[WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by PixelWAD »

I'll be home soon and I'll post it then.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Ichor »

Ahh yes, the chicken launcher. I remember adding that to AEoD years ago. Funniest weapon in the game next to the jackbomb. It will be nice to use that thing again.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Captain J »

Yeah, about the Chicken launcher in AEoD, it's smart and deadly, yes. But i always thought it's some kind of double-edged sword; Its splash damage is no joke and the projectile sometimes get stuck in the wall, ceiling or props because it's way too Smart. However this makes the weapon a lot fun to use, so no biggie.

... Yeah, to the topic, i really wish you can bring up some more stuff from Redneck Rampage resources, A to Z!
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by PixelWAD »

Redneck Rampage and RR Again maps in WAD format for Doom 2 - https://www90.zippyshare.com/v/fvvnGD9o/file.html
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Nailz the Ravager »

PixelWAD wrote:Redneck Rampage and RR Again maps in WAD format for Doom 2 - https://www90.zippyshare.com/v/fvvnGD9o/file.html
I'm want to shake your hand. I don't know how you did it, but it's incredible!
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by PixelWAD »

It's a pretty long story. Been looking for the right tools for quite a while and finally stumbled upon some old file on russian server I think.
It did not run on Windows XP or Windows 7, so I had to start Virtual Machine to get it running and email converted files lol.

It does work with all BUILD games I think, except the new Duke Anniversary.
I successfully converted NAM maps as well.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Shiny Metagross »

NailZx128 wrote:
S_Andrew_S wrote:*Sigh* You've been using our code yet our Samsara addon projects have not even been mentioned ONCE on this topic. This especially irritates me because while we used Aeod as a base for the enemies (and although they were also refined), I actually made Rides Again enemies myself from scratch. And speaking of scratch, it was I who made Billy Ray scratch his ass and sniff too! And it was Jesh who came up with these names for actors and state names, only he could do THAT! Didn't even do a good job cleaning up his tracks.


And here's our currently Zandronum only project to prove that I didn't just fabricate the evidence, development builds right now are GZDoom compatible and run with Samsara 0.3666 and we will post a topic as soon as I finish the trailer.

https://allfearthesentinel.net/zandronu ... -v0.72.pk3
Forgive me for using your code without your permission. I would point to the authors of the code if I knew their names. Just tell the names of those who worked on the code of enemies. And i will mention them in this topic. I apologize for such impudence.
Sorry if I came off as a bit rude though, just give us credit next time, our project has been far below the radar then I would prefer and the only reason it's been that way is because between the release of Kinsie's Samsara and our changes between the add-on heroes and the enemy cores it's been taking a long time to settle things in and be completely thorough.
PixelWAD wrote:Hopefully instead of making two different versions, you guys can combine forces and make joint operation.

I have successfully converter Redneck maps to WAD format to use with gzDoom. Plenty of errors, but lots of geometry does work. Perfect for making remakes, or just trying to get the Redneck aesthetics right.

Any interest? Then I'll zip it all and share here.
The thing is, we create Samsara add-ons, while this project is a TC. However, I am paying attention to the redneck rampage death match maps because death match over Zandronum has been trending lately, and besides, WADS with a Redneck Rampage theme are already quite scarce and I've been interested in seeing some for years. I'm already under too much stress between finishing up a complete Half Life enemy set. I'll tell you what though, Jesh has never really been very interested in my motorcycle, and my food and alcohol system, and it sorta broke online and the Zandronum devs never really care to fix it. I think you can put those resources to good use here though if I can find them, just PM me for them if you want them.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by PixelWAD »

I think me and the whole community would appreciate any files being shared. It's always helpful down the line...

However I think we all struggle with too many projects running at once! :)
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Shiny Metagross »

I got a topic created here for those of you who are interested, I think you Redneck Rampage fans will really like my trailer!
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Clownman »

Oh my god, this is awesome!

I actually tried to make a mod like this a long time ago along with a very-blocky/limited recreation of Taylor Town, without any real knoledge of how the game's levels were and basing it off videos. I'm glad this is becoming an actual thing, and seeing the maps being converted is a great thing too. I would be more than happy to try and restore them to be playable in the ZDoom engine, possibly even look into making an enhancement addon after seeing that one Blood remake project that's also on here.

EDIT: Wow you already gave the weapons more flare, nevermind O w O
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

I'm awestruck with the converted Redneck Rampage maps. I gave the starting area a few textures, and it does look legit just like the game. Of course I only did this for fun, I'm not familiar enough with RR to the point where I could feasibly recreate all maps, and I'm an amateur mapper to boot. I'm just sayin' though, killing demons in hicks town would be pretty sweet.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by PixelWAD »

I tried it before as well, it looked good! However more complicated areas needs to be recreated manually i think.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Clownman »

PixelWAD wrote:I tried it before as well, it looked good! However more complicated areas needs to be recreated manually i think.
If you cut and paste the room above rooms to somewhere else on the map as a teleport-to place you can fix them easily.
HorrorMovieGuy wrote:I'm awestruck with the converted Redneck Rampage maps. I gave the starting area a few textures, and it does look legit just like the game. Of course I only did this for fun, I'm not familiar enough with RR to the point where I could feasibly recreate all maps, and I'm an amateur mapper to boot. I'm just sayin' though, killing demons in hicks town would be pretty sweet.
Mind if I ask for the map/texture file you got there to continue? I’ve been trying to edit Taylor Town and got a good hand of how to move the room above rooms and got texture scaling to work in UDMF.... But the Realm667 texture pack isn’t doing me too much good considering it’s missing the tree top textures and a few others. I’m not sure if you ripped them all manually.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by Enjay »

Clownman wrote:
PixelWAD wrote:I tried it before as well, it looked good! However more complicated areas needs to be recreated manually i think.
If you cut and paste the room above rooms to somewhere else on the map as a teleport-to place you can fix them easily.
Using statically linked portals, assuming the architecture is suitable, is even better than traditional teleporting. In game, it's absolutely seamless - sounds, projectiles, whatever pass through the portal and the game even superimposes the linked areas on top of each other in the automap.
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Re: [WIP] Redneck Rampage in DOOM! (NEW VERSION!)

Post by HorrorMovieRei »

Clownman wrote:Mind if I ask for the map/texture file you got there to continue? I’ve been trying to edit Taylor Town and got a good hand of how to move the room above rooms and got texture scaling to work in UDMF.... But the Realm667 texture pack isn’t doing me too much good considering it’s missing the tree top textures and a few others. I’m not sure if you ripped them all manually.
There are actually two RR texture packs on Realm667. One of them is more incomplete, and the other has everything. Download the one that's larger, that's the better one.
I could however rip the textures from the actual game, so they keep their "TILEXXXXX" name. idk if that would help but, if anyone needs it...

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