Weapons of Saturn

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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 08, 2018]

Post by m8f »

Great, an update! I'm glad this mod keeps being refined!

Any chance of fixing infinite shell issue in next update?

Edit: also, while I'm here, there is one personal question:
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 08, 2018]

Post by 0mrcynic0 »

Lippeth wrote:Thanks for the feedback!

Around January I started working on a new MP40 but never released it because I couldn't think of a good alt-fire and didn't want it to be the only weapon without an alt-fire. I've added it to this update as is, and you're more than welcome to offer suggestions.
Maybe the alt-fire for the MP40 would be wielding 2 MP40s with increased fire rate and reduced accuracy.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 08, 2018]

Post by insightguy »

Lippeth wrote: Around January I started working on a new MP40 but never released it because I couldn't think of a good alt-fire and didn't want it to be the only weapon without an alt-fire. I've added it to this update as is, and you're more than welcome to offer suggestions.
Why not just make the player throw a Stielhandgranate?
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 08, 2018]

Post by StroggVorbis »

HXRTC Project by Hexereticdoom, which incidentally is based on WoS, has an MP40 which has a 4 or so round burst as an altfire :p
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 08, 2018]

Post by Someone64 »

Yep I'd suggest doing what DabbingSquidward suggested for the MP40. Maybe make the burst fire fire faster than you would if you just held fire for a short period. Alternatively, implementing the kick alt-fire you have for the 2 pistols in the same slot would make a great placeholder/alt-fire.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE Oct 31, 2017]

Post by StroggVorbis »

m8f wrote:With help of Gollgagh (thanks!) I modified QuickPump and ReloadWork2 states:
Note jumps near the end of states.
Those modifications seem to fix infinite shells issue.
I just copy-pasted your fix over the mod's states and while it does work, it introduces a small issue. It prevents faster firing and delays altfire and weapon switching by a few frames when you have 0 shells in reserve.

EDIT: Lippeth, I saw in the changelog that you decreased the pickup ammo count to compensate for starting with loaded mags for each weapon. Another way to work around this is to implement something similar to Half-Life. Upon pickup, you could do a CheckInventory or JumpIfInventory if the player already has that gun in his possession. If it's his first time picking it up, give him a loaded mag instead, and reserve ammo afterwards. For example, the shotgun in Half-Life gives 12 shells, if you pick up your first one, it comes with 8 shells loaded and 4 in reserve. Or based on your mod, pick up your first riotgun, get 8 "LoadedShell", pick up any subsequent ones, get 8 "Shell" instead. You can go even further by using A_CheckFlag in conjunction with the TOSSED (or was it DROPPED?) flag so that if your first shotgun was obtained from a killed sergeant, it comes with only 4 shells loaded :)

I've never done this before, but it should look similar to this:
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 08, 2018]

Post by Stock-Doom »

It's very good! Well done! :D

I have some feedback: Are you going to fix the infinite shells issue soon? No hurry, but it would be nice.

Also, for the MP40, you would add a simple 3-shots burst alt-fire. Way more easy to do than doing some kick sprites from scratch.

Oh, before I forget, the assault rifle do not have a zoom sound when you alt-fire, while the shotgun does.

Finally, the fist sprites are bothering me a little (It would be nice to have those with gloves). You can skip this suggestion all you want, thought. It's your taste, after all.

I hope seeing this mod improving and kicking! :P
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by StroggVorbis »


just a minor thing, but if he's going for the burst-fire, it should be 4 shots, because the MP40 has a magazine capacity of 32 rounds, and 32 is no multiple of three. Of course it'd be a different story if you reload with one bullet in the chamber, e.g. 32+1 :p
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by Lippeth »

So I've finally fixed the infinite reload, criminy! I have to note that a big reason I never noticed was that I never use the quick pump method, which is where the bug resided. Also noteworthy is that it was always a feature to be able to fire it twice as fast if you time it properly.

I'm still at odds with the MP40 alt because if I were to add a burst fire, it would have to be at a faster rate than firing normally to make it worth implementing.
And since I decided to portray an actual existing firearm from history and not something made up, I wouldn't feel right making it function any other way than it ever did in real life. Although adding an attachment isn't out of the question I suppose.
The reason I ignore realism for something like a fist with no gloves is because it's such a staple of the original Doom that I had to keep that idea, not to mention I always found it amusing.

I wouldn't mind throwing a grenade as an alt, but I would then have to implement grenades which isn't really my M-O for this type of mod. I could let the player toss a rocket if they have one in their inventory, always an idea.

Dual MP40s was also always on the table, along with a kick like the pistols. Kicking would make sense as I categorized the MP40 as a pistol.
I also thought of implementing a melee attack with the gun itself, either a swipe or holding the gun by its barrel and using it as a club. The sprite work would be arduous but it would be cool.

So the reason for such a tiny update is to fix some of the issues you presented, but it will take a bit of time before I implement anything more involved. My free time isn't as plentiful as it was a few years ago, but I love that people are still playing this mod as it was always my main project and the most fun to work on. So I thoroughly enjoy continuing to update and add new features based on everyone's feedback, while still honoring my original vision to keep it as a "Doom, but a little extra" type mod.

I'll still continue to read through and address as many issues as possible between the more major updates.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by 0mrcynic0 »

Lippeth wrote:So I've finally fixed the infinite reload, criminy! I have to note that a big reason I never noticed was that I never use the quick pump method, which is where the bug resided. Also noteworthy is that it was always a feature to be able to fire it twice as fast if you time it properly.

I'm still at odds with the MP40 alt because if I were to add a burst fire, it would have to be at a faster rate than firing normally to make it worth implementing.
And since I decided to portray an actual existing firearm from history and not something made up, I wouldn't feel right making it function any other way than it ever did in real life. Although adding an attachment isn't out of the question I suppose.
The reason I ignore realism for something like a fist with no gloves is because it's such a staple of the original Doom that I had to keep that idea, not to mention I always found it amusing.

I wouldn't mind throwing a grenade as an alt, but I would then have to implement grenades which isn't really my M-O for this type of mod. I could let the player toss a rocket if they have one in their inventory, always an idea.

Dual MP40s was also always on the table, along with a kick like the pistols. Kicking would make sense as I categorized the MP40 as a pistol.
I also thought of implementing a melee attack with the gun itself, either a swipe or holding the gun by its barrel and using it as a club. The sprite work would be arduous but it would be cool.

So the reason for such a tiny update is to fix some of the issues you presented, but it will take a bit of time before I implement anything more involved. My free time isn't as plentiful as it was a few years ago, but I love that people are still playing this mod as it was always my main project and the most fun to work on. So I thoroughly enjoy continuing to update and add new features based on everyone's feedback, while still honoring my original vision to keep it as a "Doom, but a little extra" type mod.

I'll still continue to read through and address as many issues as possible between the more major updates.
No pressure, thanks for continuously updating this. It's still one of my favorite weapon mods.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by m8f »

I'm sorry to bring up this again, but there is another (new) issue with shotgun shells. You can fully load riot gun from nowhere.
I'm using quick pump method.
Steps to reproduce:
1. There are some shells in riot gun (e.g. 5).
2. There are no shells in inventory.
3. Hold Reload key, don't release until the end.
4. Fire once (press and release fire button).
5. You are reloading riot gun up to 9 shells.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by LossForWords »

also, according to the ssg reload, doomguy has 2 left hands.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by Lippeth »

m8f wrote:I'm sorry to bring up this again, but there is another (new) issue with shotgun shells. You can fully load riot gun from nowhere.
I'm using quick pump method.
Steps to reproduce:
1. There are some shells in riot gun (e.g. 5).
2. There are no shells in inventory.
3. Hold Reload key, don't release until the end.
4. Fire once (press and release fire button).
5. You are reloading riot gun up to 9 shells.
I can't seem to replicate the bug you're describing, try as I might. My only suggestion is to make sure to use the latest GZdoom dev build. I'll continue to mess with it and see what I can find.
LossForWords wrote:also, according to the ssg reload, doomguy has 2 left hands.
Good eye. An odd oversight on my part. A definite priority.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by StroggVorbis »

Some ideas for the MP40:

In addition to being acquired from backpacks, it would make sense to add them to the drop list of Wolfenstein SS.

As an alt-"fire", you could have ADS like the shotgun and Maschine Rifle or a folding stock which increases accuracy at the cost of fire rate or something.

EDIT: Before I forget, two more things.

I'd like for the boxes of bullets to drop their individual contents when you're at max for that ammo if possible. For example, you have max pistol, 1911 and AR ammo, but not Minigun ammo, so you run over one and all the other ammo is wasted.

This has become a common topic by me now, but I just wanted to know if you're aware of a certain quirk in your mod. Because the ammo items don't have Inventory.Amount but use A_GiveInventory to directly grant you a set amount, they ignore the AmmoDropFactor property, meaning that if a 9mm mag gives 10 rounds, it will always do so. Not 5 if they're dropped by a killed zombieman and not 20 when you're playing on I'm Too Young To Die or Nightmare, it will always give 10 no matter what. This doesn't necessarily have to be a bug and needs to be changed, if that's your intended behaviour, then it's all fine by me. Just wanted to point it out in case you somehow missed it.
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Re: Weapons of Saturn [UPDATE May 09, 2018]

Post by lizardcommando »

I think it would make sense to make the MP40's alt-function either be Aim-Down-Sights or kick like with the pistols. A burst fire alt-function seems pretty useless with the automatics seeing as how you can already technically do that on your own anyways.

I also agree with the WolfensteinSS guys occasionally dropping MP40's. Same thing with having normal backpacks and backpacks with the MP40s

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