To quote Enjay: "Every project needs a logo these days"
Latest Version
The Veteran is a simple mod that aims to be playable with as many maps as possible without breaking their balance, to achieve this me, myself and I (with a lot of help from Ed the Bat) have been coding non-stop for months, releasing version after version until finally we reached our goals.
In The Veteran, you play as a retired UAC Marine years after the demons invaded earth, relaxing and quietly enjoying life, but when (unsurprisngly) the demons decide to attack again, you grab your trusty berettas and get back into the fray.
What this mod DOES
- Add a number of new weapons for you to play with
Modifiy monster behaviour so that there's a greater challenge
Aim for balance in as many megawads as possible
- Drastically change gameplay concepts
Add any new maps of it's own
Spoiler: Note!
Version 1.0 Trailer
Mindy and Cindy custom Berettas.
Your starting weapons and of the main assets in your arsenal, they can quickly get rid of medium sized groups of small foes and have no problems on bringing down bigger monsters.
A small sub-machinegun designed to get rid of medium to big groups of small enemies, it may also be able to kill a baron or two. Reliable on long distances.
"Bully" Super Magnum Revolver
A really big revolve with a slow, but powerful shot. Use it when you want to take down small monsters quickly, or to kill small groups of big monsters.
"Heavy Hitter" Quad Barrel Shotgun
No rookie could handle this shotgun, so they gave it to you. While it's extremely imprecise it fires explosive shells that will quickly down all but the mightiest of foes.
"Crowd Mower" Assault Rifle
Special Assault rifle. Can be used on short, precise bursts or as a fully automatic weapon. Both of them with devastating results.
"Meat Cooker" Rocket Launcher
Rocket launcher with a colorful design! It has three firing modes, each of them useful for different situations.
An old prototype for the BFG that somehow found it's way to the battlefield. As an old soldier you figure this is the perfect super weapon for you, besides it can shoot a single deadly bolt or be charged and release a ball of plasma which explodes into smaller chunks that bounce around.
Spoiler: Old VersionsEnjoy!
Latest Version
Code: Select all
Changelog 1.0.1
-Fixed an issue with the Purifier Rifle taking ammo from the total, instead of the clip.
-Revenant's and Cyberdemon's missiles are now shootable.
-Nerfed the shotgunners and chaingunners.
Changelog 1.0
-Added GLDEFS.
-Added custom crosshairs.
-Balanced Weapons:
+ BASS SMG: Similar to the Purifier, it no longer shoots more than one bullet per shot.
+ Bully: Significally boosted damaged, being closer to Doom's Super Shotgun.
+ Heavy Hitter: Puff deals more damage, while the gun itself now shoots a realistic amount of pellets per shell, slightly increased accuarcy, no longer hurts players, you can now shoot all 4 barrels by holding down altfire.
+ Purifier: No longer shoots 4 bullets per shot, better animation loop when firing in auto mode, slightly increased damage.
+ Meat Cooker Rocket Launcher: The red fire mode of the now takes 4 rockets to shoot, increased ammo pool from 48 to 56.
+ Betty: Plasma bouncer is now both, faster and affected by gravity, no longer hurts players.
-Modified some monster behavior:
+ Shotgun Guy: Stronger attack.
+ Chaingun Guy: More delay before attacking but has a faster attack rate.
+ Imp: Faster movement and continuous attack, also maxed painchance.
+ Demon and Spectre: Faster movement.
+ Cacodemon: Smaller and faster, also faster attack
+ Revenant: Faster, deadlier and shootable missiles.
+ Hell Knight: Slighlty increased speed, smaller, fires thrice, reduced health.
+ Baron of Hell: Faster balls, fires thrice; increased health.
+ Mancubus: Fires really fast balls.
+ Arachnotron: Fires three plasma balls.
+ Cyberdemon: Fires a burst of faster rockets that deal a little less damage.
+ Spider Mastermind: Increased Health and speed.
-Replaced Soulsphere.
-Replaced Megasphere.
-Changed spirte for Invulnerability Sphere.
Changelog 0.11a
-Smoothed animations on all weapons
-Changed the Crowd Mower Rifle into the Purifier Assault Rifle, function is the same.
-Fixed some HUD Elements
Changelog 0.11
-Removed the Festivity Rocket Launcher.
-Added the Meat Cooker Rocket Launcher.
-Added the Bully Super Magnum Revolver.
-Heavy Hitter now fires explosive shells, balanced accordingly.
-Added a third fire mode for the Heavy Hitter.
-Added some sound effects to most pickups.
-New sprites for medkits, stimpacks, berserk and health bonus.
-Added a brand new Hud for both fullscreen and normal sizes.
-Slightly decreased the Crowd Mower power.
-Slightly increased Betty's damage.
-Betty's altfire balls now bounce one more time.
Changelog 0.10
-Changed the sprites for the Heavy Hitter.
-Reworked the code for the Heavy Hitter to better fit its new sprites.
-Modified the sprites for the BASS SMG, each barrel now shoots individually.
-Reworked the code for the BASS SMG to better fit its new sprites.
-Smoothed Crowd Mower's animation.
-Slightly increased the power of the BASS SMG.
-Slightly increased the power of Mindy & Cindy.
Changelog 0.9
-Added Betty as an ultimte weapon, it takes slot 7.
-Weapons with the kick alt-fire are now affected by the berserk, this means you can use a powered-up kick without loosing your ranged weapon.
Changelog 0.8
-Smoothed weapon animations on Mindy and Cindy, BASS SMG, Heavy Hitter and Crowd Mower Rifle.
-Added kick as an altfire for the fists.
-Powered-up fists now have a corresponding powered-up kick.
-Added proper selection order for all weapons.
-Fixed a bug with the Crowd Mower where it would take five shots and only fire four.
-When the magazine is low and there is not enough ammo to reload the Crowd Mower will now only fire what's left, instead of forcing a weapon change.
-The Crowd Mower rifle will no longer produce a new bullet when trying to reload and there was no ammo left.
-Added A_CheckReload to the Heavy Hitter and the Crowd Mower.
Changelog 0.7a //Big thanks to Ed the Bat!//
-Fixed a glitch with the Dragon Brawl where it would display an error if you kept holding fire and the power ended.
-Playerclass is now defined in MAPINFO instead of KEYCONF.
-Weapons now switch when out of ammo.
-Pressing reload when ammo is full will no longer make it "freeze".
Changelog 0.7
-Changed Heavy Hitter Sprite.
-Fixed the bug with the kick, so it now makes noise when hitting an enemy.
-Added Player Sounds.
-Added Blood Decals.
-The weapon bar on the top of the screen now displays a null image for weapons you have yet to get.
-The power-up time bars Y axis are now different from one another so that you can keep track of multiple power-ups at a time.
Changelog 0.6a
-Properly synchronized the shotgun firing sounds with the sprites.
Changelog 0.6
-Added Burl Tumd's gore system (with full permission from Eric_, all cheers to him).
-Added Ed The Bat code, weapons shouldn't have -1 tics when out of ammo now.
-Slowed down the festivity rocket launcher charge (again!).
-Removed the decal on the Bass SMG since it caused the kick to also leave bullet decals! Decals are know defined on the custom gun puff.
-Changed Pain Elemental and it's spawned Lost souls blood from red to green.
Changelog 0.5
-Added kick as an altfire for Mindy and Cindy.
-Added kick as an altfire for the BASS Smg.
-Changed the fire mode of the Crowd Mower, it will now fire a short and precise burst.
-Added an altfire to the Crowd Mower, fires completely automatic, lethal on short distances but terribly unaccuarte.
-Expanded the Crowd Mower ammo capacity.
-Added charging sounds to the Festivity Rocket Launcher.
-The Festivity Rocket Launcher now takes a litte more time to charge.
-Expanded the Festivity Rocket launcher ammo capacity.
-Rebalanced random ammo spawners.
-Fixed the shotgunner drop rate issue (About friggin time!)
Changelog 0.4
-Reduced the damage done by the Heavy Hitter.
-Added an altfire mode to the Heavy Hitter, It shoots both barrels at once.
-Changed the main fire of the Heavy Hitter so that it will only shoot one barrel at a time.
-Again, reduced the power of the Festivity Rocket Launcher, No more Cyber Demons going down with 5 shots!.
-Added an altfire mode to the Festivity Rocket Launcher, It will charge for as long as you press the altfire mode, the more you charge, the more powerful the shot is; but be careful! Charge it to much and it will explode on your face!.
-Max ammo capacity for Mindy and Cindy increased to 248.
-Max ammo capacity for the Heavy Hitter increased to 32.
-Max ammo capacity for the Festivity Rocket Launcher increased to 40.
-Changed drop rates for the Shotgunners, They should drop things more often now.
Changelog 0.2 :
-Reduced Mindy and Cindy fire rate.
-Reduced the spread for the Bass, so it is more useful from long ranges.
-Slightly reduced damage for the Bass.
-Drastically reduced the kickback for the Heavy Hitter and the Festivity Rocket Launcher. No more donkey kicks!.
-Reduced the damage for the Festivity Rocket Launcher, Cybers won't go down so easily now!.
-Shotgunners and Chaingunners now have an ample chance of dropping a Bass SMG.
-Added color translation for the pain elemental.
-Reduced the power of the Dragon Brawl.