Doomsday Machine aims to bring the gameplay of the Amiga classic The Chaos Engine to Doom. I have tried hard to convert everything from the game faithfully into the 3rd dimension, including almost complete replicas of the levels.
One of the things that inspired me was this twitter post by Antto Koponen, described in greater detail on his DeviantArt page:
Gameplay overview:
The first two levels have been included.
Choose between three different characters:
- The brigand is an allrounder with average speed and health. He is armed with a rifle. His special power is the shotburst, which shoots powerful bullets all around him.
- The Preacher is fast but fragile. He is armed with a lightning gun that is weak but it's rays travel through enemies. His special power is a first aid kit he can use to heal 50 health points.
- The Navvie is strong and slow. He is armed with the powerful bazooka. His special power is the dynamite. Throw it into a group of enemies to kill them all.
To open the exit door, you have to activate a certain number of nodes by shooting them until their outer shell breaks.
Silver and gold keys open or close different paths through a level. Sometimes, collecting items or just reaching a certain spot will do the same.
Tips for new GZDoom users:
Display Options -> OpenGL Options-> Texture Options -> Texture Filtering Mode: None (shows nice and crisp textures with Dan Malone's awesome pixel art)
Mouse Options -> Always Mouselooks ON (some weapons have no autoaming, like the Preacher's lightning gun. You can't kill small enemies like beetles with them without mouse aiming!)
The Guru Meditation on Youtube has uploaded a very detailed instructional video should you have any trouble getting the game to run.:
On developing this TC:
It started out as a newfound fascination with this classic game featuring the incredible artstyle of Dan Malone. In lieu of a proper new game set in that universe, I tried to adapt GZDoom as a way of finding out wether a top-down action game would be a good fit for the first person perspective. I had to learn how to zScript status bars and use GZDoomBuilder to make my first real maps, with heavy use of ACS scripting for the game logic.
The weapons were all carefully modelled after their original sprites. Some graphics also had to be converted or even created from scratch.
In hindsight, converting the levels one to one doesn't work too well since TCE obviously has no concept of shooting up or down, and the already confusing labyrinthine levels of the original game become even more confusing in first person view.
The gameplay limitations might also be confusing for the player, such as being blocked by water/mud and not being able to jump down from cliffs.
The levels were created with a tile-based approach, which means having seperate small sectors for each ground feature. This affects performance in the second level because there are also no "hard" blocking walls thoughout the rather large area. For new maps, I would probably do it like the surrounding "off-limits" areas of the second level, where I assembled a texture from tiles beforehand and just slapped it onto one big sector. This would also make sound zone boundaries far more easy to set up.
In some places, nodes can simply be shot from afar or above when they would be unreachable in the original game due to some bridge or stairs appearing or disappearing. I have thought about using special nodes that can only be activated from a short distance.
On the weapons: I like the bazooka, the lightning gun doesn't look as good mostly because I didn't bother with creating a proper texture for it. The rifle is even worse because I couldn't find a hand graphic for it.
Some Bridges on the second level are models, some are normal map sectors, so not all will show up on the map.
I'm not sure if I will ever sit down and create more levels, mostly because of the heavy work involved in scripting all the ambushes and puzzle elements.
Initial version. Two levels, three characters, three special powers.
Spoiler: Screenshots
Spoiler: Credits