DoomRL Arsenal - [1.1.5] [MP-B7.3]

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DoomRL Arsenal - [1.1.5] [MP-B7.3]

Post by Yholl »

DoomRL Arsenal
A mod by Yholl and Ryan_Cordell, with help by Allie, Sgt. Shivers, Seryder, Kyle873, Pillowblaster, amv2k9, SoloSpaghetti, and many more!

This mod is designed for ZDoom 2.8.1 and GZDoom 2.1.1.
Using it in newer versions is not supported at all.

Public Discord for those interested.

Interested in donating to give me a drink or two?
My Kofi page, a website that lets you easily donate to people.

1.1.5 is a special hotfix version to correct the issues people have with GZDoom 4.5.0. Please use this if you play on that version.
Lower PDA Sensitivity to 6 from 8 to get the mouse control feeling better.

1.1.4 is the previous version with the former PDA mouse control, remaining here for those who want it.


  • -= MIRRORS =-

Please feel free to give me your thoughts on anything in the game, whether it's bugs, balance or suggestions, so I can refine it into something really fun.
The Zoom key has been renamed to indicate it is used to drop stuff. Be sure to bind a key to it.
  • -= ADDONS =-
Doom 64 Consolation Prize patch - Adds some fancy DRLA stuff to Doom 64. This was seperated into an addon due to conflicts with other mapsets.
DRLA Brightmaps - Adds super cool brightmaps to DRLA's weapons and monsters, by Muusi! Definitely check it out while you wait (forever) for the 1.2 update!
CMM DoomRL Classes - Extra player classes by CutmanMike! Polished and well made, definitely try it out. This will require a modern GZDoom version to use, as it uses ZScript!
Kinsie's DRLA Mini-Modlets - A collection of fancy DRLA addons by Kinsie! Please check it out if you want to add some nice extra touches to your game.
ww-drla-sounds - A sound replacement mod maintained by wildweasel! Contains more realistic sound effects and stuff, it's pretty darm cool.
trar_drla_sounds.pk3 - Another sound replacement mod made by Trar! Lots of powerful pistol sounds, very nice.
DRLASounds.pk7 - Another another sound replacement mod made by Marrub! A good choice for anyone who is pained by some sound frequencies.
Nostalgic Secret Sounds - A collection of cool secret sounds by GAA1992! Enhancing your search for secrets with fancy jingles is quite fun.
Zeta-Dimensional Shopping System - A whole bunch of neat addons by Simon-v! Shop systems, nuke detectors, dynamic assembling and more.

These addons were for a previous version of DRLA, and have not been tested with newer versions. Use at your own risk!
Geo's Gory Gambit - Replaces all weapons, ammo and armors with Geo's Golden Gauntlet. Incompatible with DRPG.
These addons were for a previous version of DRLA, and have not been tested with newer versions. Use at your own risk!
Compat patch for Monkeybtm6's Nameless RPG Mod, provided by Tanksy. [Currently unavailable]
  • -= LATEST NEWS =-
  • -= KNOWN ISSUES =-
The WSTE-M5 Shotgun loses any mod on it if you pick up a second one.
This mod modifies just about all items in the game, and adds new player classes. Monsters are unaffected, but monster projectiles are.
This mod was inspired by the fantastic Doom Roguelike made by Kornel Kisielewicz. While playing DoomRL, I felt that some of the mechanics used in it could be brought over and incorporated into Doom, and started brainstorming for months on exactly how to go about it using what I know of Zdoom DECORATE coding. The end result is great for blasting through a megawad with a friend, supporting each other with each classes unique abilities and having something to work towards past just finding the BFG9000. Almost all the glorious weaponry from DoomRL makes an appearance here. I hope you enjoy this mod as much as I have enjoyed making it.

If you enjoyed this mod, and you've played roguelikes before, or are interested in trying one, head over to the DoomRL site and try it out for yourself. Easily one of the easiest RLs to get into, but by no means the easiest to win!

Some screenshots...
DoomRL Arsenal features such things as...
In addition to standard Doom weapons, new weapons of various rarities appear throughout the game. Find a minigun or a missile launcher and deliver some major damage! Find a unique weapon, and you'll be grinning as you paste demons across the walls! The higher class of weapon spawn, the higher chance of exotic or unique weaponry.

You'll have to make some hard choices, though, as you can only carry 6 weapons at any time. Advanced functions will tell you what keys you need to press, but the Zoom/Drop Item key functions as a Drop key instead of a, well, zoom key. Drop DRLA specific items with it, so you can be sure to carry only what you want with you. Press Zoom twice to drop a weapon, as a precaution against accidentally dropping a valuable weapon. Holding Reload will pick up most low-tier weapons for ammo immediately, rather than doing nothing or being added to your inventory. Use that to pull ammo from say, a Plasma Rifle that you don't have room for and aren't automatically picking up.
I'd like to thank Wildweasel for his ww-magop.wad and it's weapon mechanic, which I based this system off of.

Most weapons that appear in this mod are based off the DoomRL weapons, but are not perfect reproductions. In fact, some weapons are entirely different altogether! Weapons also now have magazines, requiring reloading, and may also be slower or less accurate than standard Doom weapons. Don't worry, because there's more to weapons than just firing them!
Instead of the normal Doom armor mechanics, it's been revamped to a whole new level of awesome. You can carry multiple sets of armor or boots in your inventory at a time, in addition to any you are currently wearing, and you can drop and change any of these at any moment! Bear in mind that due to code limitations, any non-indestructible armors you stop wearing will be destroyed.
To unequip a currently worn armor or set of boots, there are two commands at the bottom of the keybinds list. Bind a key to them.
Simply press the appropriate key twice to remove your currently worn armor or boots.

Did I mention there's tons of new armors ingame for you to find? Boots too. Exotics and assemblies and uniques and more! Unfortunately, also due to limitations, you cannot mod boots at all, and can only mod armors with an Onyx modpack or an Armor Modpack, so any assemblies you find will be premade in levels. These new armors protection against different types of damage too, so wear the ones you think are best for the moment! A Plasma Shield won't help you in a room full of Imps!
A huge amount of the armors and boots you see here were made by the super talented SoloSpaghetti, who is the glorious Blacksmith of DoomRL Arsenal. He's amazing, and wherever is he is now, let's hope he's doing well for himself.
Some armors come with an inbuilt special ability you can activate! Some will require ammo, some require a set bonus, some have cooldowns, all are pretty damn awesome, and will serve you well!
You'll need to bind a key to the Armor Special command to use these.
  • -= SET BONUSES! =-
Some of the items in the game now form sets with other items! If you collect and wield all the pieces, you can expect an amazing bonus to be applied to you, from powering up certain weapons, to giving you strange defensive abilities! Due to the nature of the game, it'd be almost impossible to get both pieces of a set, so opening supply crates actually has a decent chance of having the other missing part of your set in it!
  • -= SKULLS! =-
Skulls are dangerous demonic artifacts that can be used to turn the tide of battle in your favour! Using one will detonate all nearby corpses, using them as fuel for their special ability, whatever it may be.
  • -= PHASE DEVICES! =-
Phase Devices can be used to teleport around the map, or out of danger! Normal Phase Devices teleport you to the start of a map, Homing Phase Devices teleport you to another player, Recall Phase Devices allow you to mark a spot and teleport to it later!
  • -= BACKPACKS! =-
Special rare backpacks can be found to further increase your ammo supply! These have various effects, including allowing you to specialise in an ammo type! You can only wear one backpack at a time, but you can swap to another at any point.
Rather than simply walking over them, you must press Use on them to pick them up, to prevent you from accidentally replacing your current backpack.
  • -= MODPACKS! =-
Probably the most important mechanic in the mod, Modpacks allow you to modify your current weapon according to their type, with each normal or exotic weapon able to hold 4 modifications. Superior weapons can hold 2 modpacks. A unique or legendary weapon can only have a single mod applied to it, so choose wisely. Demonic weapons can hold both a single modpack, as well as up to three of demonic artifacts! The effect of a modpack differs depending on the type of weapon it is, so it won't always do exactly the same thing on every weapon. You carry modpacks as inventory items, and you can carry up to 4 at any time, while the Technician player class can carry 8. Modpacks can be found anywhere you can find a Blursphere, or randomly replacing large ammo boxes. Exotic modpacks are extremely rare, so be happy when you find one.

When using a modpack, the first use selects the modpack for use. When selected, pressing Zoom will drop it, and using it again will apply it to your currently selected weapon, and switching to a different weapon will cancel.
Thanks to HellCattX for his awesome ammopile, which I used as a base for the modpacks.


Agility Mod Pack Image
  • Increases hitscan accuracy by .5 (For those unfamiliar, the Pistol has a spread of 5.6 horizontal, 0 vertical, this will reduce it to 5.1, 0)
    Increases projectile speed on projectile-firing weapons
Increases accuracy on multi-projectile weapons[/list]

Bulk Mod Pack Image
  • Increases clip size by 30% or at least 1
    Increases pellet count on single shot multi-projectile weapons
    Increases impact damage on single shot projectiles
    Increases damage on melee weapons
Power Mod Pack Image
  • Increases damage
    Increases explosive damage on rockets
    Increases damage of rays dealt by BFG attacks
    Increases damage randomization on melee weapons
Technical Mod Pack Image
  • Increases reload speed
    Increases weapon switch speed on melee weapons

Sniper Mod Pack Image
  • First mod makes first hitscan shot 100% accurate and increases accuracy by 2/2
    Second mod makes all shots 100% accurate
    Gives velocity scaling on projectiles and 100% accuracy
Firestorm Mod Pack Image
  • Increases firerate on rapidfire weapons and pistols
    Increases AOE radius on explosives
    Increases number of BFG rays
    Increases knockback and gives increases close combat damage to shotguns
Nano Mod Pack Image
  • Gun makes 1 ammo per half a second while held, cannot be reloaded manually
Onyx Mod Pack Image
  • Makes your currently worn armor indestructible
Armor Mod Pack Image
  • Allows you to change armor from one color to another. Change security armor to commando armor, for instance. Works with all three color armors.
There are even secrets to the exotic modpacks that few know of...
  • -= ASSEMBLIES =-
By applying a specific combination of modpacks to a standard or exotic weapon, you can assemble an entirely new weapon! Put two Bulk mods onto a Chaingun to make the Gatling Gun! The list of assemblies is quite large, and ranges from simple two mod assemblies, all the way to Master level 4 mod assemblies, even incorporating super rare exotic mods into the construction! Try and figure out those combinations on your own, or just crack under the pressure and consult the DoomRL Wiki. Although that'll only have the original assembly recipes, hehehe...

When you apply the last modpack in a correct combination, it will ask you if you want to assemble it with the Fire button, or cancel with Altfire. An assembly is not always an upgrade, so sometimes you may not want to assemble something. You can put mods on any way you like, there is no specific order to combinations, simply having the correct mods and no others will cause the game to prompt you whether you want to assemble the gun or not.

Here is an example of weapon modding and assembly.
  • -= CLASSES =-
Five different classes are available in the mod, three being DoomRL classes, and two being entirely new. Each of the classes starts with a powerful Master trait that affects how they play, as well as their own special passive stats.

Class: Marine
Trait: Ammochain
Effect: Rapidfire weaponry only consumes 1 ammo per 4 shots, or 1 ammo per burst, depending on the weapon.
Passive: Powerups last 50% longer. While under the effect of a powerup, rapidfire weapons shoot faster.
Items: Starts with a Chaingun.

Class: Scout
Trait: Sharpshooter
Effect: Pistol weapons do between 8x to 3x damage, based on their firerate, faster weapons dealing less. Non rapid pistols have halved spread.
Passive: Runs 10% faster and jumps 10% higher. Always has computer map. Can doublejump in midair.
Items: Starts with a Pistol.

Class: Technician
Trait: Scavenger
Effect: Can turn exotic rarity or higher weapons into modpacks. Can also remove a mod from weapons that have been modded, but destroys the weapon.
Passive: Computer maps function as tracking maps. Can carry up to 8 modpacks instead of 4. Starts with all Standard assemblies shown. Scavenging items repairs your current armor.
Items: Starts with a random Basic Assembly, and a random modpack.

Class: Renegade
Trait: Shellshock
Effect: Shoots an extra 50% more pellets, rounded up, with any attack that fires more than one shot in non-fixed pattern.
Passive: Can switch weapons instantly. Armor has 50% more protection, up to a max of 80%. Picking up shell ammo gives you a free shotgun shot.

Class: Demolitionist
Trait: Fireangel
Effect: Immune to splash damage.
Passive: Uses half ammo, rounded down on all non shell-based weapons. If your armor breaks, you drop bombs around you.
  • -= THE PDA =-
DRLA now has a PDA! By default, the key to access it is L.
The PDA contains all the information you could ever need, from weapon stats and descriptions, armor info, bestiary, even information on your current class! You can have play pong on it, like Commander Keen!
Another new feature is that it remembers all the assemblies you've ever learnt, or exotic effects on unique weapons you've discovered, even across different playthroughs! Enjoy not having to look up a wiki or find a ton of blueprints anymore!

DoomRL Monster Pack
Download link is at the top of the page!
Beta 7.2
This mod is designed for ZDoom 2.8.1 and GZDoom 2.1.1.
Using it in newer versions is not supported at all.
While this release is still a beta release, it is only missing a small amount of content before it can be considered 1.0. Currently has all normal enemies replaced, with fixed offsets (Thanks to Revenant100), custom blood colors, some new behaviours and tricks. Most vanilla enemies are fairly identical gameplay-wise, others like Pain Elementals might have an extra attack. The fixed offsets have also been applied to the custom monsters within, so they don't look silly rotated when compared to the fixed vanilla sprites.

The Monsterpack can be run by itself, or with custom weapon sets. Just about anything that doesn't replace monsters should work with the Monsterpack!

The first four skills are similar to Doom's ones, with Ultra-Violence being renamed to Standard.
Nightmare, Technophobia and Armageddon have no enemy randomization, all enemies adhere to the skills theme, and are very hard.
Adaptive starts off weaker than Standard, but builds up to Armageddon levels of difficulty overtime!

Technophobia and Armageddon do not have a full roster of enemies, so others will replace the missing ones. Still super fun though.

And of course, finishing the game will give you my custom CastCall, which will show all the enemies currently ingame.
Last edited by Yholl on Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:58 pm, edited 164 times in total.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by wildweasel »

Yholl wrote:Some screenshots... (For some reason I cannot get the spoiler tag to work on the images or the Mod Pack section... No idea why. I'd be grateful if someone could help with that.)
The forum software limits you to a maximum number of spoilers per post, because a few people decided to abuse them horribly. I recommend trying to consolidate them into fewer spoiler headings.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by justin_see »

I like that title graphic up there. Did you create that yourself, Yholl?
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Yholl »

wildweasel wrote:The forum software limits you to a maximum number of spoilers per post, because a few people decided to abuse them horribly. I recommend trying to consolidate them into fewer spoiler headings.
Heh, I thought that might have been the case. Thanks for the super fast help with that.
justin_see wrote:I like that title graphic up there. Did you create that yourself, Yholl?
No, that's the DoomRL title graphic from the main site, I figured it would grab more attention than just plain colored text.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by -Ghost- »

Will you be adding in the perk/XP system of DoomRL as well, or just the weapons and modpacks?
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Yholl »

-Ghost- wrote:Will you be adding in the perk/XP system of DoomRL as well, or just the weapons and modpacks?
Just the weapons and modpacks. One of the problems with the DoomRL traits is that there aren't many that I can easily use in Doom, so I doubt I'd ever attempt a full leveling system like in DoomRL.

I will likely expand on armor later though...
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by dljosef »

So far, the weapon modding aspect is very interesting, although the marine class is a godsend for slaughtermaps if you get a good weapon, especially the jackhammer.

Also, the Mysterious Magnum is a very odd weapon...though it's hilarious when I get it to shoot BFG shots.

Edit: Will there be any more uniques for the next version? I'm looking forward to more things such as the Trigun pistol.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Average »

This looks really interesting. DoomRL is easily my favourite Doom spin off game and one of my favourite roguelikes. Being able to play some of those aspects out in the original game sounds too cool. Maybe this could become "the thinking man's Brutal Doom"!
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Big C »

Oh man, I loved DoomRL, even if it always kicked my ass---I gotta try this.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Yholl »

dljosef wrote:So far, the weapon modding aspect is very interesting, although the marine class is a godsend for slaughtermaps if you get a good weapon, especially the jackhammer.
You should've seen how OP the Scout was back when I thought hitscan damage had the same randomization as projectiles...
dljosef wrote:Also, the Mysterious Magnum is a very odd weapon...though it's hilarious when I get it to shoot BFG shots.
Heh, the gun is so awesome and so dangerous to your health sometimes. I hope to come up with new uniques on the same level of crazy as that.
dljosef wrote:Edit: Will there be any more uniques for the next version? I'm looking forward to more things such as the Trigun pistol.
Depends. If I manage to get it working well, Charch's Null Pointer may be in the next version, along with the Plasma Shotgun and Napalm Launcher. As for the other uniques, I wouldn't expect stuff like that anytime soon, I'm certainly not a sprite artist, so something like that I'd need someone's help with.
Average wrote:This looks really interesting. DoomRL is easily my favourite Doom spin off game and one of my favourite roguelikes. Being able to play some of those aspects out in the original game sounds too cool. Maybe this could become "the thinking man's Brutal Doom"!
Hahahaha, "the thinking man's Brutal Doom" makes me think the game's goal is "How do I assemble the Biggest F***ing Gun again?" I hope you enjoy the mod.
Big C wrote:Oh man, I loved DoomRL, even if it always kicked my ass---I gotta try this.
Awesome, tell me what you think of it later.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Crudux Cruo »

Love it, except for one discrepancy i can see; the normal shotgun in doom RL is a break action single barrel. the sprites are floating around. functionally speaking as well, the reload is too quick. Otherwise, this freaking mod is sweet!

edit: forgot one thing, it would be nice if you had to press use to pick up weapons. i had full slots on the halls and was about to pick up the double shotgun when i automatically stripped it for ammo :(
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by dljosef »

Out of all the shotgun weapons, I found the elephant gun to be the useless one. However, I also found that the nanotech modpack doesn't work on unique weapons. (By the way, the ripper drains health from enemies, not that I mind.)

Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by doshu »

I registered just to say: Awesome work! I absolutely love DoomRL, and toying with some of its weapons in Doom is just great! Bringing the mod to a full and somewhat balanced"DoomRL, the FPS" would be THE next big thing after Brütal Doom, but I can't imagine the amount of work it would require...

I played only 30 minutes in Ep1 Ultra Violence, but I got the feeling that the game could be more punishing. Like, less ammunition and more dangerous monsters (hit harder maybe?). That would provide a bit more DoomRLesque experience.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Yholl »

doomer1 wrote:Love it, except for one discrepancy i can see; the normal shotgun in doom RL is a break action single barrel. the sprites are floating around. functionally speaking as well, the reload is too quick. Otherwise, this freaking mod is sweet!
Really? Are you sure the DoomRL Shotgun is not in fact, the Doom Shotgun? Weird. Anyway, yeah, the standard shotgun is quite ludicrous in this mod, as it is the only weapon to not be nerfed in anyway, and mod packs power it up waaaay more than normal weapons. Thanks for the appreciation! :wink:
doomer1 wrote:edit: forgot one thing, it would be nice if you had to press use to pick up weapons. i had full slots on the halls and was about to pick up the double shotgun when i automatically stripped it for ammo :(
If you have full weapons, then weapons Chaingun and below will automatically get used as an ammo pickup. Rocket Launchers and up cannot be used as ammo unless you have one. If I switched it to needing to press use to pickup weapons, it would become a lot harder, a lot more tedious(dropped shotguns and chainguns) and would even break some maps, like ones that give you guns through a voodoo doll and stuff.
dljosef wrote:Out of all the shotgun weapons, I found the elephant gun to be the useless one.
Heh, I guess so. I still really like it though. Maybe I should increase the knockback much more, or up the accuracy...
dljosef wrote:However, I also found that the nanotech modpack doesn't work on unique weapons.
Hehehehe. You weren't paying very close attention, were you? I'm assuming you put that nano mod onto either the Railgun or the BFG10K.
Yholl wrote:There are even secrets to the exotic modpacks that few know of...
dljosef wrote:(By the way, the ripper drains health from enemies, not that I mind.)
Yup. I think I'll go edit the main post with this information, but this is not a perfect reproduction of DoomRL weaponry, many, many things have been changed, some minor, some really major. So yeah, health-draining Ripper.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 1

Post by Gouanaco »

Awesome work mate! :D
I liked DoomRL and played a bit of it.

But the down-fall of it was it was 2d and turnbased.
But now those problems are gone so yeh Awesome! :D

1 Question:

With this Wad/Mega-Wad/Mod

can i still load other maps to use the mod with?

Like say i wanted to load that wad/map that randomly generates its self?

cause it seems that your mod at the moment uses the vanillia Doom maps.
But if it was randomly generated that would be cool :D

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