Maps that need compatibility settings.

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Graf Zahl
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Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Graf Zahl »

In this thread please report maps that need a compatibility setting to display properly.

Required information:

1. Link to the mod (also for 'well known' stuff, please! It's not fun to scan /idgames if you want to do a quick fix.)
2. Map that needs fixing.
3. Position in the map where the glitch can be clearly seen.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by _mental_ »

Suspended in Dusk, MAP01, floor under hanging crate

Code: Select all

-iwad doom2 -file -nomonsters +map map01 "+warp -1450 1670"
Alien Vendetta, MAP01, deep slime pool

Code: Select all

-iwad doom2 -file -nomonsters +map map01 +warp 400 370 +god
EDIT: Kinsie mentioned MAP01 of Kama Sutra

Code: Select all

-iwad doom2 -file -nomonsters +map map01 "+warp 1170 -120"
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Graf Zahl »

Alien Vendetta and Kama Sutra are done. But with Suspended in Dusk I have no idea how to alter those sectors that they don't glitch.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by _mental_ »

Since 77a4b9a there is a walkthrough blocker in Sin City 2 The Satan Complex.

Friendly marine (DeHackEd replacement of Wolfenstein SS) cannot proceed to exit switch because actor is cleared from MF2_MCROSS flag.
However line #5397 pushes monster only, so marine cannot "jump" to lower level.

To avoid changing of established behavior I propose to fix it via compatibility entry.
This was done in this PR. Comments and ideas are welcome.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Gez »

Very minor issue:

Deathking MAP41 has a warning message when loaded. This can confuse players. Specifically, line #1023 has its third and fourth parameters set to 64 and 7 respectively, possibly garbage value left from a different special having been tried first. The third parameter isn't a problem because there's no sector tagged 64 in that map anyway, but both could be cleared.

Speaking of Deathkings warning message, MAP47 has four unconnected right edges (lines #1511, #1515, #1528, and #1534). Looking into it with a map editor, #1511, #1512, #1513, #1514, and #1515 are flipped the wrong way, but they make polyobject container cells so it's not too much of a problem. #1528 and #1534 are actually correct, but they're next to wrong lines and so it's them that the check detects.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Hexereticdoom »

Hello, some time ago I got completely stuck at the exit of Map 13 of PCorf's Community Project, by an unknown reason the switch that had to trigger the explosion of the front view ocean cargo ship and therefore exiting the level (through a Romero Head bomb trap) didn't work at all. I tried it twice in two different gameplays and in both cases I haven't been able to get to Map 14 by the normal way... :?

It's a pity, because this is one of my all-time favourite megawads... Could you please check it and make a compatibility patch if necessary?

Thanks in advance! :)
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by _mental_ »

Running GZDoom 3.5.1 with the following command line works for me

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-iwad doom2 -file +map map13 +god +warp 2770 1470
Pressing the switch near chaingunners triggered explosion every time I tried. Please check it again and provide a saved game if this will happen again.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by 3saster »

Scythe 2, MAP17, Sector displays incorrectly in Hardware Mode (Left of player spawn). May be a bug in the implementation of the hardware renderer (does not occur in GLBoom+ or GZDoom 1.3.7).

Code: Select all

-iwad doom2 -file -nomonsters +map map17 "+warp -4500 -1000" +vid_rendermode 4
Scythe 2, MAP24, Missing texture on staircase (Right of player spawn).

Code: Select all

-iwad doom2 -file -nomonsters +map map24 "+warp 3000 -1000"
Both can be fixed by adding the following to the level_compatability.txt:

Code: Select all

			case '1C795660D2BA9FC93DA584C593FD1DA3': // Scythe 2 MAP17
				// Texture displays incorrectly in hardware renderer
				SetVertex(2687, -4540, -1083); //Fixes bug with minimal effect on geometry
			case '7483D7BDB8375358F12D146E1D63A85C': // Scythe 2 MAP24
				// Missing texture
				TextureID adel_q62 = TexMan.CheckForTexture("ADEL_Q62", TexMan.Type_Wall);
				SetWallTextureID(7775, Line.front, Side.bottom, adel_q62);
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by StroggVorbis »

The usual suspect, Doom II's own MAP02 and its infamous stuck barrel and shotgunguy (on UV at least).
I'm not on my PC right now so I can't give coordinates.

And Hexen's MAP30: Griffin Chapel. I actually made a thread in General about it a month ago, but got no answers about it since then.
Basically, upon entering the map, the console prints that Script 10 is being defined twice. After looking at the ACS source I found that there's indeed a duplicate. Now here's the thing that puzzles (no pun intended) me, if there's duplicate scripts in a case like this, which overwrites which/which one takes priority?

IIRC the next highest number, 11, is not found in the script so I guess Raven's intention was for both scripts to coexist, but they made a typo.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Caligari87 »

DabbingSquidward wrote:The usual suspect, Doom II's own MAP02 and its infamous stuck barrel and shotgunguy (on UV at least).
I have the feeling there's a reason this hasn't been fixed yet? I seem to recall it's been brought up many many times and always been rejected.

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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Rachael »

The stuck monster on the barrel has been reported before, I think Graf has said that he will not fix this since it would constitute quite a major gameplay change in that map.

As far as the ACS script error, as far as I know there exist no implementations in GZDoom right now that can fix ACS scripts. That would indeed have to be implemented and someone with the extra time would have to do it.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Graf Zahl »

The compatiblity layer can change map structures, but script errors are completely out of scope.
Regarding MAP02's stuck monster, I do not consider that a deal breaker. It does in no way affect how the map plays. Normally this is reserved for problems arising from changes in the engine that does not allow it to play a map without misbehaving or showing visual glitches. Neither is the case here.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by drfrag »

DabbingSquidward wrote:The usual suspect, Doom II's own MAP02 and its infamous stuck barrel and shotgunguy (on UV at least).
I'm not on my PC right now so I can't give coordinates.
drfrag wrote: ... Underhalls

As i said before (see link provided) it's actually a bug, the guy was not stuck in v1.7 and earlier. Back in the day i played v1.666 and i was actually surprised to see the guy stuck when i upgraded, it was pretty easy to blow him off BTW.
It's fixed in LZDoom and in my old ports as well.
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by Enjay »

There are a few places in Doom2 a bit like this where you can see the effects of (I assume) last minute tweaking and inadequate testing either for the initial release or by something getting (accidentally?) moved during the updates. e.g. I'm quite sure that all the enemies up on the platform in the big final room of map01 not being central in their sector is the result of this:

For whatever reason, the entire map was shifted southwest, closer to the 0, 0 coordinate, in version 1.8. As a result of this, some flats became unaligned. The map was shifted again in version 1.9 to fix the flat alignment. Things were also shifted, but not by the same amounts, meaning they have slightly different positions in relation to the map geometry in each version. ... ifferences

Things like the stuck guy in map02 do start to fall under what the "purists" are likely to argue about. "It was released that way, so that's the way it should be" and all that stuff. Not a viewpoint that I particularly hold and this particular one is so obviously wrong/broken (albeit that it doesn't harm completion of the map) that it would be hard to argue that it was meant to be that way, but some people would - perhaps messing up speed runs or something might also be given as a reason (not that GZDoom is particularly a target port for that).
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Re: Maps that need compatibility settings.

Post by GFD »

I actually prefer the design where the shotgunner is stuck in the barrel, because it can work as a tutorial. It's the first explosive barrel you encounter in Doom 2, so if you're curious as to what it does, this is a safe environment to experiment with, because the enemy here can't hurt you. Then if you shoot the barrel, you immediately discover that its explosion can kill enemies. The same thing happens if you accidentally shoot the barrel instead of the enemy.

You could make a "purist" argument that the original design was the "intended" one, and you could also make a "purist" argument that because they didn't fix it, it's a happy accident that they intentionally left in (I've seen this happen in a couple other games before). So even then there's no "correct" opinion.

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