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He's missing. He went into that Phobos station and never came back. The brass has decided to get off their asses and send someone in. You. And this time, you're going in prepared. Armed with a SMG and sidearm of your choice, armored up and ready to go, you must go in, neutralize any threats, and find him.
-Starting weapons now have different equipment loadouts
-Sidearms are now selected in the options menu before a game!
-P90 class added!
-Shell types added!
-Altfire on most weapons is now ADS
-Alternate weapon options added!
-Tactical Gear added!
-Can quick throw stun grenades by holding the grenade button!
-New HUD!
-Blue armor DR incresased slightly
-Bullet damage reworked to follow some actual maths
-Grenade throwing is now slightly faster
-Dodge roll changed to a dash
-Shell boxes now spawn with loose rounds
-Shell boxes can now be for any shell type
-Backpacks no longer have a chance to be upgrades
-Weapon drops have a very small chance to spawn upgrades
-Increased jump height
-Armor bonues now have the same DR as green armor
-Weapon drops no longer give ammo. Instead spawn ammo nearby. Exception is the Sorcerer
-Recoil values all altered
Jericho 941
-Replaces M9A1
-Ammo changed to .45 Super
-Rate of Fire increased slightly
-Recoil greatly reduced
-All upgrades effectiveness improved
-Now supressed
-Upgrades changed to affect grenades instead
-Power upgrade now improves grenade explosion
-Speed upgrade now speeds up grenade throwing
-Utility upgrade now increases grenade capacity
-Significantly increased reload speed
-Shotgun power flechettes now poison enemies and force pain
M870 MCS
-Replaces the shotgun
-Can now be pumped while empty
-Reload speed slightly increased
-Speed upgrade now improves pump speed
-User 2 now switches ammo type
-Added as an alternate option to the M870 MCS
-Alt fire switches ammo type while in Semi Auto mode
-User 2 switches fire mode
-Spawn no longer gives ammo; loose ammo spawns instead
-Can now be unjmammed with Reload
-Fixed bug where pump mode would have less recoil than intended
-Now has an underbarrel M203
-AUG drops now spawn mags and have a chance to drop 40mm grenades
-Power upgrade added: Mk318 rounds
-Utility upgrade changed to PIKE grenades
-Can now fire the GL while scoped
-Added as an alternate option to the AUG A3
-Replaced the HK23
-Added as an alternate option to the Maximi
-Fixed bug preventing you from drawing your pistol
-Handling speed increased
-Removed from rocket launcher spawns
-Now more consistantly deal explosve damage
-Added to the game. Spawns on rocket launchers
-Increased Cell limit to 3/6
-Direct hit damage increased
-Explosive damage reduced
-Charge shot damage increased
-Charge shot explosive damage increased
-No longer pushes enemies
-Damage types added
-Increased Cell limit to 2/4
-Damage increased
-Explosive damage increased
-VFX altered
-Select and deselect speed increased
-Alt Fire damage increased
-Tracer explosion damage increased
-Main Explosion no longer harms you
-Reload speed increased
-Now fails to fire if you don't have enough charge
-Now takes all charge and generates all heat at once
-Alt Fire rate of fire increased
-Alt fire is now a projectile
-Charge consumption reduced
-Can now pull the bolt while empty
-Bolt pull speed increased
-Increased Medikit limit to 4
-Increased Quad Damage limit to 2
-Increased Ninja Sphere limit to 3
-Increased Hazmat limit to 3
-Various pickup sounds added
-Megasphere is now a use item you can carry
-Can now properly carry items between levels
-Fixed players starting with vanilla armor
-Brightmaps added to Sorcerer
-Brightmaps added to The Eye
-Rubble physics altered
-New sprites and animations for most weapons!
-Hands removed from most weapons
-Added options for aimpoint colors
Soldier Z is a small little mod. Its one man's (me) attempt to learn and use ZScript to make something a little fun but nothing fancy, to kinda show you don't need to have grandiose ideas to make use of the super useful tool. While having zero coding knowledge and barely knowing how to use Decorate. Features some REALISM*.
*Kinda. Sorta. Really mild.
The REALISM level is what I would call softcore. Guns are real guns, with me attempting to accurately make the guns with a lot of help from several other people while still being very video gamey in other elements. See credits. Anyway, there is a rough formula to it.
Spoiler: This gets a little long winded so I'll spoiler it
Damage is based on a combination of factors such as bullet energy, muzzle velocity, bullet cavity size and penetration, using Doom's 5-15 as base for a 9mm Parabellum shot from a Beretta M9A1 handgun. Lots of guessing, but it was mostly Lud who came up with the damages. For the explosives, I watched a lot of videos of said explosives and said to myself "Do I think a Baron of Hell could survive this?", based on the fact it could take as many as 200 9mm bullets to drop one. Plasma weapons and shit were total guess work. I'm not going for 100% bullet physic realism, so there is no range drop offs and armor isn't a thing for enemies in Doom, so I don't consider those things. Any perception of armor (like Chaingunners or Revenants) I interpret their higher HP totals as factoring for armor.
Spread is roughly based on effective firing range of the gun in question, and recoil is largely guessing. Also your a GITS-like cyborg and that factored into the recoil as well. I plan on doing more with that.
So what's it do?
Before anything, you will need the Altfire, Reload, Zoom, Weapon State 1 and Weapon State 2 keys all mapped.
Gameplay Changes
Move slightly faster then Doomguy.
Armor protects you less.
Start with green armor. Because you know you're already in the deep shit.
Sprinting is faster forward back, but strafe slower. Have you ever tried to run sideways? It doesn't work.
ClipMAGAZINE based reloads. Because REALISM.
Switching speed and reloading speeds somewhat based on what it might take a normal human to reload and switch the weapons.
Weapon State 1 throws grenades.
Zoom quick draws your sidearm, causing you to drop your current weapon. Except the SMG. You can't drop that. It also quick switches you to melee from the pistol.
Lose the ability to run below 20 HP.
Dodge Roll by double tapping Sprint!
No auto reloads. Also because REALISMSMSMSMSM
Multiple Firemodes on various weapons. Use Weapon State 2 to change fire mode.
Spoiler: Weapons
Soldiers of the UAC, an international corporation, are well armed with weapons from manufacturers around the globe. You start with different gear based on what SMG you pick. Jericho 941
Magazine Capacity - 15
Standard issue for hundreds of years, somehow despite below average field performance, this pistol has served you well over the years. Sporting relatively low stopping power, range and tendency to jam...actual it's pretty poor, you should only use it as a last resort. You can throw down your weapon and quickly draw it in most situations, however.
The magazine is much more interesting. Its an experimental regenerating magazine with nanomachine technology. You only briefly skimmed the reports, but it pulls materials from around and morphs them into bullets. Or something. It's only FMJ bullets, but with the amount of armored targets, that's for the best.
Ruger Super Blackhawk
Magazine Capacity - 6
A real beast of a hand gun, this single action revolver fires .44 magnum hollow point rounds, more than enough to drop a target from several yards away. And through several walls. And a fridge. Not standard issue in the slightest, this is a personal weapon of yours...even if you don't exactly have all the required permit. While powerful, it's difficult to handle. The hammer must be manually pulled after every shot, and reloading is a very lengthy process involving removing and replacing every cartage.
Thankfully, you...uh...requisitioned an experimental cartage belt that uses the same nanomachine technology to create ammo, resulting in it being limitless.
Sawn Off
Damage - Varies
Magazine Capacity - 2
DM51 Hand Grenade
Damage - 128 + Shrapnel
Blast Radius - 128
Total carry amount - 8
A classic infantry weapon, this hand grenade features both a 2 second timed fuse and impact proximity fuse that causes the grenade to explode when thrown directly at a living target. Lightweight and powerful, with both good explosive damage and throwing out a high amount of deadly shrapnel, nothing should survive one of these throw directly at it.
A weapon from your personal collection, you decide to bring this instead of whatever brass want to hand to you. A classic UMP design, though you've modified it to be able to handle .45 ACP+P rounds and even .45 ACP Super. All you have laying around is +P hollow points, so they will have to do. A very serious ammo, to be sure, but you are very serious about this mission. You need the one shot one kill capacity of the hollow points to succeed. At least, you hope it'll be one shot one kill. The +P greatly increases the recoil of the weapon, but you are very skilled in the weapon's handling and have mild cybernetic augments so you barely notice.
Alt-fire braces the weapon against your shoulder and looks down the sights, giving you a tighter grip and engaging the zoom augments in your eyes, increasing accuracy and reducing recoil.
Power - You've found magazines of .45 ACP Super. Increased damage and increased accuracy. Speed - You've re-arranged your equipment a bit and gotten more skilled in the gun's handling. Faster reload. Utility - You found extended magazines.
Standard issue for UAC SpecOps, this SMG is speed above all else. With a high rate of fire, low recoil and surprising accuracy, this gun has seen use for many years in various countries and has served you well over your years in the UAC. In fact, with the light augments that are standard for UAC SpecOps it has nearly 0 recoil.
Alt-fire ADS.
Power - You've found improved grenades. Increased blast radius and damage on grenades Speed - You've re-arranged your equipment a bit. Faster grenade throwing. Utility - You've found a grenade belt. Increased grenade capacity.
Power - Found some specialty shells. Increased damage and projectile speed. Speed - You've re-arranged your equipment a bit and gotten more skilled in the gun's handling. Faster reload. Utility - You have further modified the gun with an extended magazine tube.
Altfire changes the shell type, or pumps, based on what firemode you are in.
Slot 4 - Steyr AUG A3 with M203 Grenade launcher
Magazine Capacity - 30
Total Spare Magazines - 4
Total Spare Grenades - 10
Altfire ADS, User 2 fires and reloads the M203
Power - You've found Mk318 rounds. Improved damage and accuracy. Speed - You've re-arranged your equipment a bit and gotten more skilled in the gun's handling. Faster reload. Utility - You swapped out the standard grenades with PIKEs. Rocket grenades and extended magazine.
Slot 4 - FN Minimi
Belt Capacity - 200
Total Spare Belt Magazines - 2
Altfire ADS
Slot 5 - M72A4 LAW
Damage - 200-1600 + 256 Explosion damage
Blast Radius - 256
Total Reserve Amount - 4
Total Armed Amount - 3
Why is this facility equipped with such a weapon? This is a weapon designed to bust light tanks and bunkers, not deal with personnel threats. A direct hit from this thing should utter destroy any threat. For how much fire power these bring, they are incredibly light weight and disposable, allowing you to carry a good deal of them on your back. They still need to be prepared and armed (used from the inventory) before they can be fired, but you can prepare multiple LAWs at once. When you have more than one LAW prepared, you can quickly throw one you've fire aside to retrieve the next prepared LAW.
A weapon being worked on in the labs of the facility, its designed to replace heavy ballistic weapons yet still be light enough to be carried by individual soldiers. It mostly succeeds at this goal, but still features some quirks that prevent it from becoming standard issue. You aren't exactly sure of how it functions, as briefing documents on the gun use a lot of jargon far above your pay grade, but it fires high power condensed plasma capable of melting heavily armored troopers and even shred light armored vehicles. It builds up heat with each shot, and the heat must be vented regularly to prevent overheating. Overheating causes damage to the battery cell, draining charge. One of the many quirks that those nerds in R&D who named the damn thing can work out.
Use the Zoom key to vent heat, instead of quick drawing the pistol. You don't feel safe dropping the gun to quick draw the pistol, just in case the reports of the cells exploding when cracked is true. You carry few cells with you for the same reason.
Features multiple firemodes and a secondary firing trigger. The secondary firing trigger (Alt-Fire) charges up a large mass of plasma, dealing greater damage and exploding at the cost of a good deal of battery capacity and generating a lot of heat.
Normal: Fires high damage, explosive shots. Does a great deal of damage, but dangerous in close quarters.
Suppression: Fires white hot plasma sparks with a very high RoF. The sparks do very little actual damage, but cause a great deal of searing pain. Generates little heat and uses little charge.
Scatter: Fires a spread of white hot plasma sparks. Semi automatic to help prevent overloads, but the combined effort of the sparks does surprising amount of damage and still causes great pain.
Power - You've messed with some buttons and knobs and overclocked the firing systems. Double firing rate. Speed - You've found a disk with a BIOS update that redirects heat much more efficiently. Faster cooldown. Utility - You've installed a experimental focusing lens. Shots changed to hitscans.
Slot 7 - Archmage Multi-Purpose Field Suppressor High Density Ionized Plasma Force Generating Non-Ballistic Launcher Alpha MK 0.2
Damage - [REDACTED]
Blast Radius - [REDACTED]
Total Energy Cells - 1
None of the reports mention this weapon. No data exists for it on the network. You've only heard rumors in mess halls and veteran benefits of a prototype weapon.
If the Sorcerer was to replace SAW, then this would replace squad explosive launchers. You've heard field reports of a heavy energy weapon capably of reducing whole platoons to a smoldering radioactive crater, of a launcher that can vaporize heavy battle tanks, leaving only the melted remains of the innermost workings and trace amounts of the human matter that was inside. Most of the local data is classified at the highest degree.
Could this be that weapon? Could this be was those who have possible seen it call BFG?
Slot 8 - The Eye
Damage - ???
Capacity - ???
Human. You were foolish to pick me up. All demons can sense each other, so you may never hide as long as I am out. No matter, fool. All whom meet my gaze perish. But my Eye only opens for blood. Your blood.
Slot 9 -Accuracy International AWM L115A1 Long Range Rifle
Damage - 50-100x2
Magazine Capacity - 5
Total Magazines - 3
Also known as an AWSM (Arctic Weather Super Magnum), this sniper rifle is a powerful precision tool, setting many records for distance kills over the years. It's powerful .338 Lapua Magnum rounds are capable of dropping a target from over 1500 meters. This particular model was the standard of the British Armed Forces, before all the nations of the world united under the UAC's banner. Its such a powerful weapon that it is capable of piercing through even armored troops and hitting someone behind with more then enough stopping power to kill or dismember. You've had some training with such a weapon, being Special Operations, but you've never been your squad's designated sniper so your skill is limited. It's weight, length and high recoil make it ill suited for hip fire, and it's meant to be used while prone and mounted. Your limited augments do let you still fire it with great accuracy while bracing it on your shoulder and aiming down it's 5x magnification scope.
The presence of such a weapon must mean you aren't the first SpecOps to come through here, though your peers seems to have meant a grisly fate. Why else would there be a sniper rifle here? Even more curiously, it's missing the suppressor this model of Accuracy International AWM's are known for.
Chainsaw has no replacement, but instead spawns upgrades for the other guns, sans the Pistol, Auto-shotgun and BFG. These upgrades fit into 1 of 3 categories and are (somewhat) based on actual real things that can be done to the gun:
Power (Red) - Raises the killing power or usefulness of the weapon.
Speed (Green) - Makes the weapon faster to use. Usually means faster reloads.
Utility (Blue) - Makes the weapon more convenient to use.
Most items you can now carry with you and use when you want. No realism here; video game logic prevails here.
Medkit - Max 2. Heals you by at least 25 over a period of time. The lower your health, the greater and slower the heal.
Ninja Sphere - Max 2. Increases speed, firing speed and makes you transparent. Doesn't work with everything. Replaces Blursphere.
Quad Damage - Max 1. Heals you by 100 instantly and QUAD DAMAGE. Replaces Berserk.
Night Vision Goggles - Max 1. Toggle night vision. Unlimited, but its obnoxiously green.
Hazmat Suit - Max 2. Its the same as the Radsuit, but you choose when to use it.
MegaSphere - Max 1. Heals you by 100, also auto activates when you drop below 50 HP.
Auspex - Its the map. More features coming soon.
Spoiler: FAQ
Q: The HUD won't show up! What do?
A: Make sure your screen size is set to 11. Screen Size is under the display options.
Q: How do I use the pistol?
A: How did you manage to read this but not the instructions up there? It's the Zoom key. Make sure you bind it!
Q: Does this work in multiplayer?
A: Kinda. The dodge roll code causes a crash when respawning from death. You can comment it out, if you are savvy enough, to run it in multiplayer no problem. I don't aim for multiplayer compatibility, though, so something could be added to break multiplayer at any time.
Q: Does this work with Zandronium?
A: Nope! This mod uses ZScript almost exclusively, so it will not work with Zandro.
Q: Can you make it so it can run with Zandronium?
A: Nope.
Q: What are some recommended mapsets?
A: I don't really have anything in mind, but maps with moderate levels of enemies that don't spam big monsters work really well. I recommend strongly against maps that rely on killing large groups of enemies with the shotgun and slaughtermaps, but that won't stop you will it?
Q: Will this work with...?
A: This mod replaces the player, weapons and items, so as long as the mod in question doesn't also replace those, yes. It should work with any gore mods, any monster mods and any map. User discretion is advised; Weapons may be powerful, but you are much more fragile than normal! I have to advise against something like Colorful Hell with super powerful monsters!
Q: X is super slow! Can you speed it up?
A: Depends on what it is, but likely no. Things are slow by design, but if something is erroneously slow, I'll speed it up a bit.
Q: Can you make Stimpacks collectible, usable items?
A: Nope!
Q: Can you add X weapon?
A: Likely no. I'm trying to be very careful of the weapon balance and content bloat of this mod, so I am very particular about adding weapons. Any planned weapons will show up in TODO.
Q: I don't like the ADS! Can you remove it?
A: No. It's 100% optional, doesn't do anything but zoom in slightly. It's there for people like me that like it, but you can just as easily just use the crosshair. Both ADS and "from the hip" shooting have the same accuracy.
Q: I don't like manually pumping the shotgun. Can you make it automatic?
A: Nope!
Q: What does "MORE REALISM" mean?
A: Visible confusion.
Still incomplete, but more then enough here to actually play. Here's some of the coming features.
-Add anti-materiel rifle.
-More Melee stuff.
-Fluffier OP.
-Tweaks. Lots of them.
-Expand the AUSPEX.
...except two things. Contains unused code by Mikk~ and Matt.
Recommended Mods
Some mods to help boost the Soldier Z experience.
Leaning - From Josh, the mind behind Droplets and Dark Doom, this small mod/code resource allows you to lean around corners.
Droplets - The blood mod to end all blood mods. And it recently came back to life, too.
Dark Doom Z - Caligari's continuation of Dark Doom, features tons of customization options AND a bitchin' flashlight.
SpriteShadow - The excellent mini mod from Nash gives all monsters shadows.
Tilt++ - Adds a highly customizable Quake style tilt to strafing and moving.
Immerse - An all in one package of Tilt++, Footsteps and weapon sway by Josh. Lots of options for customization.
Please, let me know what you think, any suggestions and criticisms, anything!
GIVE ALL and IDKFA don't give you everything, kinda a tradition with Brohnesorge mods at this rate. Anyway, if you want everything, you have to put
GIVE *Insert Color Here*SMGUPGRADE
Last edited by Brohnesorge on Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:31 am, edited 63 times in total.
Another one from the creator of everyone's favourite Baron Of Hell Simulator. Looking forward to seeing future improvements, like maybe some exclusive enemies? If you could get in contact with them, some of the monsters from the Project MSX Extra Badass Monster Pack would be perfect in my opinion.
Funny you say that, I was actually thinking about making a Soldier Z monster pack! It would replace Zombiemen with SMG and Pistol troopers, Shotgun guys would use the Baikal MP-133 and rarely the SPAS-12, and Commandos would use the M249. All would also have a chance to throw grenades. They would drop ammo for their guns, and have a low chance to drop grenades, and a even lower chance to drop an upgrade for the weapon they wield. Non-human monsters would have extra versions that would spawn, on top the normal versions.
But that would be further down the line. I'd want to get dodge rolling in first, for sure. And figure out monsters.
Still, glad to hear you are looking to the mod's updates!
Gameplay basically has this 'Hideous Destructor-lite' feel to it. It's tactical, but you aren't juggling five different buttons in order to use a gun that has eight different firemodes while wondering if that nukage barrel is going to suddenly lob a baron ball at you.
I love this mod! Most, if not all of the weapons are punchy and satisfying, the animations are pretty decent, and the weapon upgrade system is very cool. My only complaints have to do with some weapons needing a bit more feedback. (only one I can think of being the pistol lacking recoil, right now) The normal shotgun pump animation also looks a little strange. Either way, everything else still feels great. I love how the M249 feels, and seeing a SPAS-12 in a game that *actually* shows off its semi-auto capabilities is just amazing. I'm very excited for the additions listed in the todo list and will be watching this mod's page for a while.
Not sure if it's intentional, but I noticed you can reload most of the magazine-based weapons (with the exception of the pistol) while they're full. This will use up a magazine each time you reload, until you are out of magazines.
I don't think the mag loading when full is intentional. it way need a check for that.
Also i feel that the reload time for the guns (EXCEPT the pistol,SMG and HMG) are painfully slow at start. expecialy the shotgun. the rocket luncher and BFG are slower too but more understandable.
Pretty cool mod, the guns do feel good. I think the weapon switch and reload times need to be sped up a bit though, maybe 30-50%. I get that they need to be slower to be more realistic, but it ends up looking too slow for some, like he's just casually taking his time. I remember there were some LMGs in the later Call of Duty games that had that problem, where the reload looked weirdly slow and unhurried, even if it was just for gameplay balance.
Yeah the slow switching is kinda a compromise for having no animations. It represents un-holstering the weapon, switching the safety off, pulling any bolts or whatever while holstering the old weapon, switching its safety on, etc. I'll tweak the speed around a bit see if I can find a nice balance, because it's a little too slow for my tastes and seems a little unrealistically slow for the NLAW and M249. With the M249's reload it's the lack of (good) animation that makes it seem 2x as long as it is. I'll mess around with it, too.
But yeah, to confirm, Lud is 100% correct, the reloading on full is intentional. Try to be more mindful of your ammo. The only reason you can't on the pistol is because it's no harm no foul to reload on full, so I just removed it.
Speaking of the pistol, its getting a nerf. It has laser-focus-pin-point accuracy, which is utter bullshit. Even asked a buddy of mine whose a Marine who has experience with shooting one. His exact words were "The M9 is garbage". He was a little passionate about it, so I'll take his word with a grain of salt. Still, it's WAY too accurate.
Just gave a little ride on this. It's... it's beautiful! Weapons, although slow on pickup, feel incredibly smooth on reload and shooting frames. Don't change that shotgun reloading ticks. It's actually the first time i saw somebody doing it RIGHT. Also, i am glad you used my Radsuit sprite from the "DIY" section. Thanks.
Very nice job over here. But here's my other side of the coin:
- low the ADS idle frame for the shotgun a bit. It has a visible gap when there are no status bars.
- In the same topic, the hand that raises the grenade also suffers the same issues on larger resolutions.
- Fists alert monsters when punching the air. Some gloved fists here would also solve the difference between sprites too.
- pumping the shotty when zoomed should be slightly faster to synchronize with the sound.
Don't worry I don't plan on changing the shotgun reload at all. I'm very happy with where it's at.
Also, about the don't start with them, and you can only get them through cheating. I have plans for it, but for now, just ignore the fist behind the curtain.
As for the other stuff, I've attempted to address them in this update.
--Tightened spread of Shotgun Utility Upgrade
--Fixed Brace sprite being too high.
--Tweaked animations
-Auto Shotgun
--Tightened spread
--Added urgency to M249's reload. Is a bit faster now.
--Significantly lowered the Plasma Utility Upgrade's cooldown speed.
--Added Plasma Speed Upgrade! Faster cooldown!
--Significantly reduced accuracy.
--Added minor visual recoil.
--Fixed gaps on high resolutions
--Updated pickup message and screen color for Invulnerablity.
--Added 2x firing speed to Ninja Sphere
--Updated puff code. No longer give deprication warning and tweaked the VFX of it..
--Fixed various typoes.
--Dryfire mechanics added. MORE REALISM, HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Dryfire currently doesn't effect the Sorcerer or Archmage. Because reasons.
ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION A MECHANIC: Limping. It's been there the whole time I just forgot to mention it.
When you drop to 20 HP or lower, you can no longer run, on account of your grave wounds. Hide and heal, or pray to whatever flying spaghetti monster you want to that you can find a stimpack or something before pinkies eat you.
Also the MBT LAW has a scope on it's altfire. I forgot to write that down. I R GUD MOD CURATOR
--Melee added! It's still pretty early, but here it is.
--Added a new starting weapon: FX-05 Xiuhcoatl Carbine! It's its own class, so you can't have both.
--Shares clips with the MP7 for convience sake. I know its not realistic but deal with it.
--Main fire inaccurate hip fire full auto!
--Alt fire ADS!
--In ADS, tap fire to Single Shot, hold it to 3-round burst!
--Shares upgrades with the MP7.
--SMG Extended Mag raised to 45
--Updated visual recoil effects. Recoil unchanged.
-MP7 & FX-05
--Lowered max amount of mags to 4/8
--Jamming mechanics added! Low chance to jam, hit Reload to clear jams.
--Fixed scope alerting enemies
--Main fire explosion(s) now does FORCERADIUSDAMGAGE. Go nuts.
--Alt-fire direct hit damage a factor of 10.
--Tripled duration of Hazmat Suit
--Tweaked movement speeds
--Removed auto aim on most weapons.
--Changed terminology to Spare Mag.
--SMG Upgrade messages to Starting Weapon Upgrade, to reflect the Carbine being an alternative.
I will explain the melee mechanics. Basically, when you mainfire punch, it gives you ComboCounters. You then use Alt-fire to do combo finishers! Right now there are only 2:
Less then 3 Counters: Kick. It's just a kick.
3-10 counters : Punch flurry. Inspired by the rapid torso punching thing you see in kung fu movies, you rapidly punch for a duration and finish it with a kick. The more counters you have, the longer the punch flurry.
There is currently no visible counter for the Combo Counters, and if you kick with 2 or less, it resets to 0. The melee is a early, kinda proof of concept type deal; over time more finishers will be added and it will become more advanced.
You also can draw the pistol and throw grenades faster when you are meleeing.
Now I will explain the Carbine. First you will notice it is an alternative to starting with the SMG. It's more accurate and powerful then the SMG, but it has less ammo when extended AND is less accurate in hip fire. Alt-fire aims down sights, and while aiming down sights, you can tap fire to single shot, and hold it down to 3 round burst. Firing without ADS is automatic fire, but you are firing from the hip and gripping the gun loosely, causing it to jitter around and the accuracy to be crap. Good for short range surprises. Shares upgrades with the SMG. I will update the upgrade sprites soon to reflect that they are for both weapons.
Keep me posted on thoughts, ideas and feedback! Especially for melee and the carbine; Carbine has been tested pretty extensively over the week but I probably missed something and the melee is hot out of the in I finished it 15 minutes ago.