[0.5A Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom and Heretic

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Re: [0.1a Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Nailz the Ravager »

Awesome mod! Do you plan to add levels from the original game? It would be incredibly cool to see the Chasm levels on the Doom engine.
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Re: [0.1a Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Gideon020 »

You guys should try Slipgate Complex, Dissolution and Ultimate Torment and Torture with this, it really feels like a different game.
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Re: [0.1a Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by YukesVonFaust »

will this mod implement the ability to remove limbs from enemies as in the original game?
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Re: [0.1a Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Turret49 »

The ZScript spawners don't seem to be accounting for actor angle, so all of the imp/demon replacements spawn facing the same direction. (should probably track spawn flags, tags and action specials too!)
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Re: [0.1a Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Pandut »

EDIT: Newest version on op
Awesome mod! Do you plan to add levels from the original game? It would be incredibly cool to see the Chasm levels on the Doom engine.
Thanks! Yeah I'd love to try and re-create some Chasm levels for Doom, however I know little to nothing about Doom Builder. Something on my bucket list though.
will this mod implement the ability to remove limbs from enemies as in the original game?
Gonna have to give a solid 'not sure'. P sure it'd be possible, but it'd be an extremely insane amount of work to do. It's something I'm not really thinking of atm.
The ZScript spawners don't seem to be accounting for actor angle, so all of the imp/demon replacements spawn facing the same direction. (should probably track spawn flags, tags and action specials too!)
Yeah I've noticed this too, I'm completely new to ZScript but will tinker around to hopefully get em' right.
Last edited by Pandut on Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Captain J »

Excellent update! It looks really great so far. Although i found some glitches and got some feedback to talk about;
Spoiler: Feedbackasm: The Rift!
And that's about it. Tremendous and retrospective mod!
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by HAL9000 »

Captain J wrote:
I'm working on 3D Gibs/Limbs (big Image),
Imo combination of existing Xdeath 2D and 3d gibs would look the best.
Pandut will probably add Xdeath 3d gibs in future updates.
Anyways does anyone know is it possible to trigger frames when the actor touches the floor.
For example:

-Gibs are flying all across the room after gibbing the enemy.
-Flying gib is in state of FRAME1, until it touches the floor.
-When it touch the floor, then it will trigger the animation Frame1,Frame2,Frame3....FrameX,Stop

I want to simulate (baked/fake) physics for limbs/gibs like in the GIF above.
I would appreciate some help / tips on how to execute this.
Last edited by HAL9000 on Thu Jun 21, 2018 7:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by HAL9000 »

New Player Model with Doomguy colors looks awesome ingame. Pandut, Thanks for adding this!!
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by QuakedoomNukem Cz »

Small "bug" report: Chasm Fists don't replace Fist, as you still get the "Brass Knuckles" with "Give all" and such.
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by HAL9000 »

Chasmguy Face Sprites Test, First version (40*40px)
Made from the Chasm Hero Model Skin & Doom guy


@Pandut what do you think?
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Captain J »

Why, that looks super splendid! Can't wait for the next update, for sure!
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Hellstorm Archon »

Also, I’ve come to notice that the actual game itself may not have as much variety in terms of decorations. As a result, I feel it would raise the opportunity of taking some liberties (such as dead marines replaced with a bloody version of the player model, gibbed player corpses replaced by a corpse of a marine that’s been mangled beyond recognition, the hanging corpses replaced with dead marines with the appropriate missing body parts, etc.)
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Enjay »

Great mod - really enjoying it. I liked the original game and seeing all this stuff in a better, actually playable, engine is great.

Personally, I'm not convinced that the keycard panel in the HUD is in the best place - it just looks stuck on in any old place IMO and looks odd hanging there on the screen (especially when it has no key icons in it). However, that's a fairly minor nitpick in an otherwise really well presented mod.
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by Pandut »

- How exactly the randomspawner works? Imp spawners spawns just one same enemy. But in next map, it spawns different enemy but acts just the same.
Really just a case of Chasm having a ton more monsters than Doom and me wanting to include all of them. They're all Imp-level enemies but behave at least somewhat differently.
Plus, Demon and Spectre Spawners works well. But when i try to summon them, it summons vanilla ones instead.
Likely my fault, I'm super new to how Zscript works.
- Not a big fan of Duke nukem 3D gibs, to be honest. Enemies are all Polygonal but flinging 2D gibs looks comical. Would be nice if they can fling Quake 1 gibs or something. Doesn't mean that it needs to be really replaced. Just saying.
Yeah I fully intend on making the gore 3D, the sprites are just placeholders for now.
- Don't know if you can retrieve the thrown Saw in original game, but i wish i can grab it back. It's hard to fight with only rifle in every first map. I can't pick more of them unless there's a backpack, chainsaw or Jester enemy on the map.
It is pretty difficult to get ammo for the Saw, been trying to figure out how to make getting ammo for it easier. Recovering blades is a good idea.
- Some Powerups haven't replaced yet. Do you want to replace them all or maybe few of them?
I haven't gotten to those yet, haven't been able to find the 3D models used for Chasm's powerups.
- Berserk doesn't affect the player's fists.
I will fix that when I start workin' on the powerups.
- HUD always displays shotgun ammo icon. In the original game, it shows different ammo icon depends on what weapon the player have selected.
I'm currently reworking the HUD completely to look both better and show more information.
- Rocket Launcher, Laser Crossbow and Mega Destroyer's Projectile has no decals.
I always forget to add decals :'D.
- Now this is some serious problem; The Intermission screen shows that i haven't collected all the items and killed all enemies. I'm not whining, but really, i've beaten the Entryway with perfect run, but it showed 61% kills and 63% items.
Iiiiii honestly have no idea what could be causing that issue D:
Small "bug" report: Chasm Fists don't replace Fist, as you still get the "Brass Knuckles" with "Give all" and such.
Yeah, that'll be fixed in the next version.
Also, I’ve come to notice that the actual game itself may not have as much variety in terms of decorations. As a result, I feel it would raise the opportunity of taking some liberties (such as dead marines replaced with a bloody version of the player model, gibbed player corpses replaced by a corpse of a marine that’s been mangled beyond recognition, the hanging corpses replaced with dead marines with the appropriate missing body parts, etc.)
Yee that's possible, and I likely will eventually work on replacing some 2D decorations with 3D variants. Just ironing out the main package.
Personally, I'm not convinced that the keycard panel in the HUD is in the best place - it just looks stuck on in any old place IMO and looks odd hanging there on the screen (especially when it has no key icons in it). However, that's a fairly minor nitpick in an otherwise really well presented mod.
Agreed, when I was first putting the HUD together I just kinda tossed them in there somewhere. Currently reworking the HUD and reorganizing stuff so it's not so weird.
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Re: [0.2 Release] ZRift - Chasm in Doom (DL link in OP)

Post by EddieMann »

Try making the font like the game's and replace "You Found a Secret!" with "Restricted Area".

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