[Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony] v3.1 released (p204)

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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by jazzmaster9 »

edgymemester wrote:I dislike the gameplay. A lot of the stuff in here like the stealth sections or the flinching when getting hit seems like its just a call out to modern shooters brought in only because it can/to show off.
I would not necessary call those features Modern since they were in the classic PSX Modal of Honor.
And the flinching fit the pseudo-realistic aesthetics of the mod really well. so no, it was not " brought in to Show of" its actually part of the gameplay and means you can't just endlessly tank hits.
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Gutawer »

I've just realised that my Underwater shader has been implemented into BoA, and while I'm happy that my shader's getting some serious use, I would like to know where/if I've been credited for my work - I've looked all around the relevant places in your github repo for credit and I can't find it, so I'd like to know where it is. If it isn't there, please credit me as I noted in my shader thread, thank you :)
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by AFADoomer »

Sorry about that! I just added you to the credits file in the repo.
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Doom Juan »

edgymemester wrote:...only because it can/to show off.

Thanks to all who have given some serious and considered feedback regarding gameplay: it is both valued and appreciated greatly - many thanks!
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Just FYI: today we have decided to implement Nash's Sprite Shadows on BoA, which I have added it right now ;)
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Gez »

Yes, nobody complained that they were getting too many FPS, it was time to force-feed more graphic bloat that people can perfectly well add on their own if they want it.
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Captain J »

Doom Juan wrote:
Thanks to all who have given some serious and considered feedback regarding gameplay: it is both valued and appreciated greatly - many thanks!
General Fettgesicht bought his guns to correct the incorrect. :P
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Ozymandias81 »

What's that behavior about? Did you test the new effect though? On my side now BoA has gained a bit of performance because we don't have anymore blob shadows instead.
FYI all kind of lights on BoA are checked by the Stealth system, instead now without them we'll get a good performance. Plus I plan to add such SpriteShadow effect switchable for players (on/off from Enh. Options).
Lol this is hilarious: I didn't post a line since the start of this summer (quite), and now I cause chaos XD
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Rachael »

Gez expressing disapproval is hardly what I would call chaos - unless it's followed by people bandwagoning with him about it.

Nevertheless, I don't think he saw your post in the sprite shadows thread.

It is still an aspect that serves this mod's Achilles' Heel and something that still has a lot of room for improvement. >_>
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Gez »

Honestly quite often it seems like you're adding stuff just because you can. Like when Graf made a whole thread because you added some water postprocess shaders that meant it couldn't run with GZDoom anymore. If Nash's directional shadows are less resource-intensive than the blob shadows, then great (though what the hell was going on with these blob shadows then?); but what happens for example if someone was autoloading them (after all, Nash said it worked with anything, so there was no strong reason not to)?
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Rachael »

That's a good question, with the blob shadows. I notice it's a subtractional light but I have no idea if it's being spawned every tic or if it's doing something else.
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by lizardcommando »

There are four things that kinda annoy me with this TC:
  • The enemies seem to have a lot of health (or maybe it's the guns that feel really weak).
  • Ammo and weapon drops from enemies feel really scarce. I feel like I end up having to resort to using my puny knife more often than I want to.
  • I'm never been a fan of that weird looking bobbing reloading animation. Why not have actual reloading animations instead?
  • There's lots of confusing backtracking in many levels. It's even worse in some of the more complex and larger maps.
  • Not so much of an annoyance, but just a technical issue: I've had a few performance issues in some of the larger levels, especially if the level has a ton of sprites/objects strewn about. That could just be me though.
Last edited by lizardcommando on Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Nash »

Gez wrote:but what happens for example if someone was autoloading them (after all, Nash said it worked with anything, so there was no strong reason not to)?
Assuming people put SpriteShadow on AutoLoad... the classes included inside BoA will be auto-renamed at run-time and will be inactive, I think. Only the autoload version will run, and (as I recall) SpriteShadows has some class name checks, the code will only respond to the correct class name, meaning the BoA-renamed ones will remain inactive.

At least this is what I >think< will happen. :S

If BoA wants to enforce its custom version of SpriteShadows, it has to rename the classes, and then add additional code to specifically remove Z_ShadeMe from all actors (the original CustomInventory class name that SpriteShadow runs off of).
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Tormentor667 »

Gez wrote:but what happens for example if someone was autoloading them (after all, Nash said it worked with anything, so there was no strong reason not to)?
Please also take into account that this is supposed to be a standalone mod for people outside the community who have no idea about such autoload mods
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Re: [Blade of Agony] Gameplay survey, please participate | p

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Rachael wrote:That's a good question, with the blob shadows. I notice it's a subtractional light but I have no idea if it's being spawned every tic or if it's doing something else.
Those blob shadows are just lights defined under gldefs, as usual...
Since they are Pointlights, on BoA this would mean that they are replaced by these zscriptified AlertLights, which are a more complex variant of the normal one afaik.
Last edited by Ozymandias81 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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