Yay, update:
https://mega.nz/#!Jh5gwbDI!tj35BeOwzMQl ... V5Y7wY9i7A
http://www.mediafire.com/file/rckslf1af ... e-v1.2.pk3
- Added an upgrade system, all weapons have up to 3 upgradable parts (ammunition, internals and magazine) with the exceprion of BFG, DMG and Gatling. Upgrade kits rarely spawn in place of ammo packs.
- Revamped Autocannon; now it's called NapalmKraftWerk, uses napalm instead of slugs, it's more fire-based and has a new fire sound.
- Reaper is changed with Grimmhammer, which is pretty much the big brother of Schockhammer X from TNC.
- Reskinned Assault Rifle, it now has a scope.
- The mod is now compatible with BD Monsters.
- Laser Rifle's primary firemode now shoots projectile-based rounds instead of hitscan.
- Changed SMG's nail mode; it shoots slower, but nails are stronger, and they look more like the ones in TNC.
- Laser Rifle's secondary firemode is slightly nerfed.
- Changed DMG's secondary firemode, now it shoots an inactive vortex that activates upon impact. 100 units per shot.
- Changed KelTec's secondary firemode to slug rounds.
- Nerfed Autocannon's secondary firemode.
- SSG's reload animation is now more realistic (and slower as a result).
- SSG now doesn't fire both barrels when only one is full.
- Buffed SSG, it shoots more pellets.
- New reload sounds for SSG.
- Fixed the perfectly accurate Gatling bug.
- Fixed a bug where spinning right Gatling's barrel right after spinning left Gatling's barrel causes left Gatling's barrel to stop.
- Smoothened China Lake's sprites.
- Scythe now has an alternative reload when it's empty.
- Smoothened lower/raise animations for some weapons.
- SMG draw animation is shorter.
- Left and right SMG sprites are symmetrical.
- Fixed a bug where the idle weapon switches firemode twice while the other weapon is not.
- KelTec now has a pumping animation after the reload while it was empty.
- Added dynamic lights to various bright effects.
- Brightmaps for anything with lights.
- Unique vision for Battle Suit.
- The story of Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, TNT Evilution, Plutonia Experiment and No Rest For The Living are read by Blazkowicz's perspective.
- Changed the way Railgun works, now it fires slower, but the slugs go through enemies.
- HEV Shield and Infrared Goggles pickups now give 1 instead of max amount.
By the way, I've started doing the new sprites for Blazkowicz, I've finished the first two rotations: