При выстреле игра зависает

Need help running G/Q/ZDoom/ECWolf/Zandronum/3DGE/EDuke32/Raze? Did your computer break? Ask here.

Moderator: GZDoom Developers

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Contrary to popular belief, we are not all-knowing-all-seeing magical beings!

If you want help you're going to have to provide lots of info. Like what is your hardware, what is your operating system, what version of GZDoom/LZDoom/whatever you're using, what mods you're loading, how you're loading it, what you've already tried for fixing the problem, and anything else that is even remotely relevant to the problem.

We can't magically figure out what it is if you're going to be vague, and if we feel like you're just wasting our time with guessing games we will act like that's what you're really doing and won't help you.

При выстреле игра зависает

Post by Guest »

При выстреле персонажом или врагом игра тут же крашаеться,не знаю что делать, помогите пожалуйста :?: :?: :?:
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Re: При выстреле игра зависает

Post by Rachael »

Auto Translated wrote:When the game is fired, the game freezes

Unread postby Octavia Brookwill »Thu 2018-08-16 16:47:23

This post is waiting for approval. This post is waiting for approval.
When you shoot a character or an enemy, the game immediately dashes, I do not know what to do, help me please
I'm sorry, but it's likely that we cannot help you if you aren't able to use English. The ability for anyone to help you is depending on them understanding Russian. Use Google Translate.
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Re: При выстреле игра зависает

Post by m8f »

Нужна версия GZDoom и список загруженных модов с указанием их порядка. Если после падения GZDoom появляются файлы report.txt, log.rtf, local.txt, приложите их. Если при падении на экран выводится ошибка, приложите скриншот. Также могут пригодиться характеристики компьютера.

Please supply GZDoom version and the list of loaded mods, and their load order. If files report.txt, log.rtf, local.txt are generated after crash, please supply them. If there is on-screen error, supply a screenshot. Also supplying your computers specs may help.

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