New Member Introductions

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by hybridial »

Technically I made my account here some time ago, mainly for the purposes of posting questions and feedback with a modder here, but I thought maybe I'd actually try to become a semi regular here for a couple of reasons.

Lately I have come to conclude something; modern games suck, modern game graphics only expose failure to attain the photorealism most people seem to expect and companies waste millions on only to result in deficient results that look ugly already and will look really ugly in just a couple of years, and whilst Nintendo in many ways have gone against this ridiculous and pointless trend, they suck at making games now and I'm not buying a Switch. I bought a Wii, I never quite forgave them for that.

But back in the day I loved the N64. I never did play Doom 64. and one of the worst decisions I probably ever made as a gamer was to pick Castlevania 64 in a choice between that and Quake 2. But eh, Quake 64, Duke Nukem 64 Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and the Turok series did instil in me an appreciation for the FPS genre.

And so I dipped in and out of various games on various source ports in the years since, but only really recently did I sit down to really play Doom via the GZDoom engine, along with Heretic, Hexen, Quake and Quake 2. (Also Descent 1 and 2). Amid Evil, Overload and Dusk coming along and being awesome is also a big bonus. It really has reminded me how good games could be and that I don't have to play the modern bland boring shit that is the AAA gaming industry today.

And I'm posting for two main reasons, one is I wouldn't mind doing some online co-op on Doom, but would feel awkward just blindly joining a server on Zandronum. Would prefer to be invited I guess. And the other is... I have zero programming experience. And probably zero aptitude for it. But I wouldn't mind seeing if I can get into making maps for Doom, and would like some pointers and advice given to me on the basis that I am an idiot, I might as well be when it comes to this sort of thing.

Otherwise, happy to be here.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Vostyok »

If you want coop, get on our discord. You might find someone running a game:


Also, modding doom is ridiculously easy compared to most of languages/engines I've tried. You'll want to look at the wiki:

Apart from that, welcome (back) to the forums!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by TheSeventh »

I'm a long-time modder but it's always been with tinkering-level projects and never with anything I felt was good enough to be released. Recently me and a friend in college have challenged each other to complete a monthly project of our choosing(we both amass unfinished projects faster than the US amasses debt) and I have finally made some decent progress on a single project and I feel I have the drive to see this one to the end.

I've been programming/modding for almost ten years now and have modded/mapped for several FPS games in the past including Half-Life, Sven Co-op(still half-life but they have a scripting language now), Quake, and Unreal.

I finally made a forum account because I've ran into a few snags and wanted to get some feedback on what I've been working on. Currently I'm working on a dumb project to blend Minecraft with Doom taking the innocence and simplistic style of Minecraft and adding lots of gore and visceral weaponry. When I get farther along I'll post a thread with some screenshots and I hope for it to be a total conversion when it's done.

Lastly, my handle is dumb and I came up with it when I was a kid but I've stuck with it after all these years of playing games and being online. No, there is no significance to it what-so-ever.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by SHayden »

I'm not a new member(...duh :P) but I just wanted to say here that I only just read the rules regarding brutal doom(link in the original post) and I seriously did not know those stuff written there until now. And I clearly remember making posts linked with brutal doom that I'm not going to mention and I feel bad for being so ignorant :blergh:
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by xxWeNxx »

hey, I am new here
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by sinaptica »

Hi all, I have been a lurking for a long time.
You don't know me, but I know you :mrgreen: (That's creepy, Huh?)

I hope to be able to contribute something good to the Doom community onwards.

See you around!
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Get Phobo
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Get Phobo »


I guess I forgot to introduce myself. I am a guy who's played Doom now and then for more than 20 years. As a teenager, I used to built a few maps for deathmatches with friends over a serial cable, followed by IPX and, later, Ethernet LAN and 56k modem. By 1998, I got pretty annoyed by Quake 2 and pretty much anything that came after, save for RTCW. Those were the late 90s for me. I was really glad when Doom Legacy came out. That was a fantastic port and kept me playing Doom over the years. Today, it is mainly GZDoom that keeps me going thanks to its numerous features. In any case, I am an old-school type who actually hated most of the 90's stuff back then already, with the exception of some PC games. I still do. :lol:

I am not completely new to the Doom community since, 10 years ago, I released a wad that replaced nearly all sounds and the intermission music as well as the background pics in Doom II with stuff from the Nazi-German wartime newsreel 'Die Deutsche Wochenschau' -- something meant as a joke, not an actual evil mod like MoonManDoom, mind you. I've always been a fan of the sound and style of 1930's to 1950's newsreel narrative in general, and Harry Giese's extraordinary one in particular. After the war, Giese took up his profession again as a narrator of documentary films. He was not an evil Nazi, just a tool of theirs.

Anyway, I've registered with this board because I wanted to get into touch with those who continue to make Doom an ever better game and to contribute a little bit more to it myself. I am overwhelmed by the massive number of recent developments, so I guess I will have to dedicate my free time to just a few of them, but I believe that it's worth it as Doom is here to stay and not going away.

Well, I've just decided to prepare a little birthday present to our favorite game, so I'll get back to work now.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by sinaptica »

Get Phobo wrote:Hello,

I guess I forgot to introduce myself.
Welcome to the forums :)
Doom is like an incurable sickness that won't go away, even 20+ years after contracting it.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Grumpy Tengu »

Hello ZDoom Community,
I am kinda new here or not really as ive been lurking in these forums for years now, ive just now decided to finally join this amazing Community.
I simply wanted to share my love for the game that never stopped giving and talk with people who feel the same way about this 25 year old badboy.
I played it first when i was still a kid, it was the Final Doom port on the playstation 1 and until 9 years ago i thought that was all Doom was, i only know about Final Doom and Doom 3 and when i discovered there was Doom 1, Doom 2, Doom 64 and so on my Love for this game was just reignited and kept on till this very day.
Ive played countless mods from all around the community and i consider myself competent? at doom in general.
Among my favourite mods are for example DoomRL arsenal, the Golden souls mods, colorful hell and so on.
I might even one day release my own mod as ive only played around with files on my own and all that i know of is what ive learned from looking through other peoples files and ive never done anything completly from scratch more like "oh i dont like the skin of this mods new weapon ill just replace it with the old one use that for myself" or "Im not happy with this guns animation ill just try to fix it on my own" stuff like that.
Well i guess thats most of it... Im generally sitting infront of the computer playing games or watching anime if im not working or doing archery...

So uhm if there is anything anyone wants to know or talk about, feel free to shoot me a message :D
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by ljwon_1 »

Hello, I'm here for the first time.
This is the first time for me to join a forum.
As you can see, I am from South Korea.
But I am not good at English.

I've been enjoying Doom for 10 years.
I have been zdoom modding since 6 years ago.

Anyway, Nice to see you.
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Post by JJmaster »

Hello, I'm jj master newbie programmer and illustrator. I met the community of zdoom and modding for brutal doom in 2012. Since then I have always been interested in this topic and always wanted to learn about it
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by DifficultyGuy »

Hi, I've been into doom for years now and lurked zdoom, doomworld, etc. for the same amount of time. The wads I'll probably focus on will be difficulty stat modifications along with some other joke wads. I was interested in making a western themed wad, but highnoon drifter, gunslinger, and western patch v2 knocked it out of the park already. If any one can tell me some hints on how to use this board (viewing bookmarks and subscriptions) it will be appreciated.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Rachael »

DifficultyGuy wrote:If any one can tell me some hints on how to use this board (viewing bookmarks and subscriptions) it will be appreciated.
Viewing Bookmarks:

Viewing Subscriptions:

You should be able to bookmark these in your web browser.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by WAN_Scotty »

Hi my name is Scott and I'm a big Doom fan since old days.

My Reddit:
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My YouTube: ... QoHK-wKfpg
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by NiTROACTiVE »

Hello everybody, the name's NiTROACTiVE. Some of you many know me as Aquarius199 on YouTube, where I make videos on Doom WADs. I'm also a member of Doomworld Forums, as I posted there many times before. I have also made plenty of Doom WADs as seen on my website, and the biggest project I ever made is Illuminatus, which is a classic 32-map megawad for Doom II. I do have plans for a sequel for that Doom WAD as well that I would like to make someday, and it would be cool if it could be a compilation project as well. So thanks for having me here. :)

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