Glad to see you're still on board, pal. Lot's of things you found I see
-Crowbar lacks swing animations; it makes it pretty slow.
Hmm. It's meant to feel a little unwieldy, since it gives a better feeling of weight. I can try and make it more responsive, though.
- Pile Bunker leaves bullet chip decals. Intentional? Also when i saw the pickup sprite for the first time, i thought it was some kind of minigun.
Yeah, the pile bunker is actually based on one of these:

It's a gasoline powered post-driver. Repurposed into a man hammer. I'll be changing the decal into a crack for walls. Just didn't have time.
- Looks like the accuracy between Glock and Revolver has no difference.
Single shots, they will both be the same. The Glock should have slightly greater spread when auto-firing though. I will test this again.
- Sometimes Revolver and Glock ammo's pickup message confuses me. No Weapon's name included, just describing their visual simply.
I can change this to ".45 bullets" and "9mm bullets" I guess. Or just Heavy Bullets and Light Bullets. Hmm...
-Speaking of which, 9mm Automatic? Pump Action? Would be nice if the word Pistol and shotgun is included.
Sorry, I play with guns all the time so I get used to calling them by their first names. Haha. Does anyone else find this confusing? Let me know.
-Oh, also Pipe Bomb's Pickup message has no Exclamation mark.
Not everything should have an exclamation mark, but I will check.
- Machine Pistol's muzzle flash looks very slow, compared to other guns.
Hmm. I can add some middle or blank frames. Might be just the sheer rate of fire that makes it a blur though.
- I can't throw Pipe Bomb faster enough. And yet its projectile still plays fuse burning even though it's already exploded.
I can speed it up. The fuse sound is still annoying me. I'll try to fix it.
-Also, Why do i have to waste extra 1 ammo to plant it on the ground? Its sprite shows just one bomb...
This is just a side-effect of the ammo system. When I make it just have primary ammo, the weapon won't auto switch on empty. The secondary ammo is just a copy of the first, you aren't really
using two bombs. I will try and figure out a work-around.
- Spitter enemy's projectile leaves big-ass scorch. Intentional?
Nope. I want to make an Aliens style scorch mark on wall. Still working on sprites through.
- And lastly, this mod still uses vanilla sounds and some of them are pretty outdated/lacks quality. And i think i can help you with this one.
Yes please. That annoying weapon pickup sound I never got around to fixing for a start haha