Hi, everyone, we're close to March, i mean, the wad i'll be soon released, so if you want to be a beta-tester, bug report, just PM me and i'll send to you the wad, ok?
Also, you name will be on the credits
Gears of Hell is a Weapons/Monster repleace wad, a little tribute to Aeons of Death! I waste 3 moths on this wad, so i hope you guys enjoy it, the credit list is on the Gears of Hell.txt on the zip!
I dunno what post here, because this is my first "BIG" wad
So...here is the Screenshots:
Spoiler:Also, have a gameplay video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=ch ... 5iXnHHBRs0
http://wadhost.fathax.com/files/Gears%2 ... %201.2.zip
- The marine sounds now are combine sounds from ww-magops (Credits to wildweasel)
- Some pickups have new messages (With out the [censored word] jokes...sorry for do then )
- Changed the Cheat messages to, you don suck, don't hurry, pnzdoom
- And changed the alpha blood Sawed off and Quake Shotgun damage
- Fixed the Flak Turret bug!
- New Sprites for the BlackShotgun(Now HeavyShotgun), Mosemberg(Or something like that and now NeoShotgun) QuakeRocketLauncher(Now D3 Rocket Launcher)
- Chainsword and AssaultRifle removed!
- ChaingunCannon Added
- Marine Hands for White Pistol and Demon Cannon
- The old Doom HUD back and the minimalist HUD now show a Ammo Bar to show how are you close to the Ammo Capacity
- More power to the Flak Cannon and Tommy Gun
- Blue Archviles from the Trick Imp got removed
- Randomspawner for Pistol removed!
- New sounds for some weapons
- New attacks for some monsters (also, damage improved)
- New Weapons like Kar98, Minigun (By LSC), a kickass Revolver and a lots of others...
- Recoil for most part of the weapons
- Some bugs on the marines fixed
- HUD Item bug fixed
- And more, even more!!
http://wadhost.fathax.com/files/Gears%2 ... 0patch.zip
DEMO Patch
- Remove the HeavyChaingun of the PlasmaSpawner
- Change some behavior Grenade and Auto-detect mine
Gears of Hell now have a Development Team
Imp Hunter - Leader and Editor
Lolo_is_cool - SubLeader, Weapons and Monsters moderator
X-CrAzYkOoL-X - Resourcer and Weapons moderator
If you want join too you just need 2 requesits:
- Know decorate (Captain Obvious)
- Contributions!