoro »

Greetings, Samsara fans, how are you? Sorry for bothering you, but I came for little help here.

(I'm new on this forum, so, pleased to meet everyone here)

I always loved samsara since the first release and combining it with extra heroes and monster mixer gives the user a lot of enhanced experience and always grant the posibility of playing a lof of Doom Megawads in styles he always dream, like "How about playing a Doom Mapset in Duke Nukem 3D stlye". That's when Samsara helps, playing as Duke Nukem and with DN3d monsters, like actually playing the mapset in Duke Nukem 3d engine. Same can go with "playing a mapset in Heretic, Marathon, Wolfenstein 3D, etc. I'm just telling this to establish an idea, but this is not the talk I came here for, so I'll get to the main point.

I always played many megawads using Zandronum 2.1.2. (offline plays, of course) and always enjoy them using one of the older versions of Extra Heroes and Monster Mixer. If I guess right, this is the wads I used since a few days (in Zandronum 2.1.2., of course), in this order.-

- the megawad goes here -

And everything plays perfcetly fine there, with Hardware rendering, all the monsters from Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Wolfenstein 3D, Chex Quest, Marathon, Heretic and Hexen mixed and smooth play without lag and enjoying it with the original and extra heroes that Samsara offer. One exception of course was MAP29 from Hellbound, but that was expected considering how big and frustating that map is.

Now that I gave a try to Zandronum 3.0, I tried with the following wad set. (The recent one)

- the megawad goes here -

Far now, plays "fine" with the new monster variety, however, I suffer from a lot of lagging on certain maps that I tested. Mainly, I tested with JP_CP.wad mapset, and MAP20 suffer from lot of lagging regardless of the monster variety chosen and MAP28 is totally unplayable due to the massive lag there.

I tried many attempts for solving the lag issue, like toying a little with the OpenGl option, but no gain at all. I switched to Software rendering, and gained just little smoothing, but still lags somehow and the monsters pallettes are a mess in software rendering. I switched to the independent graphic card, but nothing changes, and such card has 4GB of Vram.
I though if was maybe my device's hardware was the problem, so I made a test with my brother's PC that has an NVIDIA card with 8GB Vram, but still I had the same result. It also came to my mind that maybe it was my current Zandronum setting the culprit, so I moved my Zandronum-*user*.ini file to another folder, so the program would have a new fresh one, but still, the Monster Mixer still shows massive lags in big map and little but annoying one in middle ones.

That was I came to this forum and this topic too if I find some help about this lag issue with the monster mixer. Considering that my device runs other modern games perfectly, but, serously, can't run Samsara Mixer well enough?

Am I doing something wrong with the wads running?
Is some of my setting messed up for run this?
My hardware is not good enough for run it?

Any help will be appreciated, and thank you.
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Shiny Metagross »

I got a new video!

It even works on Multiplayer! 8-)

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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Captain J »

Motorcycle fight... INDOORS? :O That's very silly and clever at the same time!! Although that bike feels super slow... Somewhat just like in the original game.

Anyway, looks really brilliant mechanic!
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by BFG »

Something very small, but a new blood type for the Witchaven skeleton. I noticed in the original game that the skeletons drop bone fragments when you attack them and I saw that the sprites for those fragments were in the PK3 already.

Code: Select all

ACTOR NewBloodTypeBase //Blue Shadow
  Radius 2
  Height 2
    "####" "#" 1 A_FadeOut(0.25)
ACTOR WTSkeletonBlood : BulletPuff
    TNT1 A 0
    Goto High
    TNT1 A 0
    Goto Medium
    TNT1 A 0
    TNT1 AA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("SkeletonPiece", 0, 0, 8, random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4), random(2, 5), 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION | SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE | SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM)
    Goto SpawnPuff
    TNT1 AAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("SkeletonPiece", 0, 0, 8, random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4), random(2, 5), 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION | SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE | SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM)
    Goto SpawnPuff
    TNT1 AAAAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("SkeletonPiece", 0, 0, 8, random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4), random(2, 5), 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION | SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE | SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM)
    PUFF A 1

ACTOR SkeletonPiece : NewBloodTypeBase
scale 0.2
    TNT1 AA 0 A_Jump(256, "SpawnA", "SpawnB")
    TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, 1, 2, 3, 4)
    WH_A A  10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A B 10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A C 10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A D 10
    Goto Fade
    TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, 1, 2)
    WH_A EF 10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A G 10
    Goto Fade
and I also noticed that the Lava Fiend from Witchaven leaves a corpse in ExMixer, but in the original game his body bursts into smoke and vanishes, so I thought this combo might work for his death state:

Code: Select all

ZHRT E 0 A_Jump(80, "Vanish")
ZHRT E 0 A_Jump(80, "DeadBody")
	Vanish: // His body bursts into smoke and vanishes
		TNT1 A 0 A_GiveToTarget("KillCount",1)	
		WH_L K 3
		WH_L L 3 A_Scream
		WH_L M 3 A_NoBlocking
		WH_L N 3
		WH_L O 4
		WH_L P 4
		WH_L Q 4
		TNT1 AAAAAAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("WTFireMaceTrail",0,0,0,random(1,-1),random(1,-1),random(0,2),0,0)
	DeadBody: // How it currently is in ExMixer with a pile of red goo on the floor
		TNT1 A 0 A_GiveToTarget("KillCount",1)	
		WH_L K 3
		WH_L L 3 A_Scream
		WH_L M 3 A_NoBlocking
		WH_L N 3
		WH_L O 3
		WH_L P 3
		WH_L Q 3
		WH_L Q -1
Lastly I had started working on a Blake Stone sprite (the head was made by Graaicko and armor by Jesh). I wonder if you would use it if I finish it?
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Shiny Metagross »

BFG wrote:Something very small, but a new blood type for the Witchaven skeleton. I noticed in the original game that the skeletons drop bone fragments when you attack them and I saw that the sprites for those fragments were in the PK3 already.

Code: Select all

ACTOR NewBloodTypeBase //Blue Shadow
  Radius 2
  Height 2
    "####" "#" 1 A_FadeOut(0.25)
ACTOR WTSkeletonBlood : BulletPuff
    TNT1 A 0
    Goto High
    TNT1 A 0
    Goto Medium
    TNT1 A 0
    TNT1 AA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("SkeletonPiece", 0, 0, 8, random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4), random(2, 5), 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION | SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE | SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM)
    Goto SpawnPuff
    TNT1 AAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("SkeletonPiece", 0, 0, 8, random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4), random(2, 5), 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION | SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE | SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM)
    Goto SpawnPuff
    TNT1 AAAAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("SkeletonPiece", 0, 0, 8, random(-4, 4), random(-4, 4), random(2, 5), 0, SXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION | SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE | SXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM)
    PUFF A 1

ACTOR SkeletonPiece : NewBloodTypeBase
scale 0.2
    TNT1 AA 0 A_Jump(256, "SpawnA", "SpawnB")
    TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, 1, 2, 3, 4)
    WH_A A  10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A B 10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A C 10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A D 10
    Goto Fade
    TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, 1, 2)
    WH_A EF 10
    Goto Fade
    WH_A G 10
    Goto Fade
and I also noticed that the Lava Fiend from Witchaven leaves a corpse in ExMixer, but in the original game his body bursts into smoke and vanishes, so I thought this combo might work for his death state:

Code: Select all

ZHRT E 0 A_Jump(80, "Vanish")
ZHRT E 0 A_Jump(80, "DeadBody")
	Vanish: // His body bursts into smoke and vanishes
		TNT1 A 0 A_GiveToTarget("KillCount",1)	
		WH_L K 3
		WH_L L 3 A_Scream
		WH_L M 3 A_NoBlocking
		WH_L N 3
		WH_L O 4
		WH_L P 4
		WH_L Q 4
		TNT1 AAAAAAA 0 A_SpawnItemEx("WTFireMaceTrail",0,0,0,random(1,-1),random(1,-1),random(0,2),0,0)
	DeadBody: // How it currently is in ExMixer with a pile of red goo on the floor
		TNT1 A 0 A_GiveToTarget("KillCount",1)	
		WH_L K 3
		WH_L L 3 A_Scream
		WH_L M 3 A_NoBlocking
		WH_L N 3
		WH_L O 3
		WH_L P 3
		WH_L Q 3
		WH_L Q -1
Lastly I had started working on a Blake Stone sprite (the head was made by Graaicko and armor by Jesh). I wonder if you would use it if I finish it?
Yeah, I like them. We'll also certainly use the Blake Stone sprites if you finish them. Just make sure you keep them in their original palette.
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by BFG »

Last edited by BFG on Sat Jan 19, 2019 6:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Shiny Metagross »

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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by batos2 »

Code: Select all

Script error, "samsara_ex-hb3.pk3:decorate/core/ammo2.dec" line 326:
'@property@inventory.maxamount' is an unknown actor property
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by PlayerLin »

batos2 wrote:

Code: Select all

Script error, "samsara_ex-hb3.pk3:decorate/core/ammo2.dec" line 326:
'@property@inventory.maxamount' is an unknown actor property
Do not using latest GZDooM and latest Samsara 0.366 to run this mod, because of it won't works, the current version still for Samsara 0.31 beta and older GZDooM or Zandronum 3.0. (No, even you using older GZDooM/Zandronum 3.0, you can't use Samsara 0.366 because EX Heroes mod still not compatible with latest Samsara.)

The update version for latest GZDooM and Samsara still WIP.
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by batos2 »

PlayerLin wrote:
batos2 wrote:

Code: Select all

Script error, "samsara_ex-hb3.pk3:decorate/core/ammo2.dec" line 326:
'@property@inventory.maxamount' is an unknown actor property
Do not using latest GZDooM and latest Samsara 0.366 to run this mod, because of it won't works, the current version still for Samsara 0.31 beta and older GZDooM or Zandronum 3.0. (No, even you using older GZDooM/Zandronum 3.0, you can't use Samsara 0.366 because EX Heroes mod still not compatible with latest Samsara.)

The update version for latest GZDooM and Samsara still WIP.
Ok, Thanks You.
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Assassin of Purity »

I wonder, why was the Strife Commando given a pistol? Is it because a lot of characters start with pistols?
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Captain J »

I guess because the very first Long-Ranged Weapon you get in the game, Electric Crossbow has very slow firing speed, weak damage output and is just overall less useful. And it's not even a Hitscan weapon, so they found the way.
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by batos2 »

batos2 wrote:
PlayerLin wrote:
batos2 wrote:

Code: Select all

Script error, "samsara_ex-hb3.pk3:decorate/core/ammo2.dec" line 326:
'@property@inventory.maxamount' is an unknown actor property
Do not using latest GZDooM and latest Samsara 0.366 to run this mod, because of it won't works, the current version still for Samsara 0.31 beta and older GZDooM or Zandronum 3.0. (No, even you using older GZDooM/Zandronum 3.0, you can't use Samsara 0.366 because EX Heroes mod still not compatible with latest Samsara.)

The update version for latest GZDooM and Samsara still WIP.
Ok, Thanks You.
But... Which version of GZDoom are you using for this mod? :?:
The mod was already running well with Zandronum 3.0 but when I included ExMixer I got an error::

Code: Select all

10 errors while parsing DECORATE scripts
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Re: [WIP] Samsara: Extra Heroes + ExMixer

Post by Shiny Metagross »

No GZDoom version will run any public release. And you need Skulltag actors for Zandronum, run that first in your oder.

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