Replies to everyone inline. This was a great thread to wake up to.
mamaluigisbagel wrote:Just had my first crash when firing a homing rocket in Meta-Doom. This could be due to me using Corruption Cards and getting an "all projectiles travel faster" card, but wanted to report just in case. (I have a feeling CC will have lots of issues with this mod

Did this happen when the rocket hit something, or just as you fired it? It's an easy fix either way, but in the latter case the fix will cause homing to stop working in circumstances where it would otherwise crash -- which is still better than crashing, but not ideal. (The homing is a gross hack and I'm a bit surprised it works at all, since I can't modify the original projectiles.)
Brohnesorge wrote:Got this after shooting an enemy with the Chain Lightning upgrade.
I was playing with HOD-Baron and LEGION so this may be a problem on my end.
No, that's definitely a problem in my code -- it looks like an enemy ceased to exist (not just died but was removed from the level, possibly due to being gibbed/disintegrated/etc) in the brief window between chain lightning detecting it as a valid target and trying to actually arc to it. That's going to be a somewhat more involved change if I want the lightning to still be able to arc through the pink mist where the enemy used to be (and I do), but I should be able to have fixes for both of these out later today, since it's a long weekend here.
Brohnesorge wrote:This mod is super cool cause it lets me do this in Baron. The classic samurai slash across and everyone explodes at once.
Swiftness, right? I tried to make the melee-exclusive upgrades a bit spicier to balance out the increased risk and situational nature of melee weapons, and I think that's my favourite of the lot.
It definitely could be; it's released under the MIT license, free to use for any purpose including commercial. I think the main changes you'd have to make are awarding XP on kill rather than on damage (take a look at PerPlayerStats, specifically the OnKill, OnDamageDealt, and AddXP functions) and giving each weapon its own unique upgrade pool (which could be done using the existing IsSuitableForWeapon functions, but you might also want to just replace the upgrade selection system entirely). And of course writing all the upgrades; some of the upgrades you describe aren't possible in Gun Bonsai as-is due to the compatibility requirements, but if you're integrating the upgrade mechanics into a mod you can design that mod to support those upgrades.
Alternately, if you wanted to write it as an addon (instead of copying parts of this mod and using it as a starting point for a standalone project, or just as a proof-of-concept before you really get into the meat of things), I
designed the API to make it possible for other mods to register their own upgrades, so you could write an addon that just adds MOHAA/BD-specific upgrades to the pool for their specific weapons.
Craneo wrote:Just played a bit of this with Project Complexity on Alien Vendetta, really like it so far! Only complain I have is some of the effects are a bit too low, which is fine for some mods but others do have higher effects, atleast I would like to see a smoother explosion I guess, and maybe some more complex looking particles, honestly been waitning for a RPG-like mod that is actually universal since forever and I'm glad this exists! I have a few suggestions but I am unsure if you are open to suggestions atm, they are all graphics-related and not really code related thought, but I'd be glad to help if I can since I can kinda do graphic stuff...
Low as in low-res? Low-framerate? Yeah, they are both -- graphics are not my forté. Most of the mod uses particle effects because those are simple and easy, and all the actual sprite/texture work is either from FreeDoom or from free asset packs on Contributions are welcome!
Brohnesorge wrote:I'm back again to say how awesome and fun this mod is. If anyone reading this is on the fence, absolutely play this.
That said, some kind of compendium of all the effects and how they stack would be nice, but I can totally get why you wouldn't want to do one.
If you mean a list of all the different upgrades and what they do, that's
the second half of the README. There's a link in the OP but maybe I should include a link specifically to that section? It doesn't always include detailed information about stacking effects but it does have more detail than the in-game UI does, along with information about what weapons each upgrade can generate on and the restrictions on taking multiple elemental upgrades at once.