@ant1991331: Well, I was thinking about putting together a video tutorial detailing how to rip guns from other games, but here's a quick overview:
I started up FRAPS, with the "record sound" box unchecked, to speed things up. Full resolution capture, at 30FPS. I then started Halo Demo in 800x600 with specular, shadows, and highest-res textures (?everything?else lowest), then began a mock multiplayer game at Blood Gulch. I'd get the gun I wanted, then switch to my other weapon. Start the recorder with F7 (my shortcut key). Then switch to the weapon (for the raise frames), fire two or more full clips (for firing frames and reloads), then melee several times. Do this because FRAPS has a performance impact on the game, and you need to get all the frames you can. I then exited the game and FRAPS, then opened the video in the free editing program Zwei-Stein, by Thugs@Bay, and saved each frame I wanted to a file, organized by folders (Raise, Ready, Fire, Reload, Melee). I'd captured the weapons while looking into the blue sky, so I then just opened them in the GIMP and removed all the blue and converted to indexed, then resized the images to 320x240. That's the simple version, I had to experiment for
hours before finding a workflow process that got all the loose pixels out and made nice clean lines. I then wrote my weapons, extracted Halo's sound effects with Halo Map Tools 3.5, imported GFX and SFX, then fine-tuned each to perfection. Each weapon rides at about 45-50 frames, with ~4 minutes editing time per frame, once I got the procedure down. The rocket launcher is the bigest yet, with over 60 frames. I've maxed out the sprite limits for the melee attack/reloads.
@Enjay: I know, and it bugs me to death. I think the game lowers the sprites by a certain size percentage when the statusbar is visible, and since mine are fullscreen, that percent is a lot. I always used full-screen, so I didn't notice for a long time.
@Nash: That's why I presented it, so it could hopefully be integrated into DECORATE some way, so the designer can have any number of limbs, with proper effects. Also, uncomment the two lines in script 3, and headshots will give you an instant kill.
@Grubber: Certainly you can use it

I'd be flattered to have my work distributed with a large-scale project like that.
@Bio Hazard: I really have no clue if these break multiplayer or not. They shouldn't, as long as everyone has a copy, but I'll never be able to test multiplay for any of my projects, at least not in the foreseeable future.
@Shinjanji: Hehehehe, that's one of the first things I tested. Anything more than about 5-6 barrels at once causes major slowdown/crashes. You could reduce the number of pyrotechnics to fit your machine, but that's up to you. Sorry.
@Everyone else, thanks for the input and comments! Also, question: which barrel wad do you prefer? I'll add a poll for this...