Endless - Battle [v0.1]

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Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by blood »

Hello everyone, I am glad to introduce one of my lastest small project called "Endless Battle", the goal of that mod is quite simple. As the title say, that mod will make the gameplay on a map just endless, which means that monsters, weapons, pickups and more will keep spawning on the map until the player exit it. But what is the difference compared to the vanilla item/monster respawner in doom? Well the difference is the fact that here you have the possibility to configure almost every single aspect of the mod, which offers you tons of options to create the gameplay of your dreams!
Spoiler: Link
To begin with the mod is for now compatible with both Zandronum and GZdoom, but for the future I don't know if I will keep the compatibility with Zandronum as it is too much outdated and many bugs have the possibility to appear online but never offline. To make that project I have been inspired by Laggy Blazko author of "Demon Counter Strike", but somehow I felt that I didn't have enought control on what monster/item is allowed to spawn and at what specific moment. So I decided to make my own project on the same kind of goal. Anyway let's begin the explanation.

So the project is devided in 3 parts, monster spawners, items spawners and props spawners.
Spoiler: Endless Battle General Options
As you can see you have here access to different settings allowing you modify how the world will adapt to your situation.
Let's begin with monsters.
Spoiler: Monsters Global Options
Here are the following options
  • monsters spawn limit defines the maximal amount of every monsters that the mod can spawn on a map.
  • monsters spawn range defines how far they are allowed to spawn from the player.
  • the three multipliers can adjust the spawn rate of monsters by changing the chances, the cooldown or the spawning amount.
  • spawned monsters ambush defines if the spawned monsters can hear the player firing from the other side of the map or not.
  • spawned boss annoucement will play a custom sound and tell a message if a cyberdemon/spidermastermind has spawned.
  • monsters condition log will tell you if the criteria are meet to spawn the specified monster.
  • spawned monsters log will tell you each the mod is trying to spawn a specific monster.
So as you can see the options are plentiful but this is not all.
Spoiler: Monsters Specific Options
Following the monsters global options you can now deal with the monsters specific options menu. Here you can edit every single monsters of Doom2 properly. The first option which is the encounter type define in which conditions the monster is allowed to spawn. There are a total of 5 different options for them.
  • Never which means that the monster will just never spawn no matter what are the other settings.
  • Present means that the monster can spawn for the entire map only if he was present on it.
  • Progression means that the monster can spawn for the entire following game if he has been placed on the map.
  • Killed means that the monster can spawn for the entire game if he was killed by the player.
  • Always which means that the monster will always spawn without checking any previous condition.
So with these 2 menus you can for example have 100 shotgunners spawn in the map every 2 minutes for no reason. Or have at least one Cyberdemon always present somewhere looking for you each time you kill the previous one, the ideas are infinite.

Now regarding the items options, the settings are quite the same. The only difference is the fact that the "Killed" criteria is replaced by the "Picked Up" criteria which activate the spawn of the item when the player has picked it up at least once in the his gameplay.

And for the props menu, well you have probably found out, and yes it concerns only barrels for now. So if you like barrels and want tons of them in your map then you are welcome haha.

So this is a little small project that I have been working on for a little week. It's was quite hard to find a way to keep compatibility for both Zandronum & GZdoom and also finding a way for monsters to spawn on the map without breaking anything. The only solution that I found was to replace the DoomNum of the actors of Doom2 which means that each time you start the game, you will get a warning message about it but do not worry as it should work properly.

I have also tested mod compatiblity with randomizer such as Complex Doom, Brutal Doom or Pandemonia and it should work fine without problem so have fun.

Regards and any comment is welcome, sorry for my english haha.
Last edited by blood on Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by SirXOfTheFactor »

First let me just say that I have absolutely zero experience with modding, so sorry if I sound naive.

I really enjoyed this mod. Really encourages you to take second looks into places you've been before.
I like the "adds the monster after you see it" roster. It might seem repetitive, but it prevents any nasty surprises from ending your game early. I can't tell you how many times I've played other randomizer and reinforcement mods and just got carpet-bombed by revenants on map01.

Since this is version 0.1, I'm guessing you've got more features planned?
One feature I would recommend is a spawn location randomizer. Right now, monsters only seem to spawn in separate rooms, usually in secrets and places you haven't been to yet. Having the monsters spawn in more random locations could make for some tense ambushes.

All the best and happy modding. 8-)
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by blood »

Yeah the mod is actually in a prototype phase, well you maybe didnt notice it yet but the mod register the location of every item/monster/barrel in the entire map and also register the location of the player every seconds if he is far from any other spot. So you can be sure that monsters can spawn almost everywhere, it will depend on the RNG or if a sector has more items/monsters on it then there are more chance for a random location to be selected there.
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by YasuoProjectX »

i have bad english but does this work from Rlm667 monster/items?? For example:

If i kill Autoshotgunner (which dosent belong to other monster pack but only this actor) it will spawn from entire game yes??
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by blood »

YasuoProjectX wrote:i have bad english but does this work from Rlm667 monster/items?? For example:

If i kill Autoshotgunner (which dosent belong to other monster pack but only this actor) it will spawn from entire game yes??
Unless the autoshotgunner is spawned from a randomspawner for example replacing the shotgunguy, it will not work sorry.
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by Spaceman333 »

blood wrote:So with these 2 menus you can for example have 100 shotgunners spawn in the map every 2 minutes for no reason. Or have at least one Cyberdemon always present somewhere looking for you each time you kill the previous one, the ideas are infinite.

Now regarding the items options, the settings are quite the same. The only difference is the fact that the "Killed" criteria is replaced by the "Picked Up" criteria which activate the spawn of the item when the player has picked it up at least once in the his gameplay.

And for the props menu, well you have probably found out, and yes it concerns only barrels for now. So if you like barrels and want tons of them in your map then you are welcome haha.
This sold me on this mod! :shock:

The mod is far more versatile than the title lets on. Based on the title alone, at first I thought this was gonna be merely a gamemode modifier that would remove the exit from a map and just keep spawning more and more enemies - and maybe some extra options around that. Since I play doom to 100% kill all monsters on a map, that wouldn't have been my cup of tea.

But what the mod actually does is amazing! Plenty of maps don't have barrels at all, so that option alone to change that is glorious! :rock:

Meanwhile with items I could multiply the serving of something, like double armor/health pickups or have multiple guns spawn for other mods that have more than one weapon per slot that all would spawn from the same spawner. I'd say a more accurate name for this would a "Universal Endless Monster/Item/Prop Spawner Addon".

Thank you for making this mod, definitely putting it into my load order as a standard. :D
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by blood »

I'm glad that you like it, to be honest I'm not sure if I'll keep support for Zandronum as it is too outdated.
I also need to learn Zscript if I wanna add more featureS.
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by 00face »

I am head over heels with this mod. But for some reason, I will not respawn when this is set during deathmatch, which is how I want to use this.
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by Fragger »

How about adding a counter to see how long you played, and how many monsters you killed? I use this in maps with nothing, and it's awesome. Thanks a lot.
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]


Absolutely wonderful mod. This will go very well with a Resident Evil style set up I have going!!
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by snackmachine »

Super fun mod, and awesome for playing on deathmatch maps as a sort of invasion mode. I like it better than supreme invasion, though that's a great mod too. Great job!!!

A feature I'd love to see would be a survival timer option, where you could set a time, and as it ticks down enemies spawn more frequently, and if it reaches zero you progress to the next map. Not sure how difficult that would be, but anything that gives you some sort of goal like that would be cool. Thank you for your work. It's much appreciated!
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by SaucepanSF »

This mod is a godsend. Thank you so much for this.
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Re: Endless - Battle [v0.1]

Post by blood »

Thank you everyone I didn't know that some people downloaded it, I uploaded the link for a safer one! Have fun

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