[minimod] Demon CounterStrike v0.05d: What the heck

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[minimod] Demon CounterStrike v0.05d: What the heck

Post by Laggy »

http://static.allfearthesentinel.net/wa ... v0.05d.pk3 - Regular version.
http://static.allfearthesentinel.net/wa ... onmenu.pk3 - DCS options are located in the options menu. GZDoom only.
http://static.allfearthesentinel.net/wa ... nomenu.pk3 - DCS options can only be accessed through console. (openmenu dcsmenu)
Spoiler: Changelog
Bored of being lost in a map without anything to shoot? Does that map not have enough monsters or items? Or perhaps you just want to BE FRIGGIN' SURROUNDED AND BEATEN UP?!
Demon CounterStrike is a mod that simply spawns monsters and items around any place you have visited over time. You can customize how often things spawn, or how many seconds after you enter a level they will start spawning. Works on Zandronum and GZDoom.

I know what you're going to ask. "Does it work with Brütal Doom"? Yes, it does. Most gameplay mods should work fine.
Oh, and if your mod edits the main menu, you can access this mod's settings by tying "openmenu dcsmenu" in the console.

Spoiler: Screenshots
Known Issues:
* Allies don't flash correctly in online Zandronum.
* Boss map detection is far from perfect. It might not work with some mapsets that edit MAPINFO as it detects level number and cluster to identify boss maps.
* In multiplayer, sometimes a player dying results in things stop spawning. Can't figure out why, yet.
Last edited by Laggy on Sun Jun 30, 2019 2:00 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Cryomundus »

Just so you know, the main menu is now technically protected, so you'll need to use "AddOptionMenu"

If ya wanna be lazy, I've already edited it, so you can just copy-paste this into MENUDEF

Code: Select all

AddOptionMenu "OptionsMenu"
	StaticText " "
	SubMenu "Demon CounterStrike Options",		"DCSMenu"

OptionMenu "DCSMenu"
	StaticText "tip: if this menu is not visible on the "
	staticText "main menu when using a mod, just type "
	StaticText "\"openmenu DCSMenu\" in the console."
	StaticText ""
	Title "Demon CounterStrike Options"
	NumberField "Seconds before counterstrike", "dcs_globaldelay"
	StaticText ""
	NumberField "Max live monsters (1)", "dcs_maxmonsters", 0, 10000, 1
	NumberField "Max live monsters (100)", "dcs_maxmonsters", 0, 10000, 100
	NumberField "Max total monsters (1)", "dcs_maxmonsterstotal", 0, 10000, 1
	NumberField "Max total monsters (100)", "dcs_maxmonsterstotal", 0, 10000, 100
	StaticText ""
	Option "Don't spawn Doom 2 monsters or items", "dcs_nodoom2actors", "OnOff"
	Slider "Enemy spawn delay multiplier", "dcs_delaymultiplier", 0, 10, 0.1, 2
	Slider "Enemy spawn chance multiplier", "dcs_chancemultiplier", 0, 10, 0.1, 2
	Slider "Item spawn delay multiplier", "dcs_itemdelaymultiplier", 0, 10, 0.1, 2
	Slider "Item spawn chance multiplier", "dcs_itemchancemultiplier", 0, 10, 0.1, 2
	StaticText ""
	StaticText "Note: Can't reset settings though this menu in gzdoom."
	StaticText "Type reset commands in the console instead."
	Command "Reset global settings", "DCS_ResetGlobal"
	SafeCommand "Reset all", "DCS_ResetAll"
	StaticText ""
	StaticText ""
	SubMenu "Enemy spawn options", "DCSEnemyMenu"
	SubMenu "Health and armor spawn options", "DCSHealthArmorMenu"
	SubMenu "Ammunition spawn options", "DCSAmmoMenu"
	SubMenu "Powerup spawn options", "DCSPowerUpMenu"
	SubMenu "Weapon spawn options", "DCSWepMenu"

OptionMenu "DCSEnemyMenu"
	Command "Reset all", "DCS_ResetEnemies"
	StaticText ""
	Title "Enemy spawn Options"
	StaticText "Former Human", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_zombiemandelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_zombiemanchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage ()", "dcs_zombiemanchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Former Sergeant", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_shotgunnerdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_shotgunnerchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1) ", "dcs_shotgunnerchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Former Commando", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_chaingunnerdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_chaingunnerchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_chaingunnerchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Imp", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_impdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_impchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_impchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Pinky demon", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_demondelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_demonchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_demonchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Spectre", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_spectredelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_spectrechance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_spectrechance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Lost soul", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_lostsouldelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_lostsoulchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_lostsoulchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Cacodemon", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_cacodemondelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_cacodemonchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_cacodemonchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Hellknight", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_hellknightdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_hellknightchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_hellknightchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Baron of Hell", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_baronofhelldelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_baronofhellchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_baronofhellchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Arachnotron", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_arachnotrondelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_arachnotronchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_arachnotronchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Pain Elemental", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_painelementaldelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_painelementalchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_painelementalchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Revenant", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_revenantdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_revenantchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_revenantchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Mancubus", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_mancubusdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_mancubuschance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_mancubuschance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Arch-vile", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_archviledelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_archvilechance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_archvilechance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Spider Mastermind", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_spidermasterminddelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_spidermastermindchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_spidermastermindchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Cyberdemon", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_cyberdemondelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_cyberdemonchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_cyberdemonchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "SS guard", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_nazidelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_nazichance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_nazichance", 0, 100, 1, 2 

OptionMenu "DCSHealthArmorMenu"
	Command "Reset all", "DCS_ResetHealthArmor"
	StaticText ""
	Title "Health and armor spawn Options"
	StaticText "Health potion", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_healthbonusdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_healthbonuschance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_healthbonuschance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Spiritual armor", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_armorbonusdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_armorbonuschance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_armorbonuschance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Security armor", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_greenarmordelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_greenarmorchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_greenarmorchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Combat armor", 1 
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_bluearmordelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_bluearmorchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_bluearmorchance", 0, 100, 1, 2 
	StaticText "Stimpack", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_stimpackdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_stimpackchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_stimpackchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Medikit", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_medikitdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_medikitchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_medikitchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Soul sphere", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_soulspheredelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_soulspherechance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_soulspherechance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Mega sphere", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_megaspheredelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_megaspherechance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_megaspherechance", 0, 100, 1, 2

OptionMenu "DCSAmmoMenu"
	Command "Reset all", "DCS_ResetAmmo"
	StaticText ""
	Title "Ammunition spawn options"
	StaticText "Backpack", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_backpackdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_backpackchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_backpackchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Bullet clip", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_clipdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_clipchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_clipchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Bullet box", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_clipboxdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_clipboxchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_clipboxchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Shells", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_shelldelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_shellchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_shellchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Shell box", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_shellboxdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_shellboxchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_shellboxchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Rocket", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_rocketammodelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_rocketammochance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_rocketammochance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Rocket Box", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_rocketboxdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_rocketboxchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_rocketboxchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Energy cell", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_celldelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_cellchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_cellchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Energy cell pack", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_cellpackdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_cellpackchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_cellpackchance", 0, 100, 1, 2

OptionMenu "DCSPowerUpMenu"
	Command "Reset all", "DCS_ResetPowerUp"
	StaticText ""
	title "Powerup spawn options"
	StaticText "Computer Map", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_allmapdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_allmapchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_allmapchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Berserk Pack", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_berserkdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_berserkchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_berserkchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Blur artifact", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_blurspheredelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_blurspherechance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_blurspherechance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Light Amplification Visor", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_infrareddelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_infraredchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_infraredchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Invulnerability artifact", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_invulnerabilityspheredelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_invulnerabilityspherechance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_invulnerabilityspherechance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Radiation suit", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_radsuitdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_radsuitchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_radsuitchance", 0, 100, 1, 2

OptionMenu "DCSWepMenu"
	Command "Reset all", "DCS_ResetWeapons"
	StaticText ""
	title "Weapon spawn options"
	StaticText "Shotgun", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_shotgundelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_shotgunchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_shotgunchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Super shotgun", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_supershotgundelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_supershotgunchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_supershotgunchance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Chaingun", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_chaingundelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_chaingunchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_chaingunchance", 0, 100, 10, 2
	StaticText "Rocket Launcher", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_rocketlauncherdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_rocketlauncherchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_rocketlauncherchance", 0, 100, 10, 2
	StaticText "Plasma Rifle", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_plasmarifledelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_plasmariflechance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_plasmariflechance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "BFG9000", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_bfg9000delay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_bfg9000chance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_bfg9000chance", 0, 100, 1, 2
	StaticText "Chainsaw", 1
	NumberField "delay", "dcs_chainsawdelay", 0, 300, 1
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (0.01)", "dcs_chainsawchance", 0, 100, 0.01, 2 
	Slider "spawn chance percentage (1)", "dcs_chainsawchance", 0, 100, 1, 2

And your mod's menu will always appear no matter what mod is loaded.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Laggy »

Unfortunately, seems like Zandronum doesn't support AddOptionMenu.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by XavierStudios »

Suggestions that may or may not break compatibility with Zandronum:
A master toggle to completely disable the mod. Currently, the most convenient way to load this before everything is to autoload it, so such a toggle would be appreciated.
Perhaps take the map's monster count into consideration for a percentage-based max monster limit. Say the slider is set to 50% adjustment; a map that has 50 monsters in-level would spawn 25 monsters from reinforcements.
An option to disable item spawns when the max monster limit has been reached would be a welcome addition, considering you can farm for full of everything on the first map of any wad without any ramifications.
A proximity and line-of-sight check for monster and item spawns would be beneficial for smaller maps, preventing stuff from spawning right next to you. This would further the idea that areas the player isn't currently interacting with are playing host to some new baddies.

I really like the idea of this mod. Like DarkDoomZ and Slomo Bullettime, it can be loaded with all sorts of other mods and offer a unique experience for each. Whether it's feature complete in your eyes or not, I hope to see some improvements of any kind in the future. Thank you.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Laggy »

Those are nice suggestions, and I don't think they'd break zandro compatibility.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Korell »

I just tried this with Quake Champions Doom Edition in the hope that it would spawn monsters in the multiplayer arena maps (so that there would be monsters to fight with being as botmatches in GZDoom aren't yet possible) but it wouldn't spawn any at all. When playing single player maps with QCDE it spawned monsters and pickups just fine, but in multiplayer maps it did nothing.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Samarai1000 »

This is wonderful! I typically don't try to go for par times on maps (still don't), since I usually take my time no matter what gameplay mod I'm using, but this forces you to keep going fast. I love it! Really makes it feel like a demonic conflict, too. I shudder to imagine what would happen if you used this on a slaughtermap, though.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by -Ghost- »

This is sort of a random compatibility thing, so no problem if it's not a priority, but I noticed when playing with a mod that uses nashgore the game won't launch. I'm running the OSCJ mod and the error code I'm getting seems to be focused on the nashgore part of it, though it may be another part of the mod as well since it's in a few parts:
This mod is a great idea, so the more compatible with stuff it can be, the better!
Ribo Zurai
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Ribo Zurai »

Amazing job! Though, may I give you a suggestion? If it's possible, try and make the monsters hunt the player down through ThingHate.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Laggy »

Korell wrote:I just tried this with Quake Champions Doom Edition in the hope that it would spawn monsters in the multiplayer arena maps (so that there would be monsters to fight with being as botmatches in GZDoom aren't yet possible) but it wouldn't spawn any at all. When playing single player maps with QCDE it spawned monsters and pickups just fine, but in multiplayer maps it did nothing.
Seems like this mod breaks sometimes when maps use scripts. I have no idea why. getCVAR returns wrong values. I think I'll need help here.
Samarai1000 wrote:This is wonderful! I typically don't try to go for par times on maps (still don't), since I usually take my time no matter what gameplay mod I'm using, but this forces you to keep going fast. I love it! Really makes it feel like a demonic conflict, too. I shudder to imagine what would happen if you used this on a slaughtermap, though.
Well, you can set a limit on how many monsters exist at a time so you'd still have some control here, heheh.
-Ghost- wrote:This is sort of a random compatibility thing, so no problem if it's not a priority, but I noticed when playing with a mod that uses nashgore the game won't launch. I'm running the OSCJ mod and the error code I'm getting seems to be focused on the nashgore part of it, though it may be another part of the mod as well since it's in a few parts:
This mod is a great idea, so the more compatible with stuff it can be, the better!
Well that's weird. Not sure what to do about that.
Ribo Zurai wrote:Amazing job! Though, may I give you a suggestion? If it's possible, try and make the monsters hunt the player down through ThingHate.
That seems doable.

So, uh, yeah, I need to find out why getCVAR returns wrong values sometimes.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by shadstarn »

i love this idea but you sure have to make it work with all mods

for my personal mod i am working on i have added random spawner but i would love something more deep
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Laggy »

Turns out I forgot to add #library in the acs source file. I'm dumb as a rock.

Thanks phantombeta for pointing that out. I'm going to fix that and add a few requested features then post an update.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike - The invasion is not over

Post by Laggy »

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu6ggrv0v5ekv ... 2.pk3?dl=1
TSPG: http://static.allfearthesentinel.net/wa ... -v0.02.pk3

Didn't have time to add much. Oh well, maybe next week unless there's another critical bug that needs to be fixed.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike v0.02: I suck at scripting

Post by Korell »

It now works with the QCDE multiplayer arena maps.
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Re: [minimod] Demon CounterStrike v0.04: Nothing relevant

Post by Laggy »

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2c31bdrxewhs ... 4.pk3?dl=1
TSPG: http://static.allfearthesentinel.net/wa ... -v0.02.pk3
I wanted to add an option to make monsters automatically hate players by using Thing_Hate(tid, 0, 4) but it didn't work. Oh well...

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