IDCLEVer Starter (v1.0, discontinued)
Universal mod for forced pistol starts.
Spoiler:Consider alternatives:
- Always Pistol Start by JP LeBreton;
- Universal Pistol Start by DevilBlackDeath;
- Inventory Keeper by DevilBlackDeath.
Armament Tuning (v0.3.1)
Contains some extra options for weapon tweaking. Mostly universal.
- multipliers for ammo, kickback, and weapon bobbing;
- convenient menu for all GZDoom weapon options;
- toggle to disable gibbing;
- option to light up not acquired weapons;
- commands to give little ammo for current weapon and to clear decals;
- option to make ammo bright;
- option to disable weapon, ammo, and item crushing.
Laser Sight (v0.6)
Provides standalone configurable laser sight for GZDoom.
- moves smoothly;
- equally visible on all distances;
- configurable color and size;
- (optional) alternative colors for targets and friendly targets;
- option to hide when weapon in Slot 1 is selected;
- option to hide when weapon is not ready;
- optional particle beam.
m_Gizmos (v0.2)
Various weapon-related accessories.
- infinite ammo for slot 2
- throwing junk (zero-damage hitscan attack)
- weapon holstering
- a key to select the best weapon
- a key to select the previously used weapon
- a key to select the next weapon in the current slot
- zoom
- sound on switching weapons
These mods are a part of m8f's toolbox.