[RELEASE] DN3DooM - update v.1.08b

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[RELEASE] DN3DooM - update v.1.08b

Post by kipo »

This mod aims to bring the duke nukem 3d universe to the doom engine, with enhancements taking inspiration/resources from mods like Dukeplus and others.
Based on the mod "Duke Nukem 3D Weapons & Aliens v6" from Don Ramon.

Main features:
  • Main DN3D enemies (including firefly, boss sentrys, king cobra, etc).
  • Optional new enemies: robot alien, dukeinator, megabrain, assault pig, pig brute, alien sniper, lameduke's captain, lamduke's drone, lameduke's octabrain, n64 Trooper, cyber enforcer, etc.
  • All DN3D weapons, plus manual reloading, double pistols, double barrel shotgun, secondary fires for the freezethrower, incinerator, shrinker, expander, shotgun, chaingun, tripbomb and other tweaks & special effects to the weapons in general.
  • New weapon: Lameduke's Plasma Cannon (including secondary fire)
  • DN3D inventory items (including automatic boots and working scuba gear if the map has water).
  • Dukeplus-like gore, knockback, portable medkit, effects, etc.
  • Headshots (can be disabled).
  • Extra gore effects (can be disabled).
  • Dukebots instead of Holoduke (can be toggled), and the holoduke actually distracts monsters.
  • DN3D-like monster movement (they can move faster if further away and can also move backwards at close range).
  • Options to also fight DooM enemies (they are improved to fit this mod, and their chance of appearance can be selected on a per monster, sector or level basis).
  • Compatible with PixelWAD's DN3D texture replacement mod (link below in recommended mods).

Version 1.08 released (credits and full changelog inside the mod).
Includes better compatibility with most mappacks, new alt fires, monsters, an automatic optimization system, tons of new features, optimizations, fixes and many more.
Download: Moddb
Community Discord: https://discord.gg/tVsvPYj92u

Best used with the following mods:
PixelWAD's DN3D texture replacement mod
Duke Nukem 3D Full Musics

Awesome video by G-F.  You can get his "Nuke Gloves" addon here.

Some images:
Big thanks to Duke91 for creating this addon to enable compatibilty with the universal weapon wheel mod:
(Load it together with DN3Doom and PyWeaponWheel, and in-game select the option "same slot weapon priority" to "Doom")

If you like my work and want to throw me some support, head over to Patreon. You'll get access to early access downloads.
You can also buy me a coffee!

Latest Update:
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Last edited by kipo on Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:31 am, edited 27 times in total.
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Post by MrRumbleRoses »

i shall check this bad boy out. haha
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Post by 3336655445 »

1. the place of these little nuclear medicine kits and nuclear pieces of armor you could put pipe bombs and laser tripbombs 2. Duke of sin not completely made texture pack and it needs to be done 3. Local repainted gray armor in blue I do not really like; I prefer the option option from Don Ramon's
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Post by kadkad14 »

Incredible! That was the thing I was looking for!
Also I tried DonRamon's version, but it differs from classic game too much and I prefer "old" Duke voice instead of "updated" one. Not to mention Duke talks in Ramon's mod too often.

Your version sticks to classic and is way more balanced.
Do you plan to add Duke's jumping sprites and some extra things like pink/purple/green screen effects?

Sorry for my bad English.
Last edited by kadkad14 on Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Starman the Blaziken »

I have seen a Duke Nukem mod for Doom, like with the weapons, items, one liners, stuff like that all in the mod.
Not sure if it is still updated though
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Post by kipo »

Thanks for the feedback, updated the link with screenshots.
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Post by kadkad14 »

3d gore looks out of place.
Did you know there are other versions of MrRamon's mod besides v6 and v10?
In my previous post I mentioned that this mod lacks jumping sprites and special screen effects but completely forgot to mention several things:
MrRamon's version has unique startup.
Can you add animated stuff like this?
I understand I am asking too much. I just want to clarify some things.
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Last edited by kadkad14 on Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kipo »

kadkad14 wrote:3d gore looks out of place.
Did you know there are other versions of MrRamon's mod besides v6 and v10?
I did not know about the other versions, I assumed there were because the leap from 6 to 10 is kinda big, but I just supposed it wasn't public or something.
About the 3d gore, it was like that in a previous dukeplus version, which I kinda liked. I guess I can add a toggle or something.
In my previous post I mentioned that this mod lacks jumping sprites and special screen effects but completely forgot to mention several things:
MrRamon's version has unique startup.
Can you add animated stuff like this?
I understand I am asking too much. I just want to clarify some things.
Don't worry, I'm open for suggestions.
- Jumpíng sprites: I don't know if the engine supports it. I know you can specify crouching sprites, I'll have to check that out. I don't recall seeing different sprites for jumping in duke3d's grp, but I probably just missed them.
- Pink/purple/green screen effect: Help me out here, in which cases does it change colors?
- Animated intro: sure I can look into that if it can be done and is similar to duke's intro and intermission screen. But don ramon's intro with the bar is specific to his mod and don't think I'll be using that one.

3336655445 wrote: 1. the place of these little nuclear medicine kits and nuclear pieces of armor you could put pipe bombs and laser tripbombs 2. Duke of sin not completely made texture pack and it needs to be done 3. Local repainted gray armor in blue I do not really like; I prefer the option option from Don Ramon's
1. The problem with that approach is that there'll be lots of pipe boms and tripbombs, and it'll break balance because in doom's engine you kind of need that extra help with health and armor.
2. There's some textures which are not replaced or could be improved, I'll rather wait some more for the original author to finish it, before diving into that.
3. I had to make it blue to differentiate it from the heavy armor, since duke 3d only has one kind of armor, but it would break balance that way.
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Post by kadkad14 »

MrRamon's version includes jumping sprites.
Octabrain's successful distant attack makes your screen turn pink like this:
Enforcer's spit and acid pool have the same effect, but green.
But his version of the mod lacks original intro and interlevel animations. I don't know if it is possible to implement them or not.
Last edited by kadkad14 on Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theroguemonk »

the lives should be higher
the pigss die too fast

i think all enemies are bullet sponges from the original game .. but this is too low ... is there a way to find a midle ground?
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Post by kadkad14 »

You can disable headshot system. Maybe that's the case.
I am really happy now that enemies are no longer annoying hitscanners because you cannot escape enemy AI prediction appart from the hit/miss ratio generated by the enemy.
Last edited by kadkad14 on Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kipo »

theroguemonk wrote:the lives should be higher
the pigss die too fast

i think all enemies are bullet sponges from the original game .. but this is too low ... is there a way to find a midle ground?
I've tested with how many shotgun shots the enemies die in duke and they are kinda similar (also the health values are based on the duke wiki). What you may be experiencing is some of your bullets are hitting the head hitboxes, which deal extra damage and they die faster.
You can try turning off the headshots (in options) to see if it improves.
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Post by 3336655445 »

1. The problem with that approach is that there'll be lots of pipe boms and tripbombs, and it'll break balance because in doom's engine you kind of need that extra help with health and armor.
2. There's some textures which are not replaced or could be improved, I'll rather wait some more for the original author to finish it, before diving into that.
3. I had to make it blue to differentiate it from the heavy armor, since duke 3d only has one kind of armor, but it would break balance that way.
1. Doing more under the atmosphere of the Duke Nukem 3D 2. There are no questions for this answer. 3. It seems to me that the place of blue could be made by a brighter gray
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Post by CD-Roman »

How simple texture swap, create a new life of old/classic/vanilla maps. I know, many things dont match perfect but overall everything looks amazing!

small bug
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Post by theroguemonk »

the original duke nukem 3d monsters were too bullet spongey .... this mod is way better HOWEVER can you try to balance it again because they die far too easy...
i dont want them to be as hard an spongey as original duke nukem 3d but somewhere in the middle , my biggest issue is with the pig cops

also are the enemy sprites a bit smaller then usual?

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