Rachael wrote:If this helps you, the cleanest way to do a git merge for a pull request is simply to rebase it on the current master. This can be done the following way...
Thank you for the advice. This is a skill I need to work on. I believe I figured out how to do the same through tortoisegit. But I already messed up my branch history so I decided to create yet another pull request. Next time I will be more careful.
The new pull request is at
This new pull request includes one new change: the 2D items and the weapon sprite are projected onto quads in the 3D scene, just as dpjudas recommended long ago.
https://forum.drdteam.org/viewtopic.php ... =30#p60397
The new projection code is crude but functional. Right now, all of the 2D geometry gets rendered in one burst, and the weapon/player sprite in another. In future, in VR we should separately project each of the following items, in this order (distant to near, painters algorithm order):
* cross hair - should be on its own quad
* other 2D items (automap, menu, console, HUD, messages) - on another quad
* weapon - on yet another quad, should be drawn on top of other 2D items
* blend effects (radiation suit, berserk) - should be full screen
The invulnerability effect already works great in VR.
Other items to be implemented later:
* positional tracking
* render 3D motion controller models
* late scheduled tracking of yaw angle (in menu mode, yaw is not updated)
* always render weapon as if screenblocks was at max
* force/default VR-appropriate settings
* movebob 0
* multisampling on
* gl_billboard_faces_camera true