[more screenshots (thanks to Spaceman333 for the images!)]
This mod provides a configurable health bar for targeted enemies.
GZDoom version 3.2.0 is required, latest stable is recommended.
- ASCII target health bar, name, and more;
- current and max target health numbers;
- configurable position and colors;
- different colors for overhealed, injured, and almost dead targets;
- "Kill Confirmed" message;
- info on pickups and other objects can be shown too;
- customizable crosshairs;
- Weapon Menu integration;
- Frame around target (off by default);
- netplay support;
- custom blacklists (see below).
If you don't want an actor to be displayed by Target Spy, create a lump named ts_blacklist and put actor names here, separated by newlines.
- GZDoom development team and Graf Zahl personally for making and maintaining GZDoom;
- Blue Shadow for examples of code.
- Spaceman333, Rowsol, Churrupez, Cyanide, isaacpop23, TheRailgunner, Accensus, Beed28, Ahpiox, ramon.dexter, Dutchygamer, Tesculpture, vapidscum, CthulhuInACan, Someone64, Major Cooke, ProydohaRupert, bogus, and MsrSgtShooterPerson for ideas, feature suggestions, and bug reports.
- Silentdarkness12 and Zhs2 for testing netplay.
- Gutawer for Gutamatics. It was used in previous versions.
- Mementwo font by Jimmy / Memento Mori 2 Team
- Enlightening Small font by Ola Björling / Jimmy
- Cyberfonter font by TerminusEst13
- Jenocide Small font by Jimmy
- Solid Snake Small font by Jimmy
- Gargoyle Wing Small font by NeuralStunner
- Crosshair Pieces graphics by vapidscum
- Libeye by KeksDose
- NoBlockmap objects detection code by Proydoha
Spoiler: Note for monster mod authors
Spoiler: You may also like other mods in the same vein made by other authors:This mod is a part of m8f's toolbox.