[Sprites] Radix

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[Sprites] Radix

Post by Diodeus »

After the lapse of a long time since I did textures rip from Radix: Beyond the Void, I was finally able to deal with game sprites. So I present to you Radix sprites rip.
"Let's Kick Some Xenomorphic Butt!" (c) Radix.
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Re: [Sprites] Radix

Post by ShadesMaster »

Someone should make a RADIX gzdoom mod.... hmmm....
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Re: [Sprites] Radix

Post by Xaser »

Code: Select all

<Xaser> oh neat! radix rip!
<Xaser> let's kick some xenomorphic butt!
<Xaser> oh foot he already said that in the thread
<Xaser> another glorious day in the core, then
<Xaser> shit
<Xaser> a proper radix mod is not a bad idea
<Xaser> I've always wanted to mod for the game, myself
<Xaser> there's a level editor, but it's a paaaaaiiiiiinnn to use
<Xaser> also, the radix level format is actually rather limiting -- 32-unit grid, actually
<Xaser> (they did that to avoid having to use BSP nodes, interestingly)
<Xaser> but yeah, we've got sounds, textures, music, and now sprites all ripped..
<Xaser> damn, I wish I wasn't involved in so many projects :P
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Re: [Sprites] Radix

Post by i440bx »

Hi Friends,

sorry that i exhume this old thread, but i need to contact the Guy who extracted all those Sprite's and Sound's out of Radix "Radix.dat"

But why?

I played the game 1995, as it released. I got also the LevelEditor (RadCad) and tryed to get the Levelfiles. Is it possibile, that you can extract them?

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Re: [Sprites] Radix

Post by Boreas249 »

ShadesMaster wrote:Someone should make a RADIX gzdoom mod.... hmmm....
Last I checked, someone WAS working on it, I mean there was a thread and everything.

Haven't seen anything in terms of progress on it in months though, so I dunno...
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Re: [Sprites] Radix

Post by wildweasel »

Boreas249 wrote:
ShadesMaster wrote:Someone should make a RADIX gzdoom mod.... hmmm....
Last I checked, someone WAS working on it, I mean there was a thread and everything.
There probably was, back in September of 2013, when the post you're quoting was originally made. =P
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Re: [Sprites] Radix

Post by Boreas249 »

wildweasel wrote:
Boreas249 wrote:
ShadesMaster wrote:Someone should make a RADIX gzdoom mod.... hmmm....
Last I checked, someone WAS working on it, I mean there was a thread and everything.
There probably was, back in September of 2013, when the post you're quoting was originally made. =P
Apologies, I entirely misread the timestamps. :oops:

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