Spoiler: LinkTo begin with the mod is for now compatible with both Zandronum and GZdoom, but for the future I don't know if I will keep the compatibility with Zandronum as it is too much outdated and many bugs have the possibility to appear online but never offline. To make that project I have been inspired by Laggy Blazko author of "Demon Counter Strike", but somehow I felt that I didn't have enought control on what monster/item is allowed to spawn and at what specific moment. So I decided to make my own project on the same kind of goal. Anyway let's begin the explanation.
So the project is devided in 3 parts, monster spawners, items spawners and props spawners.
Spoiler: Endless Battle General OptionsAs you can see you have here access to different settings allowing you modify how the world will adapt to your situation.
Let's begin with monsters.
Spoiler: Monsters Global OptionsHere are the following options
- monsters spawn limit defines the maximal amount of every monsters that the mod can spawn on a map.
- monsters spawn range defines how far they are allowed to spawn from the player.
- the three multipliers can adjust the spawn rate of monsters by changing the chances, the cooldown or the spawning amount.
- spawned monsters ambush defines if the spawned monsters can hear the player firing from the other side of the map or not.
- spawned boss annoucement will play a custom sound and tell a message if a cyberdemon/spidermastermind has spawned.
- monsters condition log will tell you if the criteria are meet to spawn the specified monster.
- spawned monsters log will tell you each the mod is trying to spawn a specific monster.
Spoiler: Monsters Specific OptionsFollowing the monsters global options you can now deal with the monsters specific options menu. Here you can edit every single monsters of Doom2 properly. The first option which is the encounter type define in which conditions the monster is allowed to spawn. There are a total of 5 different options for them.
- Never which means that the monster will just never spawn no matter what are the other settings.
- Present means that the monster can spawn for the entire map only if he was present on it.
- Progression means that the monster can spawn for the entire following game if he has been placed on the map.
- Killed means that the monster can spawn for the entire game if he was killed by the player.
- Always which means that the monster will always spawn without checking any previous condition.
Now regarding the items options, the settings are quite the same. The only difference is the fact that the "Killed" criteria is replaced by the "Picked Up" criteria which activate the spawn of the item when the player has picked it up at least once in the his gameplay.
And for the props menu, well you have probably found out, and yes it concerns only barrels for now. So if you like barrels and want tons of them in your map then you are welcome haha.
So this is a little small project that I have been working on for a little week. It's was quite hard to find a way to keep compatibility for both Zandronum & GZdoom and also finding a way for monsters to spawn on the map without breaking anything. The only solution that I found was to replace the DoomNum of the actors of Doom2 which means that each time you start the game, you will get a warning message about it but do not worry as it should work properly.
I have also tested mod compatiblity with randomizer such as Complex Doom, Brutal Doom or Pandemonia and it should work fine without problem so have fun.
Regards and any comment is welcome, sorry for my english haha.