This is a five years old project, that was scrapped and revived many times.It never got to a phase worth posting here,until now.
Now here it is, just a little bit different from what it was at the beginning.
It requires Gzdoom 2.0.05 or higher (won't run with Skulltag, not tested with Zandronum) also an iwad (Doom2,plutonia or TNT)
Name trivia
The gameplay is NOT vanilla at all. It requires mouse look, jumping and crouching. If you think this is a ,,heresy'' in a doom game, think of it as a entirely different game.
DTSOT has some modern fps features,so it is closer to HL1 or RTCW.
Here are some features of DTSOT. Some of them are listed as ,,alpha'', which means they do not work properly yet.
- 18 maps 3 episodes
- Custom skill levels
- Only the first episode its completed,other two need maps to be remastered.
- 3D models and 3D floors
- GL flashlight
- extended weapon mechanics (reloading,etc)
- ladder climbing
- TF2 backstabs
- Strife dialogs
- mounted guns (alpha)
- computer terminal puzzles (alpha)
Weapon slots are different from Doom. They may be changes to be more comfortable for player.Also, there is lots of weapons, but they are ,,episode-themed'',which means
that for example in episode1 there is a MP40, but in E2 there is a MAC10.
1.Melee weapons
4.Assault Rifles
5.Rocket/Grenade Launcher
6.Big Guns(plasma,minigun.m60)
7.BFG-tier guns
8.Sniper rifles +Sten
Why WIP?
This mod is WIP because it has no story implemented yet,and some features are still buggy. Also some maps need to be reworked.
At the moment, you can download a pre release of beta 7 (internal naming of version, previous betas were not public, just shared with friends).
This mod was created by Goblins Productions, using resources from other mods/games.Full credits are listed in README.pdf that comes with it.
Goblins Productions
Dowload pre-release
Warning! This mod is over 350MB because of HD music and lots of weapon sprites.
The mod is only on mega.nz. EDIT:It is now on also on ModDB
If moderators have some issues with this (copyright or other rule breaking),please pm me,I am quite new here
ModDB page: http://www.moddb.com/mods/dtsot