Using stock decals and other general editing questions

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Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Exosphere »

As the title states, I have a few questions involving the decals and some other editing questions.

1. I have seen other people using the in-game DOOM decals for custom projectiles. I would be interested in finding out what they are, however, I can't seem to find what the other decals even are or where exactly they are located file-wise. The only one I know of is:

Code: Select all

DECAL Scorch
Anyone know anything else about this? (SOLVED)

2. I've noticed that when using a reload function, as soon as the magazine is empty, the firing sound will be immediately cut off and initiate the reloading. Is there anyway to have it so that the firing sound is able to play out in its entirity before reloading? Below is an example of the firing code and reload function for one of my weapons.

Code: Select all

			CAR1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("CarbineMag", 50, "Full")
			CAR1 A 0 Bright A_PlaySound("weapons/cs_elite", CHAN_WEAPON)
			CAR1 A 1 Bright A_FireProjectile("Flechette", frandom(-2.4, 2.4), 1, 0, 0, 0, frandom(-2.4, 2.4))
			CAR1 A 1 Offset(0,5)
			CAR1 A 1 Offset(1,10)
			CAR1 A 0 Bright A_AlertMonsters
			CAR1 A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("Reload")
			Goto Ready
			TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/shotgr", CHAN_WEAPON, 100.0)
			CBST A 30 A_GiveInventory("CarbineMag", 50)
			TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("CarbineMag",50,"Full")
			Goto Ready
3. I have seen other mods using particles for weapon muzzle "flash" and "smoke", such as in LegenDoom and Lithium. Any ways on how to implement a system like this? (Edit: This hasn't been solved. Marked it so by accident. Still looking for help with this one.)

Thanks for any help provided.

This might have questions added to it later.
Last edited by Exosphere on Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Graf Zahl »

1. You can find all decal graphics in gzdoom.pk3/graphics.
2. Play the reloading sound on another channel. Since it plays on CHAN_WEAPON, just like the firing sound, it will cut that off. For a case like this where the sound may play parallel to other sounds, CHAN_AUTO is recommended.
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Exosphere »

Graf Zahl wrote:1. You can find all decal graphics in gzdoom.pk3/graphics.
2. Play the reloading sound on another channel. Since it plays on CHAN_WEAPON, just like the firing sound, it will cut that off. For a case like this where the sound may play parallel to other sounds, CHAN_AUTO is recommended.
Thank you, these answered my questions!

Also, New question! (Not just meant for Graf)

4. I know this might be very simple to some, but how exactly to I change the jump height and movement speed of the player? I've tried messing around with the Speed, Player.ForwardMove, and Player.JumpZ ACTOR variables, however, I don't seem to notice any change to the player's movement or jump height. Is this not the proper method to changing these variables?
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Blue Shadow »

Exosphere wrote:4. I know this might be very simple to some, but how exactly to I change the jump height and movement speed of the player? I've tried messing around with the Speed, Player.ForwardMove, and Player.JumpZ ACTOR variables, however, I don't seem to notice any change to the player's movement or jump height. Is this not the proper method to changing these variables?
Did you add your new player class?
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Exosphere »

Blue Shadow wrote:
Exosphere wrote:4. I know this might be very simple to some, but how exactly to I change the jump height and movement speed of the player? I've tried messing around with the Speed, Player.ForwardMove, and Player.JumpZ ACTOR variables, however, I don't seem to notice any change to the player's movement or jump height. Is this not the proper method to changing these variables?
Did you add your new player class?
Yup, one of the first things I made early on was a custom player class.
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Blue Shadow »

Do you have something we can test?
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Exosphere »

Blue Shadow wrote:Do you have something we can test?
Sure, here is my custom player class. I set it up so that it is its own DECORATE file, and needs to be included in the universal DECORATE file. Also, the death animations might be alittle weird since I'm using the DOOM 64 player sprites (still need to fix those, the animations, though).

Code: Select all

ACTOR Hero : DoomPlayer
	Speed 1
	Player.MaxHealth 300
	Radius 16
	Height 64
	Mass 125
	DamageFactor "ExplsnImmunity", 0.0
	Player.DisplayName "TEST"
	Player.WeaponSlot 0, uMachete
	Player.WeaponSlot 1, tHandgun
	Player.WeaponSlot 2, OICW, Carbine
	Player.WeaponSlot 3, cmbtShotgun, IShtgn
	Player.WeaponSlot 4, Zevatron
	Player.WeaponSlot 5, slrNitro, Friendmaker
	Player.ForwardMove 50, 0.5
	Player.JumpZ 15
	CameraHeight 10
			PLAY A -1
			PLAY E 12
			Goto Spawn
			Goto Missile
			PLAY G 4 
			PLAY G 4 A_Pain
			Goto Spawn
			PLAY H 0 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinDeath")
			PLAY H 10
			PLAY I 10 A_PlayerScream
			PLAY J 10 A_NoBlocking
			PLAY KLM 10
			PLAY M -1
			PLAY M 0 A_PlayerSkinCheck("AltSkinXDeath")
			PLAY O 5
			PLAY P 5 A_XScream
			PLAY Q 5 A_NoBlocking
			PLAY W -1
			PLAY H 6
			PLAY I 6 A_PlayerScream
			PLAY JK 6
			PLAY L 6 A_NoBlocking
			PLAY P -1
			PLAY Q 5 A_PlayerScream
			PLAY R 0 A_NoBlocking
			PLAY R 5 A_SkullPop
			PLAY Y -1

PS. Interesting new Editing layout. What prompted the forum reorganization?
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Rachael »

Exosphere wrote:PS. Interesting new Editing layout. What prompted the forum reorganization?
Long story short: Over-clutter was leading to people being ignored.

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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Blue Shadow »

Exosphere wrote:Sure, here is my custom player class.
Something else must be at play here, because that code works as expected (I tested it).

Just out of curiosity, if you type playerclasses and press Enter in the console, what do you get?
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Re: Using stock decals and other general editing questions

Post by Exosphere »

Blue Shadow wrote:
Exosphere wrote:Sure, here is my custom player class.
Something else must be at play here, because that code works as expected (I tested it).

Just out of curiosity, if you type playerclasses and press Enter in the console, what do you get?
So I figured out what was wrong. Apparently, I hadn't officially defined the player class within the MAPINFO file as described in the wiki; I didn't even have a MAPINFO file. Once I added the file and defined the class, it worked perfectlly. Thank you for catching this, Blue Shadow.

(This is for everyone, but would still like some help with creating a particle system for the muzzle flash.)

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