Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop(NEW!Realms of the Haunting)

Sprites, textures, sounds, code, and other resources belong here. Share and share-alike!
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Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop(NEW!Realms of the Haunting)

Post by Dynamo »


Welcome to my humble shop, where everything is on the house. Because lately I've made several threads showcasing some resources I've brought for the community to use, I figured I might as well make a single topic and update it whenever I have something new to show. Most of this will be rips from old games (I don't take requests in that sense), but in case I have something custom made I'll put it here as well.

If you want to see the goods, get caught up with these :)

Spoiler: ERADICATOR Resources
Spoiler: DISRUPTOR Resources
Spoiler: TARGET Resources
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Prime Target)

Post by Dynamo »

Spoiler: PRIME TARGET Resources
Spoiler: QUIVER Resources

Miscellaneous Stuff
Spoiler: Miscellaneous Stuff
Custom Stuff
Well, my artistic skills are unfortunately non-existant (a big regret of mine), but the few stuff I've done (more or less) I will post here:

Here's a few banners done using the action doom banner as a base. I planned to use these in a duke nukem 3d map, but may be useful for any urban decoration. I might make more in the future.

Here's some paintings assembled from the stage select in Kid Icarus Uprising which can be used to decorate houses or mansions.

A big painting depicting a Casino, can be put on the walls for a casino or another affluent building.

And that's it for now.

You may also be interested in:
Diopticum - Game Resources - by the great Diodeus!
Zero's Resources by Zero X Diamond!
Game Rips by torridgristle!
Ozy81 Rips by the tireless Ozymandias81!

Happy dooming!
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Prime Target)

Post by phantombeta »

This is awesome. You're awesome :D
Keep 'em coming :D
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Disruptor!)

Post by Dynamo »

New rip now available, Disruptor! A lot of people tried to open this one but it's finally been done! A bit of a WIP atm but it's sure to please. The sprites and most of the game's graphics are in the first post, but there's more:

The Disruptor texture pack, ready for Builder use can be found here.

Enjoy :D

I've also uploaded a bunch of texture and sound packs in the Misc section, hope they come in handy :)
Last edited by Dynamo on Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:26 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Disruptor!)

Post by YukiHerz »

You are amazing!
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Disruptor!)

Post by Dynamo »

Thanks :D But the better recognition goes to hard-working people like Yagotzirck, whose amazing skills made the difference with these rips. I hope people find use in them at any rate.
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by Dynamo »

I've updated the thread with another package, this time Damage Incorporated, the marathon engine game. Enjoy! :D More to come soon hopefully!
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by HMNuke93 »

Great job on these! Would be great to get Last Rites & Killing Time rips.....I tried to rip LR, but TiledGGD messes up the palette making it too dark.
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by Dynamo »

Thanks! I really appreciate the support, and yes, Last Rites (alongside some others) is definitely planned for the future :wink:
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by mutator »

This is great stuff :) are you planning to make mod with these sprites or just put the frames?
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by Dynamo »

Thank you :) Well, I am using some of this stuff for some mods I am working on, yes, but the main purpose of this thread is to give the community access to these resources, in the hope that they can be used to make interesting zdoom/eduke maps and mods. Personally when it comes to mapping and modding in general I get heavily inspired by playing other games so, I can see that for some people it works the same way.
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by mutator »

you know what my plan is? :) I want to make mod with hd guns with very smooth animations and add campaign into it so the mod has realistic weapons and the separate campaign megawad.. I think of completing rage mod for doom if you ever heard of that game :)
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by Yagotzirck »

HMNuke93 wrote:I tried to rip LR, but TiledGGD messes up the palette making it too dark.
That's because like most DOS games, LR's palette intensity values range between 0-63 rather than 0-255... Multiply each palette color's RGB components by 4, problem solved :wink:
Also if you could share what you discovered so far about LR that would be useful since that would speed up the process, at this point I've only understood the weapons' files(.SIF) and where the palettes are stored
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by HMNuke93 »

Yagotzirck wrote:
HMNuke93 wrote:I tried to rip LR, but TiledGGD messes up the palette making it too dark.
That's because like most DOS games, LR's palette intensity values range between 0-63 rather than 0-255... Multiply each palette color's RGB components by 4, problem solved :wink:
Also if you could share what you discovered so far about LR that would be useful since that would speed up the process, at this point I've only understood the weapons' files(.SIF) and where the palettes are stored
The graphics are stored in the .lif files (miss01.lif,ecc....). They're found at the beginning of the file (at least in TiledGGD) and their tile size is 8x8. Each .lif file has its own palette, which is stored at 50000 offset,its format is 3 bytes x colour,RGB. Thank you for the info about the palette,but unfortunately im a real noob and i don't know how to multiply the palette colors :(
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Re: Dynamo's One-Stop Resources Shop (NEW! Damage Incorporat

Post by Yagotzirck »

If you're not practical with coding your own tools the easiest way is saving the palette with .pal extension, import it in slade then right click->Palette->Tweak, then set Luminosity to 200% twice.
Anyway I checked the beginning with 8x8 tile size like you suggested, but all I see is http://imgur.com/yKjr2YS
Some tiles in the middle vaguely make some sense, but size definitely isn't 8x8 :?

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