[Music] Shane's HQ Doom Music (2018 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2016 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Shane »

Tapwave wrote:Holy shit. This is gorgeous stuff. I'm beyond impressed. Every track got a chill out of me, love it. Can't wait for D2 to be finished!
Thank you so much for checking it out! I think you'll be happy to know I'm actually in the process of recording it now. I'll share some tracks soon. :)
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2016 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by leodoom85 »

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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2016 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Shane »

First post has been updated with the first batch of Doom 2 demos. I'll be aiming for another October release. :)
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2016 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by TheDramaticSkull »

Shane wrote:First post has been updated with the first batch of Doom 2 demos. I'll be aiming for another October release. :)
*Click* Noice... ;3
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2016 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Tapwave »

D_RUNNIN is pretty good, I like the use of the Rock Organ although I think it could use a bit more.. depth? I'm not sure how to put it, but it sounds a bit light. The solo is absolutely amazing, though. Love it.

D_STALKS's bassline could be an octave lower, imo. The "wah-wah" is also.. I'm not a huge fan of its instrumentation (but then again, that sound by itself is the part I like the least about the song in its vanilla form anyway so it might just be me.)
The Maracas sorta thing at the last part of the song also sort of overtakes the bassline, it could use a bit less volume.

D_COUNT is pretty much spot on, although the 2nd cymbal on the end part is a bit too "sharp", it could use a slightly deeper type.

D_BETWEE's bass made my desk shake.. :wub: The cymbals of around 0:50/0:55 sound a smidgen too distant, though, I'd make them a smidgen clearer.

D_DM2TTL's drums are.. Interesting, I actually find them to be much more tension inducing than the original. Very good all around.
Hope that helps, don't get me wrong, I loved all of them. :mrgreen:
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2016 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Siberian Tiger »

Shane wrote:First post has been updated with the first batch of Doom 2 demos. I'll be aiming for another October release. :)
Awesome stuff! Looking forward to the final revisions!
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Shane »

Happy Halloween, ghouls and ghosts! For your treat this year, I give you none other than High Quality Doom II Music.

Shout outs go to Lud, Tapwave, and Siberian Tiger, as well as everyone else in the ZDoom Discord who helped motivate me to keep going on this project. It wouldn't even be close to getting done if it weren't for you all, so thank you!

Again, thanks to everyone who has been around, listening, and using these packs. I hope they're serving every one well!
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Cheater87 »

This is amazing! I love the work you put into this!
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Kyotra »

Man you have no idea how great it is that you released this. There are already Doom 2 music replacement packs that use good remixes and covers, but the sad fact is all of them have AWFUL audio quality due to bad format conversions. Finally I can have updated Doom music without horrible compression warbling.
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Shane »

Cheater87 wrote:This is amazing! I love the work you put into this!
Thank you very much! :)
Kyotra wrote:Man you have no idea how great it is that you released this. There are already Doom 2 music replacement packs that use good remixes and covers, but the sad fact is all of them have AWFUL audio quality due to bad format conversions. Finally I can have updated Doom music without horrible compression warbling.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! This is one of the reasons why I decided to make this pack and release it publicly in the first place!
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Accensus »

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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Armaetus »

D_E1M6 loops improperly, the intro part (the brassy part) is also appended at the very end of the song, I came to rectify this for you.

Download . Open PK3 with SLADE, import into D_E1M6 and save archive.

Allow me to critique things so far:

E1M1: Erroneous end segment.
E1M6: Erroneous end segment, which makes it sound weird when it loops. I fixed it above for you.
E1M8/E3M4/E4M1: Interesting choice in place of the choir ahhs but the alternate does the job for me.
E2M2: Ocarina start instrument doesn't sound "windy" enough (IE SNES Doom's E2M2/E2M3)
E2M4: Sounds really strange using the pizzicato string in place of choir ahhs but the alternate version rectifies that. Tempo seemed a teensy bit above normal but I fixed it (decreased tempo by 3%)
E2M6: Has erroneous end segment doubled so it sounds weird when it loops. Corrected this as well.
E2M7: Has erroneous end segment at end.
E2M9/E3M1: Erroneous end segment.
E3M2: Erroneous end segment.

NOTE: These "end segment" issues I am finding makes looping tracks sound awkward or "off", BTW. I will make a PK3 archive with all the fixed tracks for you.

What OGG quality are you using, because I have been saving the files at default (quality 5) or at quality 6 in Audacity.

More critique to come (and fixes!)
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Shane »

Glaice wrote:A lot.
Hey! Thanks for the extensive feedback. I notice you mentioned erroneous end segments. Are you referring to the extra bar that plays? The songs shouldn't loop back to the beginning, they should loop to the second bar to make it sound fluid. This used to work, but for some reason, the LOOP_START tags aren't being recognised. I'll fix some of the issues in Doom when I release Final Doom.

As far as E2M2, I referenced the soundtrack on an SC-55 and picked sounds that would sound close to it. The ocarina has more of a square wave sound than a natural one (you can hear it here), so I went for a synthy ocarina sound.

The reason I replaced choirs with strings is because I have violins and cellos to record with, but not a choir (I tried using as many real instruments as I could!). I don't really care for synth choirs, but when people request versions with them in, it's usually simple to record it really quick on a keyboard.

The OGGs are saved at Quality 8, if I recall correctly. I'll be putting out FLAC versions as well, which should make it easier to edit.

Doom has some issues that I resolved in the Doom II soundtrack. With some of Doom, I recorded along to MIDIs converted from the WAD, and other tracks I wrote new MIDIs to record along to. Unfortunately, the former method lead to some weird timings since songs get mapped to a fraction of a tempo. For Doom II, I tapped the tempo for the songs, rounded the number I got to the nearest whole, then multiplied the MIDI conversions to play back at that tempo. It takes a bit of time to setup, but it resulted in songs being a lot easier to work with!
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Armaetus »

Yea, I played the tracks inside SLADE and found the extra bar just weird and was wondering what that extra LOOP_START tag was for.
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Re: [Music] HQ Doom Music (2017 Updates) [WIP] [Link]

Post by Siberian Tiger »

Awesome stuff! I hope to try these out soon!

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