OpenBSD support?

Need help running G/Q/ZDoom/ECWolf/Zandronum/3DGE/EDuke32/Raze? Did your computer break? Ask here.

Moderator: GZDoom Developers

Forum rules
Contrary to popular belief, we are not all-knowing-all-seeing magical beings!

If you want help you're going to have to provide lots of info. Like what is your hardware, what is your operating system, what version of GZDoom/LZDoom/whatever you're using, what mods you're loading, how you're loading it, what you've already tried for fixing the problem, and anything else that is even remotely relevant to the problem.

We can't magically figure out what it is if you're going to be vague, and if we feel like you're just wasting our time with guessing games we will act like that's what you're really doing and won't help you.
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed May 23, 2018 3:15 am

OpenBSD support?

Post by lea0342 »

Hello everyone, first i like to thank everyone who makes gzdoom and qzdoom, them are a source of endless fun to lots of people.

With the shaking in linux world, because of latest technical desicions (systemd) a lot of people were moving to the BSDs, and OpenBSD is one of the most used due to the great security it brings, no binary blobs, secured by default, and a lot of features that makes it perfect for the privacy and security concious (paranoid for most haha)

I can now, from version 6.3 of OpenBSD, compile both GZDoom and QZDoom and play a lot of maps/mods normally.

After the brief introduction, my question is... Is there any plan or had it being bring to the table, the idea, of oficially supporting OpenBSD? FreeBSD? etc?

The only issues i found, were with the brutal mods, (Brutal Doom and brutal Heretic), and for the Hexen game, as the following:
-Brutal Doom brings a lot of errors of the type "Replaced type 'PoorPinkyLostHisArm' not found for PoorPinkyLostHisArm2" and don't load.
-Brutal Heretic load and works but without SOME sounds, for example the firing weapons sounds and some monster/ambient sounds, but music and some monster/doors sounds works fine.
-Hexen, fails with a "gzdoom(53439) in free(): bogus pointer 0x1558d74b8008" error.

I'll post here the logs i get from those mods/game.

Brutal Doom log:

Code: Select all

GZDoom g3.3.2-m - 2018-04-12 21:44:48 +0200 - SDL version
Compiled on Apr 30 2018

M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/gzdoom.pk3, 684 lumps
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/zd_extra.pk3, 132 lumps
 adding /home/lea/Games/doom/wads/original/doom2.wad, 2919 lumps
 adding /home/lea/Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20c_up.pk3, 101 lumps
 adding /home/lea/Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad, 14 lumps
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
CPU Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
  Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
  Family 6, Model 61, Stepping 4
  Features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 HyperThreading
I_InitSound: Initializing OpenAL
  Opened device SndIO Default
  EFX enabled
V_Init: allocate screen.
S_Init: Setting up sound.
ST_Init: Init startup screen.
Checking cmd-line parameters...
S_InitData: Load sound definitions.
G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.
Texman.Init: Init texture manager.
ParseTeamInfo: Load team definitions.
LoadActors: Load actor definitions.
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 2:
Replaced type 'PoorPinkyLostHisArm' not found for PoorPinkyLostHisArm2
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.sticky2.txt" line 1:
Parent type 'Brutal_BloodSpot' not found in CeilXDeath32
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.sticky2.txt" line 1:
Replaced type 'CeilXDeath3' not found for CeilXDeath32
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.water2" line 2:
Replaced type 'WaterParticleXSpawner' not found for WaterParticleXSpawner2
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 1:
Replaced type 'BloodSplashBase3' not found for BloodSplashBase32
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 25:
Replaced type 'BloodSplashBaseSmall' not found for BloodSplashBaseSmall2
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 41:
Replaced type 'nukageSplashBase' not found for nukageSplashBase2
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 64:
Replaced type 'NukageSplashBaseSmall' not found for NukageSplashBaseSmall2
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 80:
Replaced type 'slimeSplashBase' not found for slimeSplashBase2
Script error, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 103:
Replaced type 'slimeSplashBaseSmall' not found for slimeSplashBaseSmall2
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 13:
Unknown class name 'ArmlessDemon' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 20:
Unknown class name 'Brutal_LiquidBlood' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 22:
Unknown class name 'Brutal_LiquidBlood' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 26:
Unknown class name 'Brutal_LiquidBlood' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 35:
Unknown class name 'BloodSplasher2' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 36:
Unknown class name 'XDeathBrain1' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 37:
Unknown class name 'XDeathBrain2' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 38:
Unknown class name 'XDeath3' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 39:
Unknown class name 'XDeath2' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 40:
Unknown class name 'MuchBlood' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 41:
Unknown class name 'BaronHeadPiece' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 43:
Unknown class name 'SmallBrainPieceFast' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 44:
Unknown class name 'BloodMistBig' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 45:
Unknown class name 'Brutal_LiquidBlood' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 48:
Unknown class name 'CrueltyBonus5Health' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 49:
Unknown class name 'Brutal_LiquidBlood' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 50:
Unknown class name 'GrowingBloodPool' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 51:
Unknown class name 'Brutal_LiquidBlood' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 52:
Unknown class name 'DeadDemonSAARI' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 60:
Unknown class name 'DeadDemonNoArm' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.dyingguys2.txt" line 61:
Unknown class name 'GrowingBloodPool' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.sticky2.txt" line 35:
Unknown class name 'XDeath3NoStick' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:decorate.water2" line 47:
Unknown class name 'LiquidParticleX' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 18:
Unknown class name 'BloodParticleX' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 19:
Unknown class name 'BloodParticleXFaster' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 34:
Unknown class name 'BloodParticleX' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 35:
Unknown class name 'BloodParticleXFaster' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 57:
Unknown class name 'nukageParticleX' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 58:
Unknown class name 'nukageParticleXFaster' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 73:
Unknown class name 'nukageParticleX' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 74:
Unknown class name 'nukageParticleXFaster' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 96:
Unknown class name 'slimeParticleX' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 97:
Unknown class name 'slimeParticleXFaster' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 111:
Unknown class name 'slimeParticleX' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad:DECORATE" line 112:
Unknown class name 'slimeParticleXFaster' of type 'Actor'

1 errors while parsing DECORATE scripts
Brutal Heretic log

Code: Select all

GZDoom g3.3.2-m - 2018-04-12 21:44:48 +0200 - SDL version
Compiled on Apr 30 2018

M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/gzdoom.pk3, 684 lumps
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/zd_extra.pk3, 132 lumps
 adding /home/lea/Games/doom/wads/base/heretic.wad, 2633 lumps
 adding /home/lea/Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3, 1223 lumps
 adding /home/lea/Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:terrain.wad, 38 lumps
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
CPU Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
  Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
  Family 6, Model 61, Stepping 4
  Features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 HyperThreading
I_InitSound: Initializing OpenAL
  Opened device SndIO Default
  EFX enabled
V_Init: allocate screen.
S_Init: Setting up sound.
ST_Init: Init startup screen.
Checking cmd-line parameters...
S_InitData: Load sound definitions.
G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.
Texman.Init: Init texture manager.
ParseTeamInfo: Load team definitions.
LoadActors: Load actor definitions.
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.gauntlets" line 53:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.gauntlets" line 56:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.gauntlets" line 59:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.gauntlets" line 69:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.gauntlets" line 72:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.gauntlets" line 75:
Unknown class name '0' of type 'BasicArmorBonus'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.goldwand" line 156:
Unknown class name 'ElectricalSpell3X' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.goldwand" line 159:
Unknown class name 'ElectricalSpell4X' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.goldwand" line 162:
Unknown class name 'SummonLightningFiend' of type 'Actor'
Script warning, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:decorate.torch" line 59:
Unknown class name 'useflechette' of type 'Inventory'
script parsing took 839.88 ms
R_Init: Init Heretic refresh subsystem.
DecalLibrary: Load decals.
M_Init: Init menus.
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
Script error, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:voxeldef" line 30:
Sprite name "AKYYA0" is wrong size.

Script error, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:voxeldef" line 30:
No sprites specified for voxel.

Script error, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:voxeldef" line 34:
Sprite name "BKYYA0" is wrong size.

Script error, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:voxeldef" line 34:
No sprites specified for voxel.

Script error, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:voxeldef" line 38:
Sprite name "CKYYA0" is wrong size.

Script error, "brutalhereticrpg_v2.pk3:voxeldef" line 38:
No sprites specified for voxel.

ParseSBarInfo: Loading custom status bar definition.
D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.
player 1 of 1 (1 nodes)
Using video driver x11
GL_VENDOR: Intel Open Source Technology Center
GL_RENDERER: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2) 
GL_VERSION: 4.5 (Core Profile) Mesa 13.0.6 (Core profile)

Max. texture size: 8192
Max. texture units: 32
Max. varying: 128
Max. combined shader storage blocks: 72
Max. vertex shader storage blocks: 12
Resolution: 320 x 200
libWildMidi(_WM_InitReader:53): ERROR Unable to load  (No such file or directory)
gzdoom: Unable to load sound fontUnable to create Timidity++ MIDI device. Falling back to OPL

e1m1 - THE DOCKS

libWildMidi(_WM_InitReader:53): ERROR Unable to load  (No such file or directory)
Unable to create Timidity++ MIDI device. Falling back to GUS
Hexen game log

Code: Select all

GZDoom g3.3.2-m - 2018-04-12 21:44:48 +0200 - SDL version
Compiled on Apr 30 2018

M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/gzdoom.pk3, 684 lumps
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/zd_extra.pk3, 132 lumps
 adding /home/lea/Games/doom/wads/base/hexen.wad, 4270 lumps
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
CPU Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
  Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
  Family 6, Model 61, Stepping 4
  Features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 HyperThreading
I_InitSound: Initializing OpenAL
  Opened device SndIO Default
  EFX enabled
V_Init: allocate screen.
S_Init: Setting up sound.
ST_Init: Init startup screen.
Checking cmd-line parameters...
S_InitData: Load sound definitions.
G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.
Texman.Init: Init texture manager.

gzdoom(53439) in free(): bogus pointer 0x1558d74b8008
Abort trap (core dumped)
Posts: 3819
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:32 am

Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by _mental_ »

brutalv20c_up.pk3 contains fixes for bugs in brutalv20b.pk3, so you need to load both files like

Code: Select all

./gzdoom -iwad doom2 -file brutalv20b.pk3 brutalv20c_up.pk3
What's the version of Hexen IWAD? If you don't know, post its MD5 or SHA1.
You can build debug version and run it with gdb or lldb to help us with more info like a call stack.
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by drfrag »

What _mental_ said: that brutalv20c_up.pk3 is mine and requires brutalv20b.pk3 (it's a patch). Get the latest version from moddb: ... cy-edition
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Graf Zahl
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by Graf Zahl »

lea0342 wrote: With the shaking in linux world, because of latest technical desicions (systemd) a lot of people were moving to the BSDs,
Somehow I doubt that, because...
Is there any plan or had it being bring to the table, the idea, of oficially supporting OpenBSD? FreeBSD? etc?
If there was some actual demand and people to help, sure, why not. But I haven't seen those people yet.
From my personal impression this is very much a niche platform, even moreso than macOS, which currently hovers around 2% of user share.
Posts: 3819
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by _mental_ »

Regarding missing sounds, do you have libsndfile installed along with its dependencies?
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by Rachael »

lea0342 wrote:I can now, from version 6.3 of OpenBSD, compile both GZDoom and QZDoom and play a lot of maps/mods normally.
When testing the BSD's, OpenBSD is the first one I always test because it has the most compatibility issues, historically, with GZDoom.

I know FreeBSD has had its share of political issues, such as what you were concerned about in your mentions in the opening post of this thread, but they're nearly as conservative as OpenBSD when it comes to privacy and security and protections and such. But for compatibility's sake anything that works on OpenBSD has a 90% chance to work on FreeBSD, outside of little niche fixes that need to be made from time to time, and FreeBSD has better compatibility with the Linux world across the board by a broad shot, and they are by far the more popular BSD distro. It doesn't help that OpenBSD requires slightly more than a modicum of Linux/Unix knowledge before you can create a proper and usable everyday desktop system with the platform, whereas with FreeBSD you mostly can get away with installing a few packages, adding a line or two to your rc.conf file, and you're good to go.

You know what makes FreeBSD even better? It still has the Linux loader, which OpenBSD had good reasons to get rid of but in my opinion, it was better to leave that to user choice and provide a warning instead of removing it completely. Also, FreeBSD has Wine, where OpenBSD does not. So by sticking with OpenBSD, you can *only* run ELF binaries compiled specifically for the BSD kernel. That's almost as bad as the problems Apple had with being unable to run the majority of software out there, which was made for Windows and DOS at the time - something that nearly killed Apple as a company until they moved to a BSD kernel, themselves, with Intel processors for their hardware.

That being said, if your request is for official builds of OpenBSD, that can be arranged. But they will likely be distributed here, not in OpenBSD's repositories. The OpenBSD community can come to us, or they can build their own binaries, if they are really interested in supporting GZDoom on their platform officially.

Want to know why it was never officially supported? Because this has a lot of truth:
Graf Zahl wrote:
lea0342 wrote: With the shaking in linux world, because of latest technical desicions (systemd) a lot of people were moving to the BSDs,
Somehow I doubt that, because...
Is there any plan or had it being bring to the table, the idea, of oficially supporting OpenBSD? FreeBSD? etc?
If there was some actual demand and people to help, sure, why not. But I haven't seen those people yet.
From my personal impression this is very much a niche platform, even moreso than macOS, which currently hovers around 2% of user share.
You're the third person who's ever asked for it.

(By the way, I am not saying OpenBSD is a horrible platform - it has very specific uses and it's extremely good at what it does - I am just saying that if you're going to be using any BSD as a desktop OS, there's far more compelling reasons to use FreeBSD than OpenBSD)
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed May 23, 2018 3:15 am

Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by lea0342 »

_mental_ wrote:brutalv20c_up.pk3 contains fixes for bugs in brutalv20b.pk3, so you need to load both files like

Code: Select all

./gzdoom -iwad doom2 -file brutalv20b.pk3 brutalv20c_up.pk3
What's the version of Hexen IWAD? If you don't know, post its MD5 or SHA1.
You can build debug version and run it with gdb or lldb to help us with more info like a call stack.
Thanks for that! i will try as soon as i can at home, with both files.

As for the Hexen and hexdd versions (but i only tried hexen.wad), the iwad i have has this md5:
$ md5 hexen.wad
MD5 (hexen.wad) = abb033caf81e26f12a2103e1fa25453f
$ md5 hexdd.wad
MD5 (hexdd.wad) = 1077432e2690d390c256ac908b5f4efa
Posts: 3819
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:32 am

Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by _mental_ »

lea0342 wrote:MD5 (hexen.wad) = abb033caf81e26f12a2103e1fa25453f
It's DOS Hexen 1.1 and apparently it should work. Callstack may give some hints.
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed May 23, 2018 3:15 am

Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by lea0342 »

_mental_ wrote:Regarding missing sounds, do you have libsndfile installed along with its dependencies?
Yes i have it installed, its very weird behaviour indeed.

Code: Select all

$ doas pkg_info -Q libsnd             
libsndfile-1.0.27 (installed)
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed May 23, 2018 3:15 am

Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by lea0342 »

drfrag wrote:What _mental_ said: that brutalv20c_up.pk3 is mine and requires brutalv20b.pk3 (it's a patch). Get the latest version from moddb: ... cy-edition
Weird, i tried with both files and im getting other "modified chunk-pointer" error:

Code: Select all

GZDoom g3.3.2-m - 2018-04-12 21:44:48 +0200 - SDL version
Compiled on Apr 30 2018

M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/gzdoom.pk3, 684 lumps
 adding /usr/local/share/games/doom/zd_extra.pk3, 132 lumps
 adding ./Games/doom/wads/original/doom2.wad, 2919 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/zdoom/brightmaps.pk3, 499 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/zdoom/lights.pk3, 4 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20b.pk3, 8370 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20b.pk3:e2m8.wad, 11 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20b.pk3:e3m8.wad, 11 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20b.pk3:terrain.wad, 260 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20c_up.pk3, 101 lumps
 adding Games/doom/mods/zdoom/brutal/brutalv20c_up.pk3:terrain2.wad, 14 lumps
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
CPU Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
  Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz
  Family 6, Model 61, Stepping 4
  Features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 HyperThreading
I_InitSound: Initializing OpenAL
  Opened device SndIO Default
  EFX enabled
V_Init: allocate screen.
S_Init: Setting up sound.
ST_Init: Init startup screen.
Checking cmd-line parameters...
S_InitData: Load sound definitions.
G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.
Texman.Init: Init texture manager.
gzdoom(69322) in free(): modified chunk-pointer 0x8883f2ec208
Abort trap (core dumped)
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed May 23, 2018 3:15 am

Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by lea0342 »

Rachael wrote:
lea0342 wrote:I can now, from version 6.3 of OpenBSD, compile both GZDoom and QZDoom and play a lot of maps/mods normally.
When testing the BSD's, OpenBSD is the first one I always test because it has the most compatibility issues, historically, with GZDoom.

I know FreeBSD has had its share of political issues, such as what you were concerned about in your mentions in the opening post of this thread, but they're nearly as conservative as OpenBSD when it comes to privacy and security and protections and such. But for compatibility's sake anything that works on OpenBSD has a 90% chance to work on FreeBSD, outside of little niche fixes that need to be made from time to time, and FreeBSD has better compatibility with the Linux world across the board by a broad shot, and they are by far the more popular BSD distro. It doesn't help that OpenBSD requires slightly more than a modicum of Linux/Unix knowledge before you can create a proper and usable everyday desktop system with the platform, whereas with FreeBSD you mostly can get away with installing a few packages, adding a line or two to your rc.conf file, and you're good to go.

You know what makes FreeBSD even better? It still has the Linux loader, which OpenBSD had good reasons to get rid of but in my opinion, it was better to leave that to user choice and provide a warning instead of removing it completely. Also, FreeBSD has Wine, where OpenBSD does not. So by sticking with OpenBSD, you can *only* run ELF binaries compiled specifically for the BSD kernel. That's almost as bad as the problems Apple had with being unable to run the majority of software out there, which was made for Windows and DOS at the time - something that nearly killed Apple as a company until they moved to a BSD kernel, themselves, with Intel processors for their hardware.

That being said, if your request is for official builds of OpenBSD, that can be arranged. But they will likely be distributed here, not in OpenBSD's repositories. The OpenBSD community can come to us, or they can build their own binaries, if they are really interested in supporting GZDoom on their platform officially.

Want to know why it was never officially supported? Because this has a lot of truth:
Graf Zahl wrote:
lea0342 wrote: With the shaking in linux world, because of latest technical desicions (systemd) a lot of people were moving to the BSDs,
Somehow I doubt that, because...
Is there any plan or had it being bring to the table, the idea, of oficially supporting OpenBSD? FreeBSD? etc?
If there was some actual demand and people to help, sure, why not. But I haven't seen those people yet.
From my personal impression this is very much a niche platform, even moreso than macOS, which currently hovers around 2% of user share.
You're the third person who's ever asked for it.

(By the way, I am not saying OpenBSD is a horrible platform - it has very specific uses and it's extremely good at what it does - I am just saying that if you're going to be using any BSD as a desktop OS, there's far more compelling reasons to use FreeBSD than OpenBSD)
I tried both BSDs, but personally settled with OpenBSD due to many reasons i consider important.
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by Rachael »

Well I won't argue with you, I know you have your reasons, and the choice is always your's. :)

That being said, the demand thing Graf was talking about is still pretty important. The biggest justification for supporting OpenBSD other than shits and giggles, which to be quite frank that's all it's been up to now, would be real people using it for their every day platform and wanting to run GZDoom on it. And like I said - thus far, you've been the third who even asked about it. I don't even know if the other two even used it as an everyday OS.

In fact, due to unresolvable issues with an important compiler feature support, which didn't get resolved until the release of OpenBSD 6.3, there was a brief period of time when OpenBSD was quite clearly off the table.
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by lea0342 »

Rachael wrote:Well I won't argue with you, I know you have your reasons, and the choice is always your's. :)

That being said, the demand thing Graf was talking about is still pretty important. The biggest justification for supporting OpenBSD other than shits and giggles, which to be quite frank that's all it's been up to now, is real people using it for their every day platform and wanting to run GZDoom on it.
Yes, reading and researching a little more, i now understand that linux users are a minority, and than bsd users are a minority inside that minority, and even than openbsd as desktop users are rare among them... and that we know only less than 5 people that use openbsd as desktop and that play doom with gzdoom... im reading on how to compile my gzdoom version with debugging, and will keep qzdoom to actually playing and keep gzdoom with the debugging and little helping i can give to anyone... sadly i am a father of two babies and have very little time to help, but i love doom and openbsd, so i will try to help as much as i can and my knowledge allows me, thank you!

Ill compile the gzdoom with the instructions here ... #Debugging and then post here the logs i got
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by Rachael »

Alright. I'm going to do a test compile of master, myself, really quick, and if there are any changes needed I'll push them.

EDIT: My compile was successful and so far I haven't had any problems in my tests.
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Re: OpenBSD support?

Post by lea0342 »

Rachael wrote:Alright. I'm going to do a test compile of master, myself, really quick, and if there are any changes needed I'll push them.

EDIT: My compile was successful and so far I haven't had any problems in my tests.
Thank you! but thats unexpected for me, dont you face the same problems i am facing? with the mods and hexen wad?

EDIT: I forget to say it, but i had compiled earlier the g3.3.2 git tag for GZDoom, and master for QZDoom, which one did you test?

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