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Unit Number: 693. Soldier Class: Delta. Issued Loadout: FN Five-Seven. Threaded barrel, w/ suppressor. Standard Delta-Class CQC Knife. No further alterations. Mission: Survey damages. Destroy hostile targets on sight. Secure base. Mission Rank: Alpha. Survival not guaranteed.
My fourth mod, third in the forums, inspired by some of the community's tactical mods, where you get to play as your average rank-and-file soldier on his way to battle with, and survive, Hell's worst. You get seven weapons, some brand new items, and most importantly, alternative ammo types.
Spoiler: The Arsenal:
You start off with half a magazine of every alternative ammo type, Berserk increases melee speed and damage in every weapon, and alternate ammo types randomly spawn in power-up slots. Knife: Being a pansy and kicking dirt is overrated. You can kick some ass, though. Primary does a quick swing, secondary does a slower, but more powerful kick. Customized FN Five-seveN: Your starting pistol. Packs a decent punch, and has an exceptional mag size and reload speed for a starter weapon, but it's got poor accuracy in longer ranges. Altfire does a quick melee attack, Zoom does a slower, but more powerful kick. Slot 2. AMT Automag: Because who doesn't love a good ol' handcannon? The Automag's powerful and accurate, however, it's ammo is significantly rarer than the other weapons, and it kicks like a mule. Altfire does a quick melee attack. Slot 2. Alternative Ammo: RIPD Rounds. Short for "Really Invasive Personal Defense Rounds", RIPD's are a type of wildcat cartridge formerly produced by the local marines. Made with cut down rifle cartridges and hollow point slugs, these rounds are designed to lessen the recoil while increasing the energy of the bullet, causing it to overpenetrate targets at the cost of halved damage. Franchi SPAS-15: Italian-produced special-purpose shotgun. The sucessor of the iconic SPAS-12, the SPAS-15 has an 8-round box magazine , and can be quickly switched from pump to semi-auto with Altfire. Pump mode has a tighter spread and lower recoil. while Semi mode has a wider spread and a higher recoil. Slot 3. Alternative Ammo: Flare Rounds. For the pyromaniacs in the audience. Flare rounds are high-explosive incendiary slugs, made by, you guessed it, the local marines. When hitting a target or surface, the slug explodes into a shower of surface-sticking flames, useful for trapping crowds of monsters inside their hideouts, and stunlocking big ones. Due to it's low internal pressure, it can only be used in pump mode. FN P90: The bigger cousin of the Five-Seven. Holds 50 rounds, has a decent firerate, and good burst accuracy. Chews through ammo. Altfire does a stock bash, Zoom does a kick. Slot 4. AW PSG-90: Swedish variant of the Arctic Warfare. It's as simple as they come. 5 rounds, extremely accurate, bullets can sometimes overpenetrate a target. Altfire brings up the scope. Slot 5. Alternative Ammo: Depleted Uranium Rounds. Depleted uranium rounds are handmade by... someone, hopefully well protected. Like you are. They come in lead lined boxes, and deal overtime damage to targets. Shooting a poisoned target will increase how much damage it takes, and how long it stays poisoned. XM-29 OICW: Prototype combat rifle, and standard weapon of the Alpha-class units. (Lucky bastards.) Shares ammo with the Sniper Rifle. Altfire brings up scope. Primary shoots a three round burst, with good accuracy up to mid-range, but less of the precision and damage of the PSG. Slot 6. Alternative Ammo: 20mm HE grenades. These grenades used to have an "airburst" feature, but the machining used required reducing the payload, so soldiers usually hollow these out and double the payload, for extra impact. Zoom switches between rifle mode and a 5-round grenade launcher mode, with no need to unscope for either. M202 FLASH: The biggest weapon possible a guy like you can carry around. Holds 4 highly incendiary explosive projectiles and busts down anything in front of you. However, it has a slow draw, is non-reloadable, and you can only carry one. Use it wisely.
Spoiler: The Items:
The stuff you run into during your mission. Everything that's been substantially changed is mentioned below. Explosive Barrel: Your garden-variety vat of highly combustive liquids. Shooting it with a pistol sets it ablaze, giving you a small window of time to get away from the blast. It explodes into a shower of burning debris that lingers for a while before disappearing. Useful for setting up traps. Armor: Protects against 50% of all damage. Helmets give 1%, Light Vests gives 50%, Heavy Armor gives 100%. Delta-Class Armor:A high-class protective armor, with an in-built harness that shoots you up with some healing serum. Gives you a 200% health boost, and 100% armor. Berserk Kit:A blend of assorted medications designed to enhance the user's reflexes and increase aggression. Boosts melee speed and damage, and gives you a 150% health boost. Stealth Cloak: Renders you nigh-invisible, letting you sneak past monsters without alerting them. (Unless you start shooting.) Best paired with the suppressed pistol. Adrenaline Shot: Doubles firing speed and negates damage entirely for 40 seconds. Enough to do a number on any demonic mass.
Gameplay by Tyrant120:
Gameplay by FennoBeenenFPS:
PD: Standard
The standard version. With all the cool stuff. Compatible with LZDoom and GZDoom.
PD: Zandronum
The Zandronum compatible version. Has less bells and whistles, but the experience's the same. Compatible with Zandronum, LZ and GZDoom.
PD: Soundpack Addon
Sound addon by Dr_Cosmobyte. Has cool alternate firing sounds. Definitively recommended. Compatible with both Standard and Zandronum versions. PD: Music Pack
Ambient soundtrack by GoalDude-00. Perfect for setting the mood in darker mapsets.
All proper credits inside the file. Enjoy.
Last edited by LossForWords on Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:06 pm, edited 19 times in total.
I am glad i could be of help and also of being a betatester. I think the HUD should account for the alternative ammo in the start so players can get the hint they can change it.
Fixed the OICW and Automag's flashes and crouch sprites, updated the Five Seven's sprites majorly, and slightly, but noticeably, tweaked the OICW and Sniper sprites.
I have say this is really good.
Gunplay feels nice, sprites look nice, sounds really good. Really good polished product.
Big ticks from me
-the 5 7/p90 combo is good both tactically sensible and practical for ammo spawns
-blowing stuff up with the flash is insanely satisfying, I also like that its disposable so you save it for special occasions
-HUD is simple but easily readable
-you put a spas-15 in it, got a soft spot for this so thank you. its also very satisfying to use.
I had some things I was going to suggest might need changing/fixing but you managed to get them all done in last update. mainly that the pistol pickup need to give ammo and your crouch sprites (nice sprites by the way ) weren't in use. But again you fixed these.
-only suggestion I have left is to possibly display alt ammo types somewhere as they are great but I kept forgetting I had them
I say this is pretty decent and smooth gameplay mod! I love the sound design and the unique ammo that you can switch into. I like the detail of SPAS-15 which you can switch the fire mode as well! And well i also got some feedback as well:
- First of all, Magnum and Sniper Rifle do kill Demons and imps within one or two shots. Because of that Sniper Rifle feels rather too weaker in comparison, while it replaces Rocket Launcher.
- Unique ammo is rather scarce and just hard to stack up for further use. I can see why M203 rockets are rare but i didn't expect every unique ammo to be rare too. And no i really don't think they're powerful enough.
- OICW's burst fire mode while zoomed spends too much ammo like, fires way too fast. I thought it was meant for saving ammo. Was it intentional?
- And lastly, when i press SPAS-15's Alt-Fire button while having no flare rounds, it resets to pump-action mode.
End of feedback. Addictive and promising gameplay mode!
Alright, read through your criticism and taken a lot of it into consideration.
-Slowed down OICW RoF
-Boosted the Sniper Rifle's damage
-Improved the Flare rounds' stunlocking, and made the duration of the Uranium rounds' overtime damage stack, so they feel a tad more powerful.
-Fixed the SPAS' Flare-Pump switch issue.
Fixed some other more substantial stuff under the hood, but now i but now i forgot what it was.
Tried this today and I like it. Fairly simple and straight forward with the main highlights being the cool 'camera footage static' death screen and the single use (4x) BFG rocket launcher that set this mod apart to be unique.
I'm hungry for more guns, so I felt the arsenal is fairly limited. It did love the quality, style and polish though; very fun to play with the new Bullet Time X mod, since the bullets are visible projectiles instead of hitscan.
Since the 4-shot disposable FLASH is best reserved for one-shotting boss monsters, there is a lack of crowd control and explosives, so playing this mod with the 'UAC survival pack' mod makes up for that.
Overall power and balance is ok. Everything below the slot 5 is fairly weak against anything harder than a pinky - requiring quite a lot of ammo to bring them down, to the point where it feels like a chore - but slot 5-6 weapons do a great job against larger foes. I felt the special ammo wasn't dramatic enough for me to really appreciate their effects - I think they're balanced somewhat conservatively. FLASH, despite its power to one-shot a cyberdemon, isn't that powerful against crowds due to small blast radius and minimal effect of the lingering flames overall, so it ends up being useful for only that purpose. Since it only spawns with the BFG and cannot be reloaded, its uses and restocking end up being exceedingly rare during most games.
Checking for alternative ammo through the inventory is a bit clumsy, especially I'm running with a mod that adds usable inventory items, I would have preferred them to be shown on the hud somewhere instead.
As a tactical mod, I think it could benefit this mod to make all non-ammo pickups as usable inventory items, instead of pickup-on-contact. Exception to this would be health/armor bonuses, since they too small. I think some special ammo could actually spawn among them to make them a bit more common, as they are exceedingly rare still.
Would love to see more guns, more inventory items/gadgets and even further doubling down on the whole "tactical" theme for this mod. Currently it still plays quite a lot like regular doom even though it certainly has potential to differ from the usual vanilla formula.
Spaceman333 wrote:there is a lack of crowd control and explosives, so playing this mod with the 'UAC survival pack' mod makes up for that.
I believe the SPAS-15 Semi-auto altfire, the high rate of fire of the P90, the high damage output of the OICW as well as the 20mm grenade it has, makes up for larger crowd control. I do agree the player should be more aware of the fact he can use alternate ammo, but being something the thread itself explains to the player, i don't see no issues.
Spaceman333 wrote:there is a lack of crowd control and explosives, so playing this mod with the 'UAC survival pack' mod makes up for that.
I believe the SPAS-15 Semi-auto altfire, the high rate of fire of the P90, the high damage output of the OICW as well as the 20mm grenade it has, makes up for larger crowd control. I do agree the player should be more aware of the fact he can use alternate ammo, but being something the thread itself explains to the player, i don't see no issues.
Both P90's and SPAS-15's damage output is fairly low, so I can realistically only pummel one mid-tier enemy at a time.
OICW is great against mid-to-high tier enemies, but its total ammo reserves are low. Meanwhile the 20mm grenade is so exceedingly rare that I literally only found one round of it during my entire playthrough.