First up, I have modified a script for Blender that works perfectly for exporting GZDoom-ready models with correct scale.
PLEASE NOTE:This is a modified version of the MD3 export script from
It has been modified for GZDoom-friendly exporting.
Tested for Blender 2.66a (works great!)
Update 10/10/2018: Also works perfectly with Blender 2.79
How to install:
Copy io_export_gzdoom.md3 into the scripts\addons\ direction. For example,
C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.66\scripts\addons\
Then start Blender, go to File -> User Preferences
Go to the Addons tab
Scroll down the Addons list and look for Import-Export: GZDoom .MD3 and tick
the checkbox to enable GZDoom export. You will find it under File -> Export ->
GZDoom .MD3.
(To avoid having to redo this everytime Blender starts up, click the "Save User
Settings" button in the User Preferences window)
- Models must not exceed 512 in size in Blender units, in any axis... otherwise the exporter will fail. So to be safe, make sure your models dimensions are < 512 Blender units (you can see this selecting your object, pressing N on the keyboard, then look for "dimensions" in the properties panel)
- All objects MUST have a UV map or export will fail!
- For multiple objects, you can embed the texture paths directly into the objects, and then omit the "Skin" property in your MODELDEF so that GZDoom will load the textures embedded into the object directly. This is the only way to assign multiple skins in 1 model! There are 2 ways to do this. USE EITHER ONE ONLY:
A) Under the "Object" panel, make a custom property called "md3shader" and input your full texture path (as per your PK3)
B) Select the object, and name the material your full texture path
GZDoom Size Reference.blend
This .blend file can be used for your reference with regards to scale, when you are making your models for use in GZDoom. The dimensions are setup such that they will export with a 1:1 Blender - GZDoom scale. So for example, a 64 x 64 x 64 cube in Blender will export as a model that fits a 64 x 64 x 64 sector in Doom map units. However, one little detail needs to be observed:
GZDoom squashes models down on the Z axis by default, so to truly achieve a 1:1 scale, you have to use the following scale parameters in your MODELDEF:
Code: Select all
Scale 1 1 1.2
Oh and also, 1 more thing. By default, this script exports the .md3 with the object facing the wrong angle. To fix this, apply this in your MODELDEF:
Code: Select all
AngleOffset 90
Gun reference temporarily removed; I plan to re-do this completely
Have fun!