[WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by JPL »

Someone64 wrote:Found an incompatibility with Colorful Hell. It simply gives the error not enough monsters and pickups consistently.

EDIT: Actually it doesn't seem to work with most monster randomizer mods in general.

Also, suggestion: Can you add compatibility with Legendoom that it works in such a way that instead of using Keymaster's monster buff it gives the keymaster the legendoom legendary effect instead?
Okay, I've updated the build with a fix / change in approach for monster replacement mods (I tested with Colorful Hell, anything that uses its general approach should work fine too). Keymaster's initializiation (choosing the keymaster, placing the arrow, etc) now happens on the second world tick, after any replaced monsters have had a chance to spawn.

LegenDoom I couldn't figure out how to actually bestow Legendary status on a given monster, or how to check for whether a given mod is loaded.
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Someone64 »

The mod now works with mods like Project Brutality and Colorful Hell. Thanks for fixing it!

Also, as for checking whether or not a given mod is loaded, maybe you can just create a separate patch to be loaded manually by the user?
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Lime »

it feels like a rpg style now from getting the item you needed. It's Awesome!
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Someone64 »

Found a bug. It's possible for enemies to get up from being keymasters after dying and just be invincible forever. Actually, I'm not exactly sure why it happened and if it was the same enemy at all but a blue variant of a shotgunner from Colorful Hell was transparent and fading in and out like a keymaster and was completely invincible. This happened after I got the key and killed the keymaster (which I think might've been that same blue shotgunner).

Also, the key's sparkles remain after you collect the key and lastly the HUD element for the key icon is VERY tiny and extremely hard to see (I'm using 1920x1080 resolution).

EDIT: Had the same issue again playing random Oblige maps and it was yet again a blue shotgunner... Not sure if he was also the keymaster this time but he was invincible and had the same visual effect as a keymaster again.
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Someone64 »

Double posting to say that it stopped working with the latest version of Project Brutality. It can be fixed by simply changing the "2" to "4" or higher in:

Code: Select all

    override void WorldTick()
        // run init on *second* tick, after any replaced monsters have spawned
        if ( ticks == 2 )
            if ( !Init() )
        if ( !keyMaster )
inside keymaster_zscript/handler.txt

This can also be an issue with any other mods that take extraordinarily long to spawn monsters and items and can probably be fixed the same way.
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by SeriousWeasle »

Cool mod, I have been using it with Dump 3 weapons, Colourful Hell and the Nameless Lite RPG mod. Works great!
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by JPL »

Someone64 wrote:Found a bug. It's possible for enemies to get up from being keymasters after dying and just be invincible forever. Actually, I'm not exactly sure why it happened and if it was the same enemy at all but a blue variant of a shotgunner from Colorful Hell was transparent and fading in and out like a keymaster and was completely invincible. This happened after I got the key and killed the keymaster (which I think might've been that same blue shotgunner).

Also, the key's sparkles remain after you collect the key and lastly the HUD element for the key icon is VERY tiny and extremely hard to see (I'm using 1920x1080 resolution).

EDIT: Had the same issue again playing random Oblige maps and it was yet again a blue shotgunner... Not sure if he was also the keymaster this time but he was invincible and had the same visual effect as a keymaster again.
Baffling. I've seen this exactly once before, it was with some combination of mods loaded but I can't remember which. What I don't understand is how they become invincible again. Their invincibility is set when the Keymaster is chosen, and turned off the first time you damage them after getting the Arrow. There's no code that could turn it back on.

Thanks for the tip on running init on tick #4 instead of #2, I'll make this change.
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Someone64 »

Well it keeps happening when I play Colorful Hell with Flakes Doom for me so you could try that. I've had it happen 3 times in 5 sessions.

Also, playing Project Brutality causes keymaster to keep giving an ammo clip on the ground keymaster status in map01 but i can't figure out why as it doesn't seem to be flagged as monster.

EDIT: Nevermind they were marked as monsters.
EDIT2: Geez, I've had to turn it up to 8 ticks to get it to work with Project Brutality now. It would be good to have it as an option slider with a limit of 10 or something.
EDIT3: After loading a save after dying the keymaster changed. I was on map02 and it switched from an imp who was in the lower part of the map to a shotgunner that was standing right in front of me.
EDIT4: 2 keymasters were picked at once and they were beside each other. Not sure if it has to do with Project Brutality test's brand new spawning scripts. it looks around for similar spawners beside it and spawns the same type of variant so if there's a monster closet full of imps instead of getting a mix of different imps you'll get the same ones. (http://www.mediafire.com/file/aj28yisrs ... 6-3-17.zip if you'd like to test).
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Someone64 »

Okay, so it seems that the invincible enemy issue might have something to do with the double keymaster pick. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with PB's spawning system. It seems that the second enemy to get picked as a keymaster leaves behind its key as it moves around and is permanently invincible.

It's happening consistently with default keymaster settings with this load order:
The mods are latest PB test (I provided a link), UDV (find it on ModDB or here), OpenGL skyboxes for all IWADs (found here), Tilt++, and UAC Survival Pack (also ModDB). The settings for PB and UDV are all default and the broken keymaster seems to be the zombieman that spawns at start (or maybe it's whoever you shoot last?).

EDIT: Agh, damn. It appears that the random spawner system of PB didn't allow for the key to spawn the same. I should have saved. Will try to get a save for when it happens again for GZDoom 3.1.0.
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by JPL »

Someone64 wrote:Okay, so it seems that the invincible enemy issue might have something to do with the double keymaster pick. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with PB's spawning system. It seems that the second enemy to get picked as a keymaster leaves behind its key as it moves around and is permanently invincible.

It's happening consistently with default keymaster settings with this load order:
The mods are latest PB test (I provided a link), UDV (find it on ModDB or here), OpenGL skyboxes for all IWADs (found here), Tilt++, and UAC Survival Pack (also ModDB). The settings for PB and UDV are all default and the broken keymaster seems to be the zombieman that spawns at start (or maybe it's whoever you shoot last?).

EDIT: Agh, damn. It appears that the random spawner system of PB didn't allow for the key to spawn the same. I should have saved. Will try to get a save for when it happens again for GZDoom 3.1.0.
Thanks for investigating this stuff. I've been trying to figure out the dual keymaster issue, fruitlessly, off and on over the past few days. Do you think you could come up with a minimal set of steps required to reproduce this? If you can give me a specific (small as possible, preferably, to minimize red herrings) set of mods to load and a (vanilla, preferably) map + skill level to open where it happens 100% reliably, I can debug that.
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Someone64 »

Will do. Map01 in Doom II with colorful hell and nothing else will probably be enough. It does happen in map01. If it never happens I'll add Flakes doom weapon mod to the mix and see if it affects it. Also, my delay is set to a hopefully safe 8 ticks. I'll try to get a save going. As far as trying to give you a setup so that it spawns the double keymaster rather than giving you a save... that could be an issue. Unless this happens with mods that aren't randomizers too the monsters will just keep spawning randomly making it extremely inconsistent. Maybe I'll see if it happens on Smooth Doom with randomizer parts of it off (and of course I'll post the settings that I have for that, too).
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by JPL »

Someone64 wrote:Will do. Map01 in Doom II with colorful hell and nothing else will probably be enough. It does happen in map01. If it never happens I'll add Flakes doom weapon mod to the mix and see if it affects it. Also, my delay is set to a hopefully safe 8 ticks. I'll try to get a save going. As far as trying to give you a setup so that it spawns the double keymaster rather than giving you a save... that could be an issue. Unless this happens with mods that aren't randomizers too the monsters will just keep spawning randomly making it extremely inconsistent. Maybe I'll see if it happens on Smooth Doom with randomizer parts of it off (and of course I'll post the settings that I have for that, too).
Hmm, when I load the latest released Keymaster.pk3 and ColourfulHell89.pk3 into map01 I don't see any issues...
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by kadu522 »

You are both useing the latest stable right GZdoom 3.1?

Could be a engine diference.
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by JPL »

kadu522 wrote:You are both useing the latest stable right GZdoom 3.1?

Could be a engine diference.
I actually only ever compile my own builds from the latest git master.
I could be wrong, but my understanding is that by declaring "version 2.5.0" at the top of my mod's zscript lump, even later versions of the engine will assume that version of Zscript. But I guess there are other things in a give build besides that could influence behavior...
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Re: [WIP] KEYMASTER - a tiny gameplay mod

Post by Someone64 »

New bug report: Sometimes the key gives up floating towards the player from terrain obstructions then gets stuck in really bad places.

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