I figured that the potions/spiritual armor pickups would be good places to spawn them because of where health/armor bonuses are typically placed--lots of them, along a wall or on a "shelf" of sorts, in almost every level.Caligari87 wrote:I don't think I'll be adding them to the spiritual armor or blue potions if that's what you're meaning; those are supernatural artifacts and wouldn't have any relation to human supplies.
I'll add ration spawns and/or replacements for some other things. Right now I'm thinking stimpacks (maybe medikits?) and ammo boxes of all kinds would be good candidates for food to spawn next to or (rarely) replace.
Agreed on placing them with stims/medkits, though. That makes just as much sense. And ammo boxes also make sense.
This is also a good idea. Dead bodies aren't as common as bonus spawns, but they'd make sense to the player--"guess he forgot his lunch"-Ghost- wrote:Can you make them spawn by marine bodies and such?