Cronos Unleashed for Hexen | v1.1.1

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Rip and Tear
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Cronos Unleashed for Hexen | v1.1.1

Post by Rip and Tear »


[ ⤓ Download v1.1.1 ] (Version History)
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Cronos Unleashed is a gameplay enhancement mod for Hexen, featuring
  • Enhanced weapons, artifacts, and monsters
  • Game-wide balancing changes
  • Improved world detail
  • Widescreen-compatible graphics
  • Dynamic lights, brightmaps, and improved visual effects
  • Written entirely in ZScript
Spoiler: Detailed list of changes
Configuration Options
weapon_shake: set to 'false' to disable weapons causing screen shaking
healing_flash: set to 'false' to disable colored screen flashes on using healing items
map_name_on_entry: set to 'false' to disable showing the map’s name on entry
classic_torch: set to 'true' to use the original torch effect

Some Companion Mods
Hexen music cover

(don't even try to play this with multiplayer)

Last edited by Rip and Tear on Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:37 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen

Post by Valherran »

Awesome, another Hexen MOD! Gonna check this out!
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen

Post by Terensworth »

I've only started, but I wanna point out something that seems a bit... concerning with the mage, and I have experienced right off the get go;
Why remove the Sapphire Wand's piercing?

Yes, it has higher firing rate, but in the beginning of the game and for most of it, you're gonna be facing hordes, which with his arsenal besides Bloodscourge [which is risky, being a cluster rocket launcher basically, and being very mana hungry] he can't readily handle.

So he has no way to keep hordes from giving him trouble, flechettes would help, but with the piercing removed from his wand... he can't hit them, removing the entire point of an explosive flechette, since it is countered by the large number of enemies it's meant to be able to damage.

Would it be possible to give him back that little edge?
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen

Post by Gideon020 »

I got these two errors when I went to load the mod by itself:
Script error, "Cronos Unleashed.pk3:zscript/cmagewand.txt" line 52:
Named argument Angle not found.
Script error, "Cronos Unleashed.pk3:zscript/cmagefrost.txt" line 55:
Named argument Angle not found.
Might have to update by devbuild to see if that fixes it.

EDIT: Nope, still shows up on the latest devbuild. Maybe if I redownload...
EDIT: Nope, still broken after redownloading.
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen

Post by Rip and Tear »

Terensworth wrote:I've only started, but I wanna point out something that seems a bit... concerning with the mage, and I have experienced right off the get go;
Why remove the Sapphire Wand's piercing?

Yes, it has higher firing rate, but in the beginning of the game and for most of it, you're gonna be facing hordes, which with his arsenal besides Bloodscourge [which is risky, being a cluster rocket launcher basically, and being very mana hungry] he can't readily handle.

So he has no way to keep hordes from giving him trouble, flechettes would help, but with the piercing removed from his wand... he can't hit them, removing the entire point of an explosive flechette, since it is countered by the large number of enemies it's meant to be able to damage.

Would it be possible to give him back that little edge?
This change was made to bring the Sapphire Wand's power level more in line with the other 0-mana weapons. The mage is more susceptible to being swarmed, but this is balanced out by his ability to dish out damage from long range. The goal was to encourage more intelligent thinking about positioning and Disc of Repulsion use.

In the future I will make it easier shoot Flechettes with the Sapphire Wand (along with some other, bigger changes) after I have refactored some of the weapon code.
Gideon020 wrote:I got these two errors when I went to load the mod by itself:
Script error, "Cronos Unleashed.pk3:zscript/cmagewand.txt" line 52:
Named argument Angle not found.
Script error, "Cronos Unleashed.pk3:zscript/cmagefrost.txt" line 55:
Named argument Angle not found.
It seems that one of the arguments for A_FireProjectile was renamed in this commit from 'angle' to 'spawnangle'. If this is not changed, I will put out a patch that changes those lines to not use named arguments. In the meantime, the mod will run just fine on 3.6.0.

EDIT: The patch is out
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen [v1.1]

Post by Rip and Tear »

Version 1.1.0 is now available.
  • Disc of Repulsion effects improved
  • Adjustments to Icon of the Defender effects
  • Boots of Speed effectiveness enhanced
  • New VFX for teleporting
  • Bug fixes
View the full changelog and download on GitHub

Existing save files should be compatible.
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen [v1.1]

Post by Whoah »

I gotta say, I am digging the hell out of this mod! Although I do have a suggestion: maybe add some animation variation with the melee weapons kinda like what Hexercise and Wrath of Cronos do? Like the Fighter doing random slashes, slices, and chops with his axe. They don't have to affect the damage or attack speed ir anything, I just think the variation on its own could create some more realistic and satisfying battles!
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen [v1.1]

Post by UnbornDecay25 »

Is it just me, or is this mod MUCH harder than the original Hexen. I understand that gameplay enhancment mods up the difficulty a little but holy hell
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen [v1.1]

Post by Rip and Tear »

Whoah wrote:I gotta say, I am digging the hell out of this mod! Although I do have a suggestion: maybe add some animation variation with the melee weapons kinda like what Hexercise and Wrath of Cronos do? Like the Fighter doing random slashes, slices, and chops with his axe. They don't have to affect the damage or attack speed ir anything, I just think the variation on its own could create some more realistic and satisfying battles!
I am definitely planning on making some significant changes to the weapons. Right now I am working on refactoring the underlying weapon code in preparation. More animations is something I am planning to add.
UnbornDecay25 wrote:Is it just me, or is this mod MUCH harder than the original Hexen. I understand that gameplay enhancment mods up the difficulty a little but holy hell
Keep in mind that the difficulty options have shifted 'up' by one. So the first difficulty on the list is what was previously the second difficulty level.
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen [v1.1]

Post by Whoah »

Rip and Tear wrote: I am definitely planning on making some significant changes to the weapons. Right now I am working on refactoring the underlying weapon code in preparation. More animations is something I am planning to add.
Good to hear! This just might turn out to be my favorite Hexen mod!
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen

Post by Mironicurse »

First thing, great mod! I really love those little balance changes, they heavily refresh, extend and compliment original gameplay.
Terensworth wrote:I've only started, but I wanna point out something that seems a bit... concerning with the mage, and I have experienced right off the get go;
Why remove the Sapphire Wand's piercing?

Yes, it has higher firing rate, but in the beginning of the game and for most of it, you're gonna be facing hordes, which with his arsenal besides Bloodscourge [which is risky, being a cluster rocket launcher basically, and being very mana hungry] he can't readily handle.

So he has no way to keep hordes from giving him trouble, flechettes would help, but with the piercing removed from his wand... he can't hit them, removing the entire point of an explosive flechette, since it is countered by the large number of enemies it's meant to be able to damage.

Would it be possible to give him back that little edge?
Yeah, mage is... underwhelming at current state. Now he is ranged spammer, which is kinda boring. I understand and accept part with being swarmed, but even single target elimination is still boring. Right now i can't come up with decent mechanic that increase effectiveness on single enemy pick with the wand(Charged shot? Hexercise's ring puff?). And ice corpses should have fixed lifetime to be more effective and predictable, maybe even increase lifetime of ice corpses by icesharding it? But it would require more visual feedback of it. I can try to replicate it with decorate (don't know Zscript at all), but don't think that will go along with your intention of Zscript-only mod. However, it looks pretty cpp-like and straight-forward, soo idk, maybe i'll give it a try. Ice attack in general should differ a little more from wand in behavior side.

Thanks for the effort. Will wait for altattacks in the next release :wink:
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen [v1.1]

Post by Valherran »

I Just beat this with all 3 classes and here is my feedback...

1. Fighter - The Fighter feels very nerfed in this MOD. I sucked down more potions and vials than I cared to just to survive. HUB 4 and 5 were a total pain in the ass to get through due to this because of the mana consumption.

2. Cleric - Feels slightly better than before, and probably the only class that benefits from the changes.

3. Mage - He sucks. Feels super weak and eats too much mana due to the removal of the piercing wand and the icy touch. I felt massively handicapped trying to get through the game. The biggest kick in the ass was that you can kill yourself with the Bloodscourge.

But I see you are still making adjustments to this though, so I will come back and see what's in store on the future updates.
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen | v1.1

Post by Rip and Tear »

I'd like to update everyone on my future plans for this mod.

I am currently working on version 2.0 of the mod, which will focus on enhancing the mod's weaponry. I have already refactored much of the existing weapon code. Many of the existing weapons will have small updates to their animations and behavior. Some of Hexen's more complex weapons, such as Wraithverge and the Arc of Death, will be receiving updates to improve their reliability.

The biggest change will be that all of the non-ultimate weapons will have an alternate fire added. I have already implemented alt fires for the Spiked Gauntlets, Timon's Axe, Sapphire Wand, and Frost Shards (currently in the GitHub repo). If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. Here are the currently implemented alt fires

Spiked Gauntlets: standard fire is the normal punch, and alt fire is a more powerful blow
Timon's Axe: a quick punch attack with low damage but high knockback; can be combo'd with axe swings
Sapphire Wand: fire a powerful three-round burst that costs one mana (based on which type you have more of)
Frost Shards: shatters all nearby frozen enemies (no cost)
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen | v1.1.1

Post by thewolfman00001 »

As of now running Cronos Unleashed on GZDoom 4.0.0 doesn't work. The mod crashes on start-up
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Re: Cronos Unleashed for Hexen | v1.1.1

Post by Rip and Tear »

thewolfman00001 wrote:As of now running Cronos Unleashed on GZDoom 4.0.0 doesn't work. The mod crashes on start-up
You’re in luck, because I just put out patch 1.1.1 to fix that.

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