Flakes Doom v2.6b (Updated 06/03/18) Home fixes

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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

I've added a A_ReFire at the end of the state here and now it spreads the bullets when the trigger is held. One less thing to worry about. The zoom was nerfed to 1.6x, pretty good to go with, too.

But what is weird is that the hud cross here is prefectly aligned, i lowered one pixel down and now it's obviously out of position. But it really fires under the cross. Weird, really weird. Might be something really obvious on my side, but since you noted it, i am going to lower it.

Here's how low it is to actually hit the center of the scope (cross is scaled by 0.50):

EDIT: I've also rebalanced the machineguns values around vanilla ones. The HAR still isn't the most accurate to use, as i didn't wanted to make the machinegun useless. But now the machinegun burst starts at 2.8 (half vanilla) and increases spread on each bullet by 0.7 (1/8 of the vanilla value). So it goes 2.8/2.8, 3.5/3.5 and finishes on 4.2/4.2; The chaingun was rounded up to 7.0/7.0, to become unevitablly a weapon for close range. now i only need to work the pistol and the shotguns.

EDIT 2: Shotguns and pistol done.

EDIT 3: GOD, how i didn't realized i just broke Hexen gameplay... medikits aren't inventory-based, armors are just normal Doom ones... man, gotta make something about it.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by Captain J »

That scope adjustment looks fine, as long you can detect and shoot them like other rifle does!
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by StroggVorbis »

I just remembered that the vanilla weapons all shoot below the crosshair anyway. What you want to do is give the player class a zaxisoffset parameter. Start with a value of 15 (this is the same that Final Doomer uses, however its player classes also have a higher viewheight/eyelevel) and go from there.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by Ts879 »

Add grenade launcher to replace grenades. Also why no Gauss canon here? Other than that mod is very good, enjoy weapons alot.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by Apaul27 »

Add support for Shadow of the Wool Ball and Rise of the Wool Ball.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.5b (Updated 12/02/18) Fixing Stuff

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »


Grenade Launcher, no. Gauss Cannon, there's something on the works here, though i am very reluctant on adding another weapon to Flakes Doom.


Never played them, but I'll take a look. Hope it doesn't use DeHackEd, or else, no way.

[EDITED] I managed to do what i needed.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

Alright, alright, alright

i've finally managed to get that zattackoffset right, as well as re-writing most of Hexen related spawners. Now gameplay should feel better, with more options in weapons and some fixes.

Also, Flakes now can be played with Harmony!!! It was playable before, but shotguns gave 1 shell per pickup, and some items were misplaced, so, i've used the lump filtering to try a little Alpha compatibility. Hope you enjoy it.

Here's the full changelog:
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by namsan »

I'm playing this mod like crazy in recent days.
Weapons are so satisfying to use!
Especially Rocket launcher's altfire. Firing triple rockets in the same time is so fun.

I found Unmaker is rather underpowered for its ammo usage.
Primary fire uses 6 cells per shot, but this shot only deals 60-66 damage.
For comparison, Plasma rifle's primary fire uses 1 cell per shot and deals 30-35 damage.
I know shots from Unmaker have heat-seeking ability, but I think it doesn't compensate this.
I think it should only use 3-4 cells per shot.

And secondary fire uses 60 cells per shot... but it only deals 360 damage.
I think its definitely underwhelming.
Or, Am I missing something important details on Unmaker?
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

No, only the heat-seeking, really.

Well, we can work that out, right? Noted down for a next update. :)

Thanks for playing!
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by StroggVorbis »

Speaking of which, the pistol's altfire uses 2 cells per shot, but does it do twice the damage of the plasma rifle?
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

the plasma ball deals 30~35 damage.

the pistol first plasma deals 20~30 damage, and the full blast deals a big 65~75, as well as having the +RIPPER flag. :)
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by StroggVorbis »

GAA1992 wrote:the plasma ball deals 30~35 damage.

the pistol first plasma deals 20~30 damage, and the full blast deals a big 65~75, as well as having the +RIPPER flag. :)
Because the Pistol's damage is almost identical to the Plasma Rifle's, would you mind reducing the ammo usage of a standard shot from 2 to 1? :)
Anything more would be a waste of cell ammo in my opinion.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by StroggVorbis »

Just gave v2.6 a spin and tried it with Harmony. Either I'm doing something wrong or the support for it is not quite finished. I have Harmony v1.1 as an IWAD and loaded Flakes v2.6 as a PWAD. The oddities range from sprites flickering back and forth from Doom to Harmony sprites, possibly due to naming conflicts, minimized blue armor pickup sprites instead of DeadMarine actors (I first thought they were flowers xD), shellboxes giving 10 instead of 20 shells and the maximum amount of shells and cells (with backpack) are 48 and 480. I guess the only future proof way to enable mod support for Harmony would be to convert its DEHACKED into DECORATE :(

Edit: Seems like such an effort has already been undertaken by Blzut3 about 9 years ago: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/utils ... es/harmmod
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by Dr_Cosmobyte »

No, you're not doing anything wrong, it's more laziness of my part, really. I just left the game on a "playable" state. I say playable because, you know, it was pretty much worse than that. But i'll get on it again when possible.

Also, regarding the plasma pistol, i understood your argument. My first thought was that the pistol would spend more plasma as it can't handle energy with 100% efficiency, like a bad quality cellphone can't deal with batteries for too long =p

The Plasma Rifle, on the other hand, takes this ahead and manages to spend only one round per shot. But i know, it's a pretty much dumb way to think.
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Re: Flakes Doom v2.6 (Updated 16/02/18) Harmony!!!

Post by StroggVorbis »

Something bugs me about the rocket launcher. Unlike vanilla Doom, it doesn't autofire, and the scope isn't terribly useful. The scope graphic could be raised a few pixels, like the HAR. Funnily enough, the rocket goes exactly where the scope is pointing AFTER the recoil pitches the view up. The three round burst is relatively OP, but unlike Doom 2016, it isn't homing. Can I convince you somehow to replace one of the altfires with a grenade launcher, with grenades that don't detonate on impact and subtract from the rocket ammo pool? :D

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