FamiliarDoom [Beta13]

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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by kadu522 »

Considering that you made a patch for weapons of saturn. why not farspons? It does mess with monsters however and i'm not to confident to change to code right away sinde i did not look at its code.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by krokots »

kadu522 wrote:Considering that you made a patch for weapons of saturn. why not farspons? It does mess with monsters however and i'm not to confident to change to code right away sinde i did not look at its code.
Oh I just did not used Faspons so I did not know what it does. Sure if there is not too much meddling with monsters in the code, I make a patch or full edit of Faspons.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by shadstarn »

i added weapons of saturn but i twont work it gets issues . guns get overlapped etc
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by krokots »

shadstarn wrote:i added weapons of saturn but i twont work it gets issues . guns get overlapped etc
Be sure to add files in correct order (Weapons of Saturn, Familiar Doom, Patch).
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by faslrn »

krokots wrote:
kadu522 wrote:Considering that you made a patch for weapons of saturn. why not farspons? It does mess with monsters however and i'm not to confident to change to code right away sinde i did not look at its code.
Oh I just did not used Faspons so I did not know what it does. Sure if there is not too much meddling with monsters in the code, I make a patch or full edit of Faspons.
Most of the meddling has to do with additional states for the alternate attacks, blood and casings, and some additional tweaks. Not sure how feasible it would be but give it a try! If there is something I could do to make it easier for any kind of integration, let me know.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by DarkkOne »

Just downloaded Beta4 and the game locks up the instant I attempt to summon a familiar. Gzdoom 3.2.4 with nothing else loaded other than Familar Doom.

Edit: Went back and checked options. I'd used Beta2 before. The "Familiar Experience Rate" setting (or whatever it's called) had set itself to "Unknown". Once I set it to a real value (Standard) the crashes stopped.

Edit the 2nd: Any chance of some degree of compatibility with Damnums? It works with like... literally every mod I've tried with it until this one, and it's definitely one of my favorites to have around.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by krokots »

faslrn wrote:
krokots wrote:
kadu522 wrote:Considering that you made a patch for weapons of saturn. why not farspons? It does mess with monsters however and i'm not to confident to change to code right away sinde i did not look at its code.
Oh I just did not used Faspons so I did not know what it does. Sure if there is not too much meddling with monsters in the code, I make a patch or full edit of Faspons.
Most of the meddling has to do with additional states for the alternate attacks, blood and casings, and some additional tweaks. Not sure how feasible it would be but give it a try! If there is something I could do to make it easier for any kind of integration, let me know.
Yesterday I already looked on Faspons Decorate and I could make a compatibile version, no problem, I just have to change damage types of all of the attacks. Not sure if that would ruin some of the mechanics in Faspons. So for instance if I change the damagetype of "ShotgunPuff" from 'Buckshot' to 'Fam_Normal' so that familiars resistance will work.
DarkkOne wrote: Edit the 2nd: Any chance of some degree of compatibility with Damnums? It works with like... literally every mod I've tried with it until this one, and it's definitely one of my favorites to have around.
I would have to look at DamNums code but probably it could be done? I'll look into it. BTW Thanks for the info about the options, I always forget about this, I'll add an info in the first post.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by krokots »

OK So I got DamNums to work, and I just had to change event handlers in mapinfo.txt

Here's what you have to do to make it work
Change in mapinfo.txt

Code: Select all

gameinfo {
	EventHandlers = "DamNumEventHandler", "FEventHandler"
And add these lines to language.txt

Code: Select all

DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Normal		= "DamGray";
DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Electric	= "DamYellow";
DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Fire		= "DamRed";
DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Explosive	= "DamBrown";
DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Cold		= "DamLightBlue";
DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Mind		= "DamPurple";
DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Poison		= "DamGreen";
DAMNUM_TYPECOLOR_Fam_Spirit		= "DamGold";
BTW if you are using more mods that adds event handlers, you probably need to add them too to that event handler list.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by Funky Gnoll »

IMO it'd be nice for the partial revive item to be removed in favor of a similar inventory item/ability that is on a cooldown. It sucks when you're trying to power up a wimpy familiar but they just keep dying to frustratingly simple things.

I did find a few actual bugs though:

-When Afrits (and presumably other familiars with the same behavior) "slide" while being dropped, they can end up out of bounds

-If you mark an enemy for your familiar to attack and then drop your familiar, the enemy that you marked will also disappear
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by krokots »

Funky Gnoll wrote:IMO it'd be nice for the partial revive item to be removed in favor of a similar inventory item/ability that is on a cooldown. It sucks when you're trying to power up a wimpy familiar but they just keep dying to frustratingly simple things.

I did find a few actual bugs though:

-When Afrits (and presumably other familiars with the same behavior) "slide" while being dropped, they can end up out of bounds

-If you mark an enemy for your familiar to attack and then drop your familiar, the enemy that you marked will also disappear
Holy crap, nice find! I fixed both already. Also I already added an option to start your familiar at slightly higher level so he won't die (hopefully) early. But I'll think about some alternative to this problem.

Edit. I Added "weak revive" that don't disappear after use, and have a cooldown, and it heals to 25%. It changes icon when ready. Right now I won't delete Half Revives, but yeah, that may change, I don't want too many revives.

Edit2. No, screw it, I did it like you said, we have now a unlimited half revive, that has a cooldown of 30 seconds. It may kind of discourage potion usage though, so I may add some little penalties to familiar deaths (very little exp lose maybe).
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by DarkkOne »

Maybe instead of a manual revive with a 30 second cooldown, Familiars just automatically revive after 30 seconds, but you have no control over it? That way you can't really "save" it for a tough fight, and you still really want to use heals, but you're never stuck without a way to get your familiar back *after* a fight it dies in.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta4]

Post by krokots »

DarkkOne wrote:Maybe instead of a manual revive with a 30 second cooldown, Familiars just automatically revive after 30 seconds, but you have no control over it? That way you can't really "save" it for a tough fight, and you still really want to use heals, but you're never stuck without a way to get your familiar back *after* a fight it dies in.
Well darn, I already updated. But I might just use these two options, and let players choose in options whatever they prefer. If you can, test this version with 30-second revive.

So - uptade, version beta5, check the first post for changes in changelog. Have fun!
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by kadu522 »


So... Yea... it definaly did not make me not want to switch summon's ever :roll:

This was made by playing going down with Exp and progresion on defalt. and it would be higher if i did not skip maps.
Last edited by kadu522 on Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by krokots »

LOL. Raymond is a badass. OK I'm going to check the random spawns to see what caused that.

Was it a random familiar drop from a monster? And what do you mean by skipping levels? Right now, when you go to next map, player level goes up by 1. And this affects familiar drops, but definitely not that much (additional familiar level per 5 maps)
Last edited by krokots on Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FamiliarDoom [Beta5]

Post by kadu522 »

This is actualy not a bug. i got him around map 2-3 and he had 2-3 extra lvs with smart built in.

The rest is constant POWnage

Edit:And by skiping i mean map skiping sorry bad phraseing
Last edited by kadu522 on Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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