Greetings Brutalists...
This is the continuation of Sergeant Mark IV's Brutal Hexen mod. Well, after been seemingly abandoned for a few years, we have continued Brutal HeXen where Sarge and Seidolon has left off.
Latest Update Feb 28, 2020
Spoiler:Download and play for an amazing experience of brutality. Leave feedback please! Good feedback = progress.
Seidolon - Sabreclaw gibs, Purple flares, some spark recolors, Crossbow powered sprites, some tracer recolors, Cleric and Corvus kick, Mage red lightning hand, combined Cleric Mace and Shield, captured Elf (unused)
Neoworm - Heretic Staff swing, Cleric and Fighter shields
Unknown Creator - Blue Fighter sword
ZDL - New Weapons, Altfires on all Weapons , New Classes, Optimized Sprites
Raven software - Hexen, and Hexen 2
Id software - Doom, and Doom 2
Seidolon - Edits from the Free Sound Library
Misc. Graphics:
Seidolon - Title graphics, minor edits of blue shadow's stuff, black box in main menu
Blue Shadow - HUD bar graphics
Sergeant Mark IV - Brutal Hexen stuff (will specify eventually)
Seidolon - New stuff (will specify eventually)
Randy Heit - Decorate bases on ZDoom Wiki
ZDL - Allocated new classes, Applied new Altfires, COOP implementation, Optimized and error fixing
Coop Online
At the current moment the mod works correctly in Coop Online mode, its highly recommended to add 'ResurrectUpdate' and 'GatherYourParty' to the mod order.
VR Edition
Will be summoned soon. For more information regarding other VR Editions please head over to the ZDL Projects Patreon page.
Work In Progress
In the process of Ai Neural Network Upscaling sprites and optimizing the lighting system for newer versions of GZDoom.
Brutal Hexen is designed to be experienced with the Hexen+DLC MegaWAD which combines both Hexen and DLC into one brutal campaign.
Unfortunately I cannot provide this on a public forum, you will need to private message me or post a comment. For more information on the MegaWAD please head over to the ZDL Projects Patreon page, or you can use console commands to stream to the DLC but please note, we have modified the DLC for extra brutality.
BRUTAL HEXEN RPG - Brutal HeXen v4.7
If you like our work, please consider supporting us on Patreon.
Limited Time to have your name be scribed into the walls of the Hexen intro for all eternity.
Bless'd to thee o' epic one.