Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition v1.01 HOTFIX

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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by RikohZX »

Nash wrote:
RikohZX wrote:Seems due to the way the models for blood work, they can not only block you on elevators if one's above you, but they can also cause doors to get jammed if an enemy dies next to them. Especially polyobject doors.
Can you describe how to accurately reproduce this repeatedly?
I was playing the third level of Ashes, killing enemies directly in front of doors and it seems the blood pools were causing it but i'm not sure. Happened semi-consistently at two doors I needed to open with a switch, they just sort of stayed closed for several seconds before finally opening up. A gif I saw had the elevator block happen in Doom 2's Map01, killing the imps in the elevator secret room when they're at the edge and then parking yourself under their blood pool model seemed to have it happen too. I think the blood pools are considered physical objects.

Edit: Doesn't quite look the same as the gif I saw, the blood pool's jumping with the elevator movement (and i'm using a DN3D gameplay and texture mod to test compatibility), but my recreation:
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Agitatio »

I noticed that default blood effect uses particles, but it's not affected by particles style. I have mine set to square but the particles look round. Or is it a custom particle?
Anyway, any chance for an option to disable particles for blood effects?
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Nash »

Grigori wrote:I noticed that default blood effect uses particles, but it's not affected by particles style. I have mine set to square but the particles look round. Or is it a custom particle?
Anyway, any chance for an option to disable particles for blood effects?
The "default" style spawns circular-looking sprites. They are custom actors that are not affiliated with GZDoom's internal particle system. Now that you mention it, it does seem a little confusing indeed. I will see what I can do about this.
RikohZX wrote: Edit: Doesn't quite look the same as the gif I saw, the blood pool's jumping with the elevator movement (and i'm using a DN3D gameplay and texture mod to test compatibility), but my recreation:
Thanks, I'll investigate this.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by WallyTheBoogieBug »

I love this to bits. I especially love how the floor "decal" actors make sure that there is enough space on the floor to spawn them so they don't hang off of ledges. That was a huge annoyance of mine regarding other mods that use models to fake ceiling and floor decals. Now it's almost like GZDoom has a proper floor/ceiling decal system! Almost.

I can echo some of the bugs already mentioned however, blood pools do indeed block you when moving on lifts.

That actually makes me wonder, the only situation where blood pools hang off of ledges as I was mentioning is when a lift moves out from under them that the blood pool is not sitting on. Would it be possible to run a script to delete the hanging blood pools in the event this happens? That would fix that problem.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Agitatio »

Oh also. Nash, any plans for changing wall decals? They don't quite match floor/ceiling decals. But if I recall correctly there are issues with correctly translating colour so that all of them look consistent, right?
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Awez »

Amazing work Nash! I love the mod, the floor splatters are some of the best I've seen in almost any game and work very well with the style of the sprites in doom. My only issue is the way blood splatters on walls don't make sense to me, often the wall splatter will spawn halfway across the room, nowhere near the monster I was shooting. You should have an option to edit the radius that the wall blood splatters will spawn in as I'd really like to see them only spawning on the wall behind them and not too far away. Also, it would be nice to see blood squirt fountain stain the wall next to it if it is close enough. Good work Nash!
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by RikohZX »

Grigori wrote:Oh also. Nash, any plans for changing wall decals? They don't quite match floor/ceiling decals. But if I recall correctly there are issues with correctly translating colour so that all of them look consistent, right?
The FAQ in the opening post mentions this. The wall blood keeps the ZDoom default shaded textures while the ceiling/floor blood uses new flat textures; making the floor blood shaded would have z-fighting issues from sprites fighting for which is on top, while making the wall blood flat would remove the ability for it to be colored by enemy definitions.

It's a problem fundamental to the sourceport, as the wall blood and other wall decals suffer this limitation.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Trusty McLegit »

This looks pretty fantastic so far, my only problem is that the blood moves quite slowly, it looks like we're fighting on the moon with low gravity (yeah yeah I know DOOM takes place on a moon, but you know what I mean)
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Awez »

Trusty McLegit wrote:This looks pretty fantastic so far, my only problem is that the blood moves quite slowly, it looks like we're fighting on the moon with low gravity (yeah yeah I know DOOM takes place on a moon, but you know what I mean)
Yeah I completely agree with this point, you should have an option in the settings to configure the gravity of the blood particles and the amount of force they are launched at.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by MrJohnny »

Thanks for this, Nash. I've been following this for nine years now, and it feels really nice to finally play it. Anyhow, I've got some bug reports and a few points of constructive criticism.

So far I've found about four bugs. The first one was the "blood blocks elevators and doors" problem, which has already been addressed. The second is that the blood models behave strangely at times. Sometimes when blood actors spawn on a lift or under a door, the actor warps between the floor and the moving sector. Here are some screenshots to give you an idea of what I mean.
The third is that corpses sometimes stay solid and thus hinder the player's movement. This is especially annoying in hallways. It seems to occur in small cramped areas. It can be easily replicated in the maze-like section of E1M4.
The fourth is an issue with the "squish" effect. When corpses are crushed, the squish effect is triggered regardless of whether or not it is actually between the floor and a crusher/door. I encountered this bug several times during my playthrough of Ultimate Doom.
Another possible bug is the absence of the blood "spurt" effect in small cramped areas. This issue is synonymous with the "solid corpse" bug. Although this could've been an intentional design choice to avoid actor/geometry weirdness.

Here's some critique/suggestion stuff:
~ The blood trails for the "classic" gore-style option are too bright, if you ask me. They really clash with the blood splash actors.
~ I'm sorry, but to me, the 2D blood splat sprites look awful. They could use some work.
~ Any chance of adding 3D blood fog for liquid terrain?
Trusty McLegit wrote:This looks pretty fantastic so far, my only problem is that the blood moves quite slowly, it looks like we're fighting on the moon with low gravity (yeah yeah I know DOOM takes place on a moon, but you know what I mean)
This, I have to disagree with. This is one of the main appeals for me. To me, this is what makes it stand out from everything else. It's all "float-y" and tastefully exaggerated. This is absolutely one of my favorite things about this mod.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by BROS_ETT_311 »

Pompous Seed wrote:~ Any chance of adding 3D blood fog for liquid terrain?
Funny enough, I was about to request the same thing on a different post! Good to know I'm not alone here, the droplets mod handles blood fog gorgeously and it would be sweet to see that here in nashgore. Another cool feature would be the option for some kind of blood mist, as well as shootable corpses like in the universal-gib mod. Can't think of any reason to use other gore mods at that point.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Nash »

Thank you for all the feedback thus far! I will be addressing all of them - except the floor/wall splat visual difference* - in 1 go before putting out a new version. Keep 'em coming! :)

* Really unsure how to solve this. There really is absolutely no way at all to make all splats look consistent. Had it my way, I'd make the wall splats render as solid too, as that fits the pixel art style of Doom better...
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by WallyTheBoogieBug »

Oh, I dont know if this was also mentioned, but crushed corpses (the ones that spawn the gore trails) can't be resurrected by archviles. Lud's universal gib mod struggled with this issue for a long time so if you have trouble fixing it it might be wise to just let us disable corpse crushing altogether. You can disable the trails at the moment, but not the crushing.
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by RikohZX »

Maybe a config option for wall splat replacements if players don't mind the red? Or is there a way to get it to be models like the floor blood stains, that will fade in time so that there aren't too many models in the map or something?
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Re: Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition [v0.9 Beta Release]

Post by Nash »

WallyTheBoogieBug wrote:Oh, I dont know if this was also mentioned, but crushed corpses (the ones that spawn the gore trails) can't be resurrected by archviles.
Is this not vanilla gameplay behaviour? Dead monsters crushed by doors can never be resurrected because the original monster Actor is already Destroy()'ed and cleared from memory by then.

A design philosophy of Nash's Gore Mod is I try to not alter vanilla gameplay at all (and for this reason, corpse gibbing isn't in yet, despite popular requests and even as an optional feature, I'm still undecided about it).

@ Everyone:

Can you test something real quick for me? Open up nashgore.pk3 then navigate to zscript/NashGoreBloodPlane.zc, and delete line 305. Save it, then can you test it to see if it fixes the "blocks your movement" bug?

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