Might & Magic games (VI-VII-VIII) got a lot of resources that are pretty compatible with DOOM in general, it just takes a little bit of work to make them usable. I always loved both DOOM and M&M series and that is my attempt to give another breath to the art that is otherwise collecting dust.
Why VII? 3 games are relatively similar, although 6 doesn't have side attack frames for monsters, meaning that infighting will look not very nice. While 7 and 8 got the frames needed. And so to not disrupt the art style I decided to go completely with just 7, at least for now. In future anything can be done, I just feel like 7 will provide a good start.
The state of the project is "proof of concept",
The archive contains: [outdated]
- 18 Monsters scripted with DECORATE in attempt to resemble the vanilla Doom monsters in behavior
- A set of high resolution (128x256) wall textures (around 1k in total). All of them are scaled down using TEXTURES lump
- Terrain tiles (Dirt (+Road), Grass, Snow, Desert, Badlands, Shore, Swamp)
- A lot of misc actors such as trees, flowers, bushes, rocks, torches and etc with entries in GLDEFS and DECORATE
- Ambient sounds

preview of wall textures included in the archive (zoomable)
mini version here
Spoiler: General Information
Spoiler: Screenshots
Spoiler: VideosRequires GZDoom and DOOM2.wad
UI is tied to 16:9. The native resolution is 720p (1024) if you want a crispy picture. The fonts rely on that quite a lot.
Anything bigger then that will require "Use Linear Scaling" enabled in Video Mode options, texture filtering should be enabled as well.
Everything Doom related including the test map was made using solely SLADE.
SpriteShadow by Nash is included in the archive.
Download the latest version: MM7_71.PK3 [166MB]
A completely scripted Unicorn from M&M 8
Is not yet included so keeping the link here just in case.
Got it from BFG. Thanks a lot!
Screenshot gallery with images from the original title
YouTube There are some small videos regarding the project.
Special thanks to Sergey "GrayFace" Rozhenko for making and keeping most of the software I used to extract the resources.
Thanks to StormCat for making MM7View which allowed to access the string tables of the original game.
Make sure to also visit Ettingrinder, who made a lot of things regarding Witchaven, especially JOETOOLS which made possible to extract the sounds and music from the games.
Spoiler: Extracting resources on your ownUsage of anything in this post requires no permission (at least from me).