[3.7-pre746+] Some looping sounds aren't cut off properly

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Lord Misfit
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[3.7-pre746+] Some looping sounds aren't cut off properly

Post by Lord Misfit »

If you play LegendDoomLite or any variant of it, monsters will give off a looping noise of sorts when they go Legendary to alert the player when they are close by. However when they die, that looping sound always stopped. However since 3.7-pre746-ge83af1590 and later, killing a transformed Legendary monster no longer cuts off said looping sound, causing it to endlessly loop from the dead monster's position with no real way to stop it, which also throws off players trying to listen for other possible Legendary monsters.

You can test it w/ @ https://www.dropbox.com/s/zl95va502mcxs ... 0.pk3?dl=1 and set the mod's "Die.exe" option to "...has finished installing" and load a map to test it out immediately since that option makes all monsters turn Legendary instead of it being randomized.

Minor Edit for clarification: pre-733 still works as it should with the looping sound getting cut off when the enemy dies, the change is somewhere between 733 and 746 it seems.
Last edited by Lord Misfit on Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [3.7-pre746+] Some sounds aren't cut off properly in LDL

Post by Sumwunn »

Did some prodding:

https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom/com ... 0ea994a551

Testing the build from this commit fixed linking of optimized POSIX targets does not have the looping sound bug.
The build from commit deprecated a few functions that depend on AAPTR_* to be useful does have the issue.

Maybe this has something to do with it?
https://github.com/coelckers/gzdoom/com ... 0afb0eL907
Last edited by Sumwunn on Sat Dec 08, 2018 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [3.7-pre746+] Some sounds aren't cut off properly in LDL

Post by Marisa the Magician »

I've noticed the issue of looping sounds not stopping with other mods too.

Strangely, I don't see anything in that commit that could be responsible.
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Re: [3.7-pre746+] Some looping sounds aren't cut off properl

Post by Sumwunn »

I should clarify:

I do not mean that commit itself could be the issue alone, but rather any in-between those two are (lack of appveyor builds for those).
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Re: [3.7-pre746+] Some looping sounds aren't cut off properl

Post by Lord Misfit »

So I found out that in my specfic situation, the sound is activated by an inventory item that's given to the monster for a moment when they transform and then clears itself from the monster's inventory, so I thought I'd try to set it up the monster itself directly emits the sound instead of the item in their inventory and set it in ZScript to stop the sound when the monster dies, but it also fails to work, so I wonder if A_StopSound got broken somewhere, as suggested in the edited post Sumwunn mentioned above.
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Re: [3.7-pre746+] Some looping sounds aren't cut off properl

Post by Graf Zahl »

Does it also happen if you start GZDoom with '+vm_jit 0'?
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Re: [3.7-pre746+] Some looping sounds aren't cut off properl

Post by Lord Misfit »

This is actually NOT happening when vm_jit is 0. The sound cuts off just fine under that setting.

On the subject of "sound" related testing, is there a way to make the display text for the "noise" ccmd bigger, more like how the "stat [x]" readouts are? The text is pretty tiny in all honesty. x.x
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Re: [3.7-pre746+] Some looping sounds aren't cut off properl

Post by _mental_ »

Fixed in f6bb337.

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