Welcome to my humble shop, where everything is on the house. Because lately I've made several threads showcasing some resources I've brought for the community to use, I figured I might as well make a single topic and update it whenever I have something new to show. Most of this will be rips from old games (I don't take requests in that sense), but in case I have something custom made I'll put it here as well.
If you want to see the goods, get caught up with these

After a long wait, I am very pleased to announce that this game's files have finally been openedI am sure a lot of people will find it very useful. It has an unique sci-fi/cyberpunk setting fused with fantasy elements, not too distant from Strife.
Download here!
Download speech file here. UPDATED: This now includes all of the game's speech in separate files, but not only the english version, it also includes the dialogue from the French and German versions of the game. That might be handy for projects who wish to use speech in such languages, like a Wolfenstein project perhaps.
Download game extraction tools here.
Cheers and enjoy!

Spoiler: ERADICATOR Resources
HelloMany attempts were made at this, but ultimately, there has never been a truly complete rip of the game Eradicator......... Until now. What to say about this? Eradicator is a game which on first look might seem like it uses the Build engine due to many similarities, but it's actually a custom built one. It's an extremely enjoyable game, with 4 playable characters, a HUGE arsenal and much more! I'll let the graphics speak for themselves!
I would like to point out that inside the game files there are quite a few unused/placeholder graphics which do not appear in the game itself, and the palette for them is missing so they display in the wrong colors. Nonetheless, I've included them in case anybody could find them useful after some recolors.
Playable Characters and NPC's
LOTS of enemies and 4 playable characters, complete with all required rotations, jumping/crouching frames and even sprites for the gibs, such as ripped off legs/torsos (duke3d-style). I included mostly the smaller enemies, but there are a lot more including some truly massive bosses which are a sight to behold.
Mostly techbase-oriented, but there are also some rock textures to be found, including some imo quite useful flats. Switches and animated textures are included.
There are more than 13 guns in the game I believe
Decorate your maps with these props, which should prove very versatile.
Effects, Projectiles & Misc
Spice up your favorite weapons, or come up with new creative traps with these!
The other two skies will require editing, I guess...
Sounds & Music
All of this available at this link!
Here are the tools and source code used to get the game's resources. These can also be used to browse through the beta versions of the game which have some unique art scrapped for the final release.
I hope you will find these useful, and I wish you all happy holidays! Once again big thanks to Yagotzirck for making this possible!

Spoiler: DISRUPTOR Resources
Hey once again! It has been some time since a new rip has come out, but there has been a reason for this: Disruptor, a game which troubled rippers for a long time, has finally been unlocked! There is still some polishing I wanted to do, which is why it's taken that long, but this should be good for the time beingHuge thanks to Yagotzirck for making this possible!
The game has 28 enemies in all, which is a very large amount! There's a lot of types of enemies, from mutant flies to sentry robots, from freaky demons to heavily armed space marines. Whichever style you're aiming for, these enemies are sure to please!
Effects and Projectiles
Explosions, plasma beams, fireballs... You name it, you have it!
A wide variety of sci-fi weapons, in full quality, no screenshot rips this time
Items, Textures and Sounds
Get it all here!
Enjoy and take care! See you next time

Hello!! Finally we have returned with some amazing new content: a full rip of the legendary Realms of the Haunting! This took a long time to make in part also because of the sheer content of this game - it really is like 5 games in one by the HUGE amount of assets there are. Let's take a look shall we?
This game has a large number of enemies, ranging from pistol-wielding demon men in black (what?), to demonic knights, skeletons, and several demons and monsters of various kinds. But the most impressive aspect of the enemies is their incredibly fluid animation. It has to be seen to be believed, at times they barely even look like sprites! here's an example:
Just like the enemies, the weapons also have an amazing amount of animation. It seems like they just recorded themselves using items and then added in relevant effects. The weapons may seem underwhelming if seen in static screenshots, but their animation truly elevates them to the next level.
Oh boy, where do we even begin. This game has an absolutely insane amount of textures, depicting several locations, from haunted mansions to mythical realms to dark caverns to infernal prisons. The few (*cough*) examples I put here hardly demonstrate the full scope of the game. I can only assure you that whatever you're aiming to do, these textures have you covered!
Given that this is a half-FPS, half point and click, there are tons of items to be found and collected throughout the game, including a lot of types of keys. Here are a few examples.
There are a lot of props in here as well, used to decorate the main mansion but also many of the realms you visit throughout the game. Needless to say, they are of very high quality indeed.
Because the Sky is the daily bread of the imagination, and what better bread than skies that animate?
Sounds, Music, Effects, HUD and Speech
You didn't think we'd forget these did you?Due to the massive size of the speech file, it is available in a separate file.
Once again, huge thanks go to Yagotzirck, whose impressive and tireless efforts have brought us one of the best rips to grace the boards yet. And thanks to his ability the source code for the tools used to rip the game is also made available to everyone, for whoever wishes to investigate the game further for whatever purpose. Thanks Yagotzirck!
Get the main file here!
Get the speech file here!
Get the game extraction tools here!
This has been a lot to take in, so I hope it will satisfy modders' needs! Let us know if it comes in handy for any of your projects. Cheers!

Spoiler: TARGET Resources
Hi once againI know a few people were waiting for this to happen, so here it is! Target, the polish windows game, is now ripped. This is a quite unique FPS, it uses a build-like engine and has quite high resolution/detailed graphics, definitely less cartoonish than a lot of shooters from the era, and I'm sure a lot of this will be useful for people.
Lots of urban stuff in this one, very useful if you want to make some buildings (as well as interiors). There's also some non-urban textures in, of course. I would like to point out that some textures are small pieces that probably should be merged together into larger textures, and you can choose which ones to place where, making them quite flexible.
All the pistols and shotguns you'll need in a FPS, alongside some melee weapons (baseball bats, crowbars), heavy weapons (rocket launchers, miniguns), and some truly unique things (for example there's a small remotely controlled wheeled robot carrying a TNT charge).
Definitely some nice stuff here, alongside regular enemies there are also several civilians, complete with "panic" frames that might be very useful for urban maps. I would like to note that at present time due to the way the game's graphics are stored, torso and legs are separated in many of the NPC sprites. This might be addressed in a future update but for now they're provided as-is.
Items & Props
Lots of stuff hereKeycards, keys, ammo, weapon pickups, and just general props like computers, chairs (those have rotations too, btw), several trees and office plants among other things. Useful for decorating your zdoom maps for sure!
To be fair these look more like landscapes, buuuut. not bad all the same.
They're useful too, right?
And without further ado, here's the link!
Click me!
Big thanks to Yagotzirck for making this possible! Cheers, see you next time