Because every mod has to have a logo now, right?
Original file is here...
But I highly recommend using the one attached to this post by Nash
because it takes advantage of the game/lump filtering built into GZDoom these days and thereby gives a better user experience. Thanks Nash.
Nothing too fancy here but I have been meaning to re-visit the splashes for a while now.
I took the splash sprites from Heretic and converted them to the Doom palette, colour changing them to use the green colour range, losing as few colours as possible in the process.
I created a new set of not quite so watery/runny looking splashes based on the water splash (basically just trimming off the blob at the top). I also extended the relatively short "heavy sludge" sprite set by adding some intermediate frames so that it includes the same number of frames as the water splash.
I used DECORATE to define a series of splash actors using the sprites and applying a few ZDoom features such as translucency. I used colour translations to shift the green sprites to a colour suited to the flat that they were destined to appear on. The hope is that this will also make it easy for people to use the splashes for their own additional liquids (just inherit and apply a new translation).
The actors were then used in terrain definitions and applied to suitable flats. All the Doom2 liquids and hot flats have been given splashes and/or smoke effects.
A demo map is included in the zip. Load it after the PK3 is you want to run it otherwise the additional sludge flat will not splash. While on that subject, the terrain lump in the PK3 defines a green/brown sludgy splash. This uses the (extended) Heretic sludge sprites. However, they are suited to a very heavy, gloopy liquid and, IMO, none of the Doom liquids are that thick. However, I'd done the sprites so I thought that I may as well include them and define the terrain. That way they are in the PK3 for anyone who wants to use them.
What do you want? Pictures? It's only a bunch of splashes. Oh, all right then...
You are free to do what you like with this.
P.S. I had a difficult job getting a good translation for the brown splashes. Feel free to try and improve on this or any other aspect of the file. The (extra) sludge splash is a bit odd too. Again, feel free to try and improve it. If anyone has better sprites, it would be nice to see something other than the re-hashed Heretic sprites.
Did you know that the flat SLIME08 only uses 4 colours?
Mad props* to the SLADE colour remap tool which made finding the translation ranges a lot easier.
*Q: why don't people say "mad props" any more?
A: Because it sounds daft.