Lithium 1.7.0 Beta (Apr. 17, 2022)

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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Marrub »

Campbell wrote:Why my game couldn't draw monsters? In console it said:


It happened everytime I launched a new game. Can you help me out here?
What game (ie. freedoom, doom 2) are you playing with, and with what maps (if any)?
Ikazu-san wrote:I did a few dozen tests. I think The Gun might need a tiny buff in the targeting department.
Also, I hope a proper fireball spell is planned.
Indeed, I might make the main projectile target enemies even, since it's so slow it has a bit of trouble hitting things if they even move an inch.
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Campbell »

Marrub wrote:
Campbell wrote:Why my game couldn't draw monsters? In console it said:


It happened everytime I launched a new game. Can you help me out here?
What game (ie. freedoom, doom 2) are you playing with, and with what maps (if any)?
Was using GZDoom 3.1.0, Doom 2 and TNT mappack. When I first using the latest patch, the mod ran just fine. But after messing some setting changes in the CBI, the game just stopped drawing monsters. Some of the changes were: Score Golf and "Are you serious" gamemode.

Quite wierd. When I played the first map, the monsters were being drawn again. I will keep playing and inform you later.

Here are photos:
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Marrub »

Campbell wrote:Some of the changes were: Score Golf and "Are you serious" gamemode.
That's not a bug. :D
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Campbell »

Marrub wrote:
Campbell wrote:Some of the changes were: Score Golf and "Are you serious" gamemode.
That's not a bug. :D
You cheeky bugger. How can I change it back or do I have to play again?

What about this:
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Marrub »

Campbell wrote:You cheeky bugger. How can I change it back or do I have to play again?
You have to start a new game for game modes to apply, unfortunately.
What the fuck? That is indeed a bug. How did you do that?
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Campbell »

Marrub wrote:
What the fuck? That is indeed a bug. How did you do that?
Please stop making me feel bad...

Quicksaving with F6. Sometimes it would occur but not for most of the time. Quite random and it required restarting or starting a new map to make it back to normal.
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by HalfBakedCake »

The night sky & rain option is really neat. Any chance we could get that as a separate plugin to use with other mods?
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by TootsyBowl »

Alright, finally got around to following your advice, updated my GzDoom, tried again...

Nope. Same error.
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Marrub »

I added an in-game changelog inspired by Kinsie's:
Spoiler: big image
The to-do list for 1.5 is still kind of horrifying, I have to add 3 new weapons, make sprites for 7 weapons, pickup sprites for 3, make 5 new upgrades, and write a bunch of stuff.
So, I've been kind of reluctant to work on this recently, trying to slink around doing all that crazy stuff since holy shit that's really a lot of work. But I'll try to get everything done now that I have a bit more motivation than usual.
HalfBakedCake wrote:The night sky & rain option is really neat. Any chance we could get that as a separate plugin to use with other mods?
Nope, sorry, the way it works is too complex, especially with the changes I just did to it which makes it play sound even when you're not staring directly at a place with sky.
The sky replacer is probably pretty easy to separate, but I wouldn't want to do that unless I was doing the rain as well.
TootsyBowl wrote:Alright, finally got around to following your advice, updated my GzDoom, tried again...

Nope. Same error.
Weird. Well, I know I fixed that bug recently.
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by a1337spy »

Small suggestion: have something replace the shotgun for the cybermage, since some maps give you a shotgun at the beginning and don't account for the player only being able to use the handgun until they get the chaingun/ssg replacements, also make spells appear earlier since phantoms don't exist until later on in the game.
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Marrub »

Yes, there's a shotgun slot weapon now, it was just unfinished. (And it still is, I have to make sprites for it.)

Delear is now the slot 2 spell, so you get it when you start a new game, and I added another spell for the melee slot which you also get at the start.

The other spells have also now been decided on, so the full roster will be:

Slot 1 - Blade, basic melee attack with fair range, deals a bit of damage and takes virtually no mana.
Slot 2 - Delear, 16-shot medium speed projectiles, doesn't use much mana.
Slot 3 - Feuer, 4 shots, slow, hard hitting projectiles that curve.
Slot 4 - Romyetya, constant extended range melee attacks, fires 3 slices with a random rotation.
Slot 5 - Hulgyon, high mana consumption, but very strong; raises high damage spikes of energy out of the ground in a line in front of you.
Slot 6 - Hosh'danma, 100 shots, spits stars out crazy fast and does nice stunlocking.
Slot 7 - Cercle de la Mort, extremely high mana consumption, removes all enemies in front of you or nearly kills them if they're too strong.
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Ikazu-san »

I gotta say, I miss FTL missiles that were "fixed" one day. Please, bring them back as an upgrade. EDIT: After messing around with Cluster Launcher a bit, I noticed that rockets launched in spiral pattern still accelerate to hilarious speeds, unlike the ones launched in line pattern. I wonder if this is intentional. EDIT2: Oh wait, I just didn't updated to most recent version yet.
Also, it would be nice if Finalizer projectile could deal normal damage (AFTER instakill check). Special death for monsters when it manages to finish them off properly wouldn't hurt, either. Something like OFF, where they flash white and get erased, complete with monotonous hum.
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Marrub »

Ikazu-san wrote:I gotta say, I miss FTL missiles that were "fixed" one day. Please, bring them back as an upgrade. EDIT: After messing around with Cluster Launcher a bit, I noticed that rockets launched in spiral pattern still accelerate to hilarious speeds, unlike the ones launched in line pattern. I wonder if this is intentional. EDIT2: Oh wait, I just didn't updated to most recent version yet.
Yeah, I forgot to update the spiral rocket code when I fixed the rockets, I didn't fix them in the same manner though so they still act kind of differently.
Ikazu-chan wrote:Also, it would be nice if Finalizer projectile could deal normal damage (AFTER instakill check). Special death for monsters when it manages to finish them off properly wouldn't hurt, either. Something like OFF, where they flash white and get erased, complete with monotonous hum.
Hm, yes. I'll get on that.

Also David fixed some weirdness with GDCC so now the ACS binary is 3 megabytes smaller. Yay!
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by Marrub »

effort dispensed sprites emitted
except that second one it can go to hell
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Re: Lithium [1.5 Beta/Jul. 17]

Post by armyman12345 »

I seem to be getting a fatal error when I load this mod in GZdoom 3.1.0. Here's the report, if it helps

Code: Select all

Code: C000001D (Illegal Instruction)
Address: 68441BDA
Flags: 00000000

Windows NT 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

GS=0000  FS=003b  ES=0023  DS=0023
EAX=00000009  EBX=00000009  ECX=084f4504  EDX=00000ff7
ESI=07727100  EDI=0772311c
EBP=001bf104  EIP=68441bda  ESP=001bf040  CS=001b  SS=0023
 CF+ PF+ AF+ ZF- SF+ TF- IF+ DF- OF- NT- RF+ VM- AC- VI- VP-

FPU State:
 ControlWord=027f StatusWord=0120 TagWord=ffff


Running threads:
0000125c at 68441BDA*

Loaded modules:
00DD0000 - 019D9FFF  gzdoom.exe
77B90000 - 77CD1FFF  ntdll.dll
77A00000 - 77AD4FFF  kernel32.dll
75C30000 - 75C7AFFF  KERNELBASE.dll
765B0000 - 76678FFF  USER32.dll
75EB0000 - 75EFDFFF  GDI32.dll
77D50000 - 77D59FFF  LPK.dll
76680000 - 7671CFFF  USP10.dll
76D00000 - 76DABFFF  msvcrt.dll
76DB0000 - 779FBFFF  SHELL32.dll
76780000 - 767D6FFF  SHLWAPI.dll
76BA0000 - 76CFCFFF  ole32.dll
77AE0000 - 77B81FFF  RPCRT4.dll
75F40000 - 75FD0FFF  OLEAUT32.dll
77D60000 - 77DDAFFF  COMDLG32.dll
74A90000 - 74C2DFFF  COMCTL32.dll
76500000 - 765A0FFF  ADVAPI32.dll
75F20000 - 75F38FFF  sechost.dll
6D2D0000 - 6D397FFF  OPENGL32.dll
6D280000 - 6D2A1FFF  GLU32.dll
6D190000 - 6D276FFF  DDRAW.dll
6C640000 - 6C645FFF  DCIMAN32.dll
75FE0000 - 7617CFFF  SETUPAPI.dll
75C80000 - 75CA6FFF  CFGMGR32.dll
75CD0000 - 75CE1FFF  DEVOBJ.dll
74320000 - 74332FFF  dwmapi.dll
6CF40000 - 6CF46FFF  WSOCK32.dll
77D10000 - 77D44FFF  WS2_32.dll
77CE0000 - 77CE5FFF  NSI.dll
72610000 - 72641FFF  WINMM.dll
75F00000 - 75F1EFFF  IMM32.DLL
76180000 - 7624CFFF  MSCTF.dll
6E280000 - 6E282FFF  api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.DLL
6A0C0000 - 6A135FFF  riched20.dll
74800000 - 7483FFFF  uxtheme.dll
759C0000 - 759CBFFF  CRYPTBASE.dll
75E20000 - 75EA2FFF  CLBCatQ.DLL
74F20000 - 74F2CFFF  wtsapi32.dll
75120000 - 75148FFF  WINSTA.dll
75940000 - 7595AFFF  SspiCli.dll
6AE80000 - 6AF58FFF  openal32.dll
745A0000 - 745D8FFF  MMDevApi.dll
74840000 - 74934FFF  PROPSYS.dll
70D00000 - 70D35FFF  AUDIOSES.DLL
708F0000 - 7091FFFF  wdmaud.drv
710A0000 - 710A3FFF  ksuser.dll
74590000 - 74596FFF  AVRT.dll
69870000 - 698AFFFF  VirtualMIDISynth.dll
70610000 - 70617FFF  msacm32.drv
6DE00000 - 6DE13FFF  MSACM32.dll
70600000 - 70606FFF  midimap.dll
6E2B0000 - 6E2DFFFF  dinput8.dll
74340000 - 74348FFF  HID.DLL
75D00000 - 75D2EFFF  WINTRUST.dll
75AE0000 - 75C00FFF  CRYPT32.dll
75AB0000 - 75ABBFFF  MSASN1.dll
08E50000 - 099A8FFF  atioglxx.dll
74F30000 - 74F38FFF  VERSION.dll
10000000 - 1002CFFF  atiadlxx.dll
6AF60000 - 6AFD8FFF  mscms.dll
75CB0000 - 75CC6FFF  USERENV.dll
75AA0000 - 75AAAFFF  profapi.dll
6E800000 - 6E837FFF  icm32.dll
68430000 - 68591FFF *libsndfile-1.dll

Bytes near EIP:
68441BCA: 00 00 00 66 0f 70 ce 8d 0f 29 4c 24 70 8b 75 08
68441BDA: 66 0f 38 35 c8 f3 0f 7e 47 e0 0f 29 4c 24 40 66
68441BEA: 0f 38 28 4c 24 50 66 0f 38 35 e0 f3 0f 7e 47 e8

Possible call trace:
 68441bda  BOOM
 00f02e50  call [01343ff0]
 01269816  call [012b12dc]
 01265cd8  call [012b1238]
 00FC147D  call 01265CAD
 00f02fb6  call [edx+0x4]
 00efef09  call [eax+0x8]
 0110A6B6  call 0124FEF0
 010865ce  call [eax+0x10]
 012697c0  call [012b1148]
 01299B03  jmp  010A8E10
 010856D9  call 01086410
 010872EF  call 01085630
 01051DC5  call 01087140
 0113D9F2  call 0108CAE0
 00FB1223  call 01050A20
 01295863  jmp  011DD9F0
 00F926B4  call 00FB1D30
 01293EA3  jmp  011DD9F0
 00F99BB5  call 00F92620
 00F92EA6  call 00F99970
 00FC16E9  call 012603BD
 00F93F61  call 00F92D70
 01269816  call [012b12dc]
 011dda07  call [012b1148]
 00F7CAB4  call 011DD9F0
 01293EA3  jmp  011DD9F0
 00DFAC19  call 00F7CA40
 00DFAC53  call 0124A107
 01265cd8  call [012b1238]
 00FC147D  call 01265CAD
 00F7D11F  call 00FC1440
 01294174  jmp  00F72E30
 00F7B11A  call 00F7D040
 00DF8758  call 00F92F30
 01290416  call 012904F5
 00df99fa  call [012b10cc]
 00DF9A20  call 00DF81F0
 0124B400  call 00DF99B0

Stack Contents:
001BF040: 081ad5c8 00000024 07c10948 001bf090  ····$···H·······
001BF050: 0000000b 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF060: 084f5880 001bf090 07c10948 00000000  ·XO·····H·······
001BF070: 076f79c0 6843dc6b 084f5880 001bf090  ·yo·k·Ch·XO·····
001BF080: 081ad5c8 001bf0d0 076f79c0 00000005  ·········yo·····
001BF090: 00000000 00000000 0000014e 00000000  ········N·······
001BF0A0: 076f79c0 00000000 6843e3ff 0000001f  ·yo·······Ch····
001BF0B0: fffffa5f 00000000 00000c29 00000000  _·······)·······
001BF0C0: ffffe3a2 00000000 0000211b 00000000  ·········!······
001BF0D0: ffffed86 00000000 000017c7 00000000  ················
001BF0E0: 00001780 ffffde8f 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF0F0: 00000080 0000000f 081ad5c8 00000009  ················
001BF100: 00000001 084f4050 68436705 07727100  ····P@O··gCh·qr·
001BF110: 00000ff7 084f4504 00000009 0000000b  ·····EO·········
001BF120: 0772311c 00000000 081ad5c8 00000000  ·1r·············
001BF130: 00000009 00000000 00000005 0000014e  ············N···
001BF140: 00000009 084f4528 68436041 00000018  ····(EO·A`Ch····
001BF150: 00000003 00000000 001bf1a4 00000000  ················
001BF160: 00000000 081ad5c8 00000000 00000064  ············d···
001BF170: 68435513 00000018 00000018 00000000  ·UCh············
001BF180: 081ad5c8 001bf1c0 00000000 081ad5c8  ················
001BF190: 68433d96 000000f8 075b5a70 00000000  ·=Ch····pZ[·····
001BF1A0: 684811c7 00000000 00000020 07c10948  ··Hh···· ···H···
001BF1B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 075b5a70  ············pZ[·
001BF1C0: 001bf1f8 68477927 07c10948 001bf230  ····'yGhH···0···
001BF1D0: 00000040 00000000 00000020 0740e420  @······· ··· ·@·
001BF1E0: 0803e820 084f5860 0740e420 081ad5c8   ···`XO· ·@·····
001BF1F0: 000007ff 0803e828 001bf338 00f02e56  ····(···8···V.··
001BF200: 07c10948 001bf230 00000020 00000000  H···0··· ·······
001BF210: 000326f4 000326f4 0803e820 00000000  ·&···&·· ·······
001BF220: 00000000 0000c9bd 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF230: 80088008 072c84c8 00000001 00000000  ······,·········
001BF240: 00000002 0000000c 0740e420 0740e420  ········ ·@· ·@·
001BF250: 0740e41b 00000000 00000000 00350000  ··@···········5·
001BF260: 01000000 001bf1ac 00000000 001bf36c  ············l···
001BF270: 77bae195 14c10b63 fffffffe 77be5c43  ···wc·······C\·w
001BF280: 77be5950 000326f4 00032700 0740e41a  PY·w·&···'····@·
001BF290: 0740e418 00000000 000326f4 0803e820  ··@······&·· ···
001BF2A0: 0803e820 07c10948 001bf2b8 68481f4d   ···H·······M·Hh
001BF2B0: 07c10948 081ad5c8 001bf2f0 68433b34  H···········4;Ch
001BF2C0: 081ad5c8 001bf2e8 07c10948 075b5a70  ········H···pZ[·
001BF2D0: 07c10948 6848160c 081ad5c8 001bf2e8  H·····Hh········
001BF2E0: 07c10948 00000003 0803e828 001bf300  H·······(·······
001BF2F0: 00000003 00000000 00032700 07c10948  ·········'··H···
001BF300: 001bf318 0126981c 00350000 000326f4  ······&···5··&··
001BF310: 0803e820 0740e420 001bf32c 01265cde   ··· ·@·,····\&·
001BF320: 00350000 00000000 0740e420 001bf378  ··5····· ·@·x···
001BF330: 00fc1482 dc86923e 001bf378 00f02fb9  ····>···x····/··
001BF340: 0740e420 000326f4 dc86935a 0803e820   ·@··&··Z··· ···
001BF350: 080d9ce0 00000000 0740e420 000326f4  ········ ·@··&··
001BF360: 000326f4 00000000 0740e420 001bf3cc  ·&······ ·@·····
001BF370: 012934ae 00000000 001bf3d8 00efef0c  ·4)·············
001BF380: 001bf40c dc8693fa 06ebaa64 00011ce2  ········d·······
001BF390: 080d9ce0 77be5c43 77be5950 00011ce2  ····C\·wPY·w····
001BF3A0: 00011cf0 080d9cda 080d9cd8 06ebaa64  ············d···
001BF3B0: 012c8374 00000000 00011ce2 00000000  t·,·············
001BF3C0: 00004000 0110a600 080d9ce0 001bf49c  ·@··············
001BF3D0: 012933dc 00000002 00000000 0803e820  ·3)········· ···
001BF3E0: 0110a6bb 02945778 00000001 00011ce2  ····xW··········
001BF3F0: 00424b6c 00424b6c 0000ac44 00000004  lKB·lKB·D·······
001BF400: 00001103 000000b3 00000003 00000000  ················
001BF410: 00011cf0 001bf458 001bf430 00000001  ····X···0·······
001BF420: 00011ce2 ffffffff 00000000 001bf4a8  ················
001BF430: 010865d1 001bf474 000d9ce0 00011ce2  ·e··t···········
001BF440: 00000000 001bf4c0 dc86948a 00007e2c  ············,~··
001BF450: 06ebaa64 00000000 012e33c8 00000000  d········3.·····
001BF460: 00011ce2 00000000 00011ce2 00000000  ················
001BF470: 00424b6c 001bf488 77a4c5f4 00350000  lKB········w··5·
001BF480: 00000000 0d460020 001bf49c 012697c6  ···· ·F·······&·
001BF490: 00350000 22000000 0d460020 001bf4e0  ··5····" ·F·····
001BF4A0: 01299b08 00000000 001bf4ec 010856de  ··)··········V··
001BF4B0: 06ebaa64 001bf4c0 dc8694ce 000001db  d···············
001BF4C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 000085d9  ················
001BF4D0: 00099873 00000000 00000001 0000ac44  s···········D···
001BF4E0: 001bf738 01299a6e 00000000 001bf744  8···n·)·····D···
001BF4F0: 010872f4 06ebaa64 fffe19f7 00000001  ·r··d···········
001BF500: 74da9841 003e4ba0 00000000 00000120  A··t·K>····· ···
001BF510: 0821e988 01298866 00000002 001bf703  ··!·f·)·········
001BF520: 01051dca dc869766 00000000 00000000  ····f···········
001BF530: 00000001 6364ecf3 01fa0056 77be2bff  ······dcV····+·w
001BF540: 6364ec8f 00000006 003501c4 073f5b98  ··dc······5··[?·
001BF550: 003535a0 00000001 00350000 003535a0  ·55·······5··55·
001BF560: 00000000 03ab3d30 003535a0 77be2bff  ····0=···55··+·w
001BF570: 6364ecbf 00000000 0035024c 00350000  ··dc····L·5···5·
001BF580: 003575d0 00000003 00980022 00000361  ·u5·····"···a···
001BF590: 0000007e 07079f28 7b08aedd 00000001  ~···(······{····
001BF5A0: 00b10023 00000361 001bf6b0 001bf540  #···a·······@···
001BF5B0: 003575d0 003535d0 000000c0 003535a0  ·u5··55······55·
001BF5C0: 00000000 0735e988 003572c0 00357430  ······5··r5·0t5·
001BF5D0: 07fdf178 00357fa8 00000000 001bf570  x····5·····p···
001BF5E0: 00000000 001bf6c0 77bae195 14c1055b  ···········w[···
001BF5F0: fffffffe 77be2bff 77be2a9a 00000000  ·····+·w·*·w····
001BF600: 000000c0 071728a4 77be6416 00000000  ·····(···d·w····
001BF610: 07442178 07442178 071728a4 00000000  x!D·x!D··(······
001BF620: 07442170 001bf638 00000000 00350000  p!D·8·········5·
001BF630: 071728a0 07442178 001bf64c 01c20047  ·(··x!D·L···G···
001BF640: 324c4758 4e4c4758 012b5860 00000000  XGL2XGLN`X+·····
001BF650: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF660: 00000000 00000000 334c475a 324c475a  ········ZGL3ZGL2
001BF670: 00172898 00000000 0120696b 334c4700  ·(······ki ··GL3
001BF680: 083efb18 001728a0 09f1d2de 00000000  ··>··(··········
001BF690: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF6A0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF6B0: 00000000 00000000 0074ee88 00000000  ··········t·····
001BF6C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF6D0: 00000000 00000000 006f7ea8 00000000  ·········~o·····
001BF6E0: 00000bda 00000000 0032d205 00000000  ··········2·····
001BF6F0: 00077902 00000000 002bb0ef 00000000  ·y········+·····
001BF700: 00000292 00000000 0028f435 00000000  ········5·(·····
001BF710: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BF720: 00000000 00000000 0113d9f7 fffe19f7  ················
001BF730: dc869766 001bf524 001bf76c 012988d9  f···$···l·····)·
001BF740: ffffffff 001bf778 00fb1228 039e5274  ····x···(···tR··
001BF750: 00000000 dc86975a 00000000 00000001  ····Z···········
001BF760: 000009f3 00000007 039e5234 001bf794  ········4R······
001BF770: 01295868 00000000 001bf7a0 00f926b9  hX)··········&··
001BF780: 00000000 00000000 dc869782 00000001  ················
001BF790: 01352e28 001bf7e0 01293ea8 00000000  (.5······>)·····
001BF7A0: 00000000 00f99bba 00000000 001bf7ec  ················
001BF7B0: 001bf7e8 003c82a0 019d6022 00f92eab  ······<·"`···.··
001BF7C0: dc8697ce 00000000 001bf7e8 003c82a0  ··············<·
001BF7D0: 001bf850 00fc16ee 00000000 001bf7c0  P···············
001BF7E0: 001bf844 01294d00 00000000 001bf850  D····M)·····P···
001BF7F0: 00f93f66 dc869872 0000015a 000001f0  f?··r···Z·······
001BF800: 77a4cebc 003ae248 003c9060 00000000  ···wH·:·`·<·····
001BF810: 01352e28 00000000 00ba57b4 00000002  (.5······W······
001BF820: 00000000 00000000 01352e28 00000000  ········(.5·····
001BF830: 00000000 00000000 00000000 003dbc20  ············ ·=·
001BF840: 00000000 001bfcbc 01294db1 00000003  ·········M)·····
001BF850: 63697672 61502065 31206b63 7512000a  rvice Pack 1···u
001BF860: 00000000 48000037 003ae4e0 c51bf8ac  ····7··H··:·····
001BF870: 00350000 00000000 001bf8e0 00590038  ··5·········8·Y·
001BF880: 0000045c 0036d2e0 00000000 003575d0  \·····6······u5·
001BF890: 00000000 6364e001 00000000 003ae248  ······dc····H·:·
001BF8A0: 00350000 00000001 00000000 8a885d04  ··5··········]··
001BF8B0: 00000048 75123406 751233f8 00000004  H····4·u·3·u····
001BF8C0: 75123414 001bfb9c 00000200 00000000  ·4·u············
001BF8D0: 75123402 75122d62 00000000 0000000a  ·4·ub-·u········
001BF8E0: 00ba09f0 00ba0000 00baffe0 00000014  ················
001BF8F0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001eb4  ················
001BF900: 001bf944 77bb943f 00ba0a40 0000007f  D···?··w@······
001BF910: 00ba0a48 00ba00c4 0000007f 00000010  H··············
001BF920: 00ba09f0 0000000a 00ba00c4 00ba00c4  ················
001BF930: 00ba0a10 00000010 000003f8 0000007f  ···············
001BF940: 00001eb4 00000010 0000000a 00ba09f0  ················
001BF950: 001bfa64 77bffff2 00ba0138 77bffd6d  d······w8···m··w
001BF960: 6364e32f 00ba0000 00000048 00ba09f8  /·dc····H·······
001BF970: 00200020 00650053 00760072 00000000   · ·S·e·r·v·····
001BF980: 00001ebb 001bfa70 00000003 00ba0000  ····p···········
001BF990: 00ba09f0 001bfa70 77be5c14 77be5c43  ····p····\·wC\·w
001BF9A0: 6364e33b 00000002 00ba019c 00ba0000  ;·dc············
001BF9B0: 00ba0150 00ba0000 00baffe0 00ba0150  P···········P···
001BF9C0: 00000000 001bfa46 00000000 77be2bff  ····F········+·w
001BF9D0: 6364e31f 00000000 003501cc 00350000  ··dc······5···5·
001BF9E0: 001bfabc 0000007f 0107001b 00000008  ···············
001BF9F0: 0000015a 00ba0150 00ba0000 0000000a  Z···P···········
001BFA00: 00fe001c 00000008 00000000 001bfb84  ················
001BFA10: 00ba0000 00ba0958 00000000 0b01000a  ····X···········
001BFA20: 00000000 00367f38 003572c0 003573f0  ····86··r5··s5·
001BFA30: 0036dad8 00ba0000 00080000 00ba0958  ··6·········X···
001BFA40: 001bfb30 77be6404 00ba0138 77be63e0  0····d·w8····c·w
001BFA50: 6364e27b 00000000 00ba0000 00ba0960  {·dc········`···
001BFA60: 00000040 77a4cebc 77bffc24 00ba09f8  @······w$··w····
001BFA70: 00000048 00ba096c 00ba0a48 00ba0150  H···l···H···P···
001BFA80: 00ba09f2 00ba0000 00ba0150 00000010  ········P·······
001BFA90: 001bfb44 00ba0150 aa001eb4 00000000  D···P···········
001BFAA0: aa001eb4 00000013 00200065 0000000e  ········e· ·····
001BFAB0: 00000003 00000000 00000013 00000000  ················
001BFAC0: 00000048 aa001eb4 00000013 0126981c  H·············&·
001BFAD0: 00ba0a48 00ba096c 77a4cebc 0036dad8  H···l······w··6·
001BFAE0: 001bfaf4 00000000 00ba0150 00000000  ········P·······
001BFAF0: 0036dad8 00ba0960 00ba0a48 003afeb0  ··6·`···H·····:·
001BFB00: 00000013 00000000 0100bc2f 00000000  ········/·······
001BFB10: 00000098 0101feb0 001bfa50 003afeb0  ········P·····:·
001BFB20: 001bfb88 77bae195 14c10b43 fffffffe  ·······wC·······
001BFB30: 77be63e0 77be6416 00000000 00ba0960  ·c·w·d·w····`···
001BFB40: 00000035 0000015a 77a4cebc 00ba0958  5···Z······wX···
001BFB50: 001bfb64 77a4c5f4 00ba0000 00000000  d······w········
001BFB60: 00ba0960 001bfb94 011dda0d 00ba0000  `···············
001BFB70: 00000000 00ba0960 00f7cab9 dc869bb6  ····`···········
001BFB80: 00000006 00ba096c 001bfcbc 01293ea8  ····l········>)·
001BFB90: 00000000 001bfcc8 00dfac1e 012b7924  ············$y+·
001BFBA0: 012b7898 00000006 00000001 00001db1  ·x+·············
001BFBB0: 001bfbcc 00dfac58 0000009c 00000006  ····X···········
001BFBC0: 00000001 00001db1 00000002 76726553  ············Serv
001BFBD0: 20656369 6b636150 00003120 0000015a  ice Pack 1··Z···
001BFBE0: 77a4cebc 0036da90 001bfbfc 01265cde  ···w··6······\&·
001BFBF0: 00350000 00000000 0036da90 001bfc30  ··5·······6·0···
001BFC00: 00fc1482 0036da90 003afeb0 00f7d124  ······6···:·$···
001BFC10: 00000000 00000040 dc869c12 000001f0  ····@···········
001BFC20: 003afeb0 001bfc3c 01294179 00000003  ··:·<···yA)·····
001BFC30: 001bfc48 00f7b11f dc869c6a 001bfcbc  H·······j·······
001BFC40: 01293fdf 00000000 001bfcc8 00000001  ·?)·············
001BFC50: dc869872 001bfcc8 00df875d dc869cea  r·······]·······
001BFC60: 00dd0000 0130da28 7ffdf000 00000001  ····(·0········
001BFC70: 000f4240 0044005c 00000000 00df8b20  @B··\·D····· ···
001BFC80: 00000000 00000000 00dd0000 34c103cb  ···············4
001BFC90: 00010003 00000000 00000000 012b7490  ·············t+·
001BFCA0: 77a00000 012cc220 00dd0000 00ba090c  ···w ·,·········
001BFCB0: 00000200 00000180 001bfc5c 001bfe58  ········\···X···
001BFCC0: 0129196f 00000000 003681f8 003572c0  o·)·······6··r5·
001BFCD0: 003573e0 00383e30 00357788 0133e9d4  ·s5·0>8··w5···3·
001BFCE0: 001bfc74 0129041b 001bfdac 77bae195  t·····)········w
001BFCF0: 14c1055b fffffffe 77be2bff 00646463  [········+·wcdd·
001BFD00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFD10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 04010401  ················
001BFD20: 0000007c 007e00a0 00000000 00000000  |·····~·········
001BFD30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFD40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFD50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFD60: 00000000 00000020 00000500 00000320  ···· ······· ···
001BFD70: 00000000 0000003c 00000000 00000000  ····<···········
001BFD80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFD90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFDA0: 000001f0 0000015a 4f445a47 67204d4f  ····Z···GZDOOM g
001BFDB0: 2e312e33 28202030 37313032 2d35302d  3.1.0  (2017-05-
001BFDC0: 31203133 31313a32 2033333a 3032302b  31 12:11:33 +020
001BFDD0: 00002930 001bfdf8 77a4daf4 ffffffff  0)·········w····
001BFDE0: fffffffe ffffffff 013569d0 00000000  ·········i5·····
001BFDF0: 00000000 00000002 001bfe68 00df9a00  ········h·······
001BFE00: ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff dc869cea  ················
001BFE10: 001bfe68 00df9a25 00dd0000 00000000  h···%···········
001BFE20: 0124b405 00dd0000 00000000 00352a34  ··$·········4*5·
001BFE30: 00000001 dc869e4a 00000000 00000000  ····J···········
001BFE40: 7ffdf000 001bfe00 c000001d 00000000  ···············
001BFE50: 001bfe34 001bec40 001bfea4 01250860  4···@·······`·%·
001BFE60: ddae8f62 00000000 001bfe74 77a4ef8c  b·······t······w
001BFE70: 7ffdf000 001bfeb4 77bf367a 7ffdf000  ·······z6·w···
001BFE80: 6364e7ff 00000000 00000000 7ffdf000  ··dc···········
001BFE90: c000001d 77a608c1 77a608c1 001bfe80  ·······w···w····
001BFEA0: 001bec48 ffffffff 77bae195 14c117a3  H··········w····
001BFEB0: 00000000 001bfecc 77bf364d 0124b477  ········M6·ww·$·
001BFEC0: 7ffdf000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ···············
001BFED0: 00000000 0124b477 7ffdf000 00000000  ····w·$········
001BFEE0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFEF0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFF90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFFA0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFFB0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFFC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFFD0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFFE0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················
001BFFF0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ················

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