SPACE HULK: Infestation

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SPACE HULK: Infestation

Post by Devianteist »

This post is under maintenance as I begin working on this project again. A new logo will be made and posted here soon, rather than this boring block of text.
*Old screenshots removed, as they do not reflect the current state of the project as seen in the download links in the spoilers. I will likely be rebuilding this from the ground up.

Spoiler: Old post
Copied from the Space Hulk: Tactics website until I can sit down and type up my own disclaimer.
Space Hulk, the Space Hulk logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, Genestealer, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world.

Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels material are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, Electronic Arts and Key Game.

Space Hulk: Infestation is a fan made work based on the Space Hulk board game. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
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Re: SPACE HULK -Warhammer 40K- ALPHA

Post by Dude27th »

So , there's no much to talk about still in this version, if you could make the rifle sprites less blurry that would be nice, and more smooth movement in a later versions would be pretty neat.

I liked the Camera Height and the slow movement , it gives the feel of that the player is really heavy so , good work on that.

My only complain at this moment it's the melee weapon , which looks like a sword but behaves like a chainsaw (?) , if it's a sword, it's too slow , if it's a chainsaw doesn't look like.

But I like the idea and it's pretty good for a start c:

EDIT: So it's a "Chainsword" , ok then :3: still it's slow. needs to be more fluid
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Re: SPACE HULK -Warhammer 40K- ALPHA

Post by Devianteist »

El_Sombrerero wrote:So , there's no much to talk about still in this version, if you could make the rifle sprites less blurry that would be nice, and more smooth movement in a later versions would be pretty neat.

I liked the Camera Height and the slow movement , it gives the feel of that the player is really heavy so , good work on that.

My only complain at this moment it's the melee weapon , which looks like a sword but behaves like a chainsaw (?) , if it's a sword, it's too slow , if it's a chainsaw doesn't look like.

But I like the idea and it's pretty good for a start c:

EDIT: So it's a "Chainsword" , ok then :3: still it's slow. needs to be more fluid
Once significant progress has been made, I do plan on either employing another spriter, or attempting to fix the sprites myself. For now, they serve their purpose well.

I may end up making the movement a little slower, as the maps I have planned will force the player to take their time, and put their back against the wall against the horde they face. EDIT: While testing this, I realize that the plain walking movement would be much too slow. I will have to figure out how to slow down the "run" speed.

Yes, the Chainsword is sorely lacking in the fun department. It, like the standard Bolter, are placeholder weapons, however, and will be replaced once development has reached that point.

Thank you for your thoughts on the initial product. I am most proud of how it feels to be a Terminator. Now, hopefully I can still make you feel badass, while still providing a threatening horde to combat.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.1

Post by HexenMapper »

I get that bolters fire explosive rounds, but should they really damage the player? ...I mean you're wearing terminator armor, a little explosion aint gonna hurt you.

The bolter feels good to fire, and the player movement is nice. This really needs some moody tight corridor maps and some Genestealers to really feel like space hulk. Also some moody atmospheric music. If you like I could write some for you.

I could probably whip up some maps too, provided you're ok with some very simple original space-hulk esque maps.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.1

Post by ramon.dexter »

Pics please...
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.1

Post by Devianteist »

ramon.dexter wrote:Pics please...
Pictures will be provided once the project has reached a point where screenshots would actually show you something. All that's in there right now are some weapon sprites and sound effects. I will be rectifying this sometime this week, so keep an eye out.
HexenMapper wrote:I get that bolters fire explosive rounds, but should they really damage the player? ...I mean you're wearing terminator armor, a little explosion aint gonna hurt you.

The bolter feels good to fire, and the player movement is nice. This really needs some moody tight corridor maps and some Genestealers to really feel like space hulk. Also some moody atmospheric music. If you like I could write some for you.

I could probably whip up some maps too, provided you're ok with some very simple original space-hulk esque maps.
Yes, about that, I am still slightly unfamiliar with a lot of the lore of 40K, and as I work on this, I am educating myself on it. Terminators are often described as near invincible, so I will have to find some way to portray that, while still maintaining that Genestealers are a threat. Only your own most powerful weapons will harm you.

Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times, yes on the music and mapping! I'm all for a helping hand, as I am quite busy with RL stuff, between work and my son. I'm not a one man army, so feel free to PM if you have anything else you'd like to share or suggest.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2 Now with a map!

Post by Devianteist »

Updated OP with a new version.

Version a0.2 comes decked out with the following.

Largely unedited placeholders, standing in for the Tyranid Genestealers and Broodlords. These were taken from Realm667.
More functional weapons, and a stronger Terminator. You no longer take damage from explosives. Period.
A dark ass map covered in dynamic lights and swarming with Genestealers.

Credits have not been updated as of yet.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2 Now with a map!

Post by Mr.Enchanter »

Beat the alpha, I'm impressed. Play in Paletted tonemap mode for extra spookiness :) Weapon feedback feels really good, chainsword feels a bit off though, if you did a bit of fov trickery like you did with the bolter, it would feel a bit heavier, right now it feels like swinging a stick. Really like the corridor layout, simple but challenging. I'm glad that you aren't focusing too much on making every room completely different as well, the gameplay feels like that of Hovertank. Good job so far, hope the sprites get a facelift soon as well!

Also as far as music goes, I have 2 albums worth of atmospheric music.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2 Now with a map!

Post by Devianteist »

Mr.Enchanter wrote:Beat the alpha, I'm impressed. Play in Paletted tonemap mode for extra spookiness :) Weapon feedback feels really good, chainsword feels a bit off though, if you did a bit of fov trickery like you did with the bolter, it would feel a bit heavier, right now it feels like swinging a stick. Really like the corridor layout, simple but challenging. I'm glad that you aren't focusing too much on making every room completely different as well, the gameplay feels like that of Hovertank. Good job so far, hope the sprites get a facelift soon as well!

Also as far as music goes, I have 2 albums worth of atmospheric music.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Yes, the chainsword is pretty awful, but, as I mentioned in the OP, I will be replacing that, and the standard Boltgun, with the Power Fist and Storm Bolter, respectively, as they are the primary weapons of a Terminator. The fist will likely be a recode from the ground up, but the SB will function much like the one already implemented, but with a second barrel.

I, too, enjoy the way I worked out the map. To be honest, I only put about an hour or two's work into it, as I copy-pasted most of it after completeing the first room and hallway. The doors made up about 80% of that time. I also do want to make each room different, at least in contents (debris and such), as right now, it does feel a bit too plain to me. Them Genestealers though, eh?

Sprites will be getting work done after I have semi-completed at least 4 weapons (Storm Bolter, Power Fist, Heavy Flamer and Storm Shield are up first). I honestly really, really, really like Captain J's Boltgun, and may end up asking him to do more sprites, BUT, that's getting ahead of myself, and I would like to at least try to make my own sprites before trying to outsource.

PM me all the music friend. I will certainly look at it. I am planning on using whatever it is HexenMapper makes as well, so look forward to that. Super excited, cause HM's Soundcloud is beautiful.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2 Now with a map!

Post by Devianteist »

Uploaded a new version, Alpha 0.2.1.


Fixed the Chainsword A LOT. Functions almost exactly the same as the Hexen warrior's hammer.
Made minor edits to the Boltgun, Player, and Tyranid enemies.
Decreased damage of Broodlord's fire attack. Shouldn't outright one-shot someone at 150/150 health and armor.

Next version will include the following:
Fixed textures on map.
Storm Bolter.
.OGG file replacements for sounds that have not been converted already.
New titlepic and M_DOOM logo either removed or replaced.
Reworked Broodlord ranged attack.
Various prototypes of planned weapons.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2.1 Now with a map!

Post by Dude27th »

By the way this is going to be compatible with gzdoom 1.9 ? :? Because I can't afford buying a new computer and play with the new versions of gzdoom, and 1.9 gives me an error with the decorate of the weapons, all of them.

I think in the "Ready" state when there's a "A_WeaponOffset" , it doesn't read a frame without a frame.

I tried with ZDoom but I can barely see what's coming to me.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2.1 Now with a map!

Post by Rachael »

El_Sombrerero wrote:I tried with ZDoom but I can barely see what's coming to me.
Have you tried QZDoom?
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2.1 Now with a map!

Post by Devianteist »

El_Sombrerero wrote:By the way this is going to be compatible with gzdoom 1.9 ? :? Because I can't afford buying a new computer and play with the new versions of gzdoom, and 1.9 gives me an error with the decorate of the weapons, all of them.

I think in the "Ready" state when there's a "A_WeaponOffset" , it doesn't read a frame without a frame.

I tried with ZDoom but I can barely see what's coming to me.
Yes, there will be a version built for GZDoom 1.8.10 (afaik that was the last 1.x release build). I am pretty sure either commenting out, or outright removing, Nash's "sway" code is all that needs to be done to address the issue.

As Rachel said, trying QZDoom may solve your problem, but I have not tested the map with it, and do not know if it supports the dynamic lights needed to make the map playable.
Last edited by Devianteist on Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2.1 Now with a map!

Post by Rachael »

QZDoom does support dynamic lights, but there are still other issues at the moment. Hopefully they will be ironed out soon. :)

Nevertheless, it is currently planned that GZDoom 3.0 will have QZDoom's software renderer, and will therefore also support dynamic lights there also.
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Re: SPACE HULK: Infestation ALPHAv0.2.1 Now with a map!

Post by Devianteist »

Rachael wrote:QZDoom does support dynamic lights, but there are still other issues at the moment. Hopefully they will be ironed out soon. :)

Nevertheless, it is currently planned that GZDoom 3.0 will have QZDoom's software renderer, and will therefore also support dynamic lights there also.
Thank you for informing me of this Rachael. I hope development is going well.

The next update is planned to be released, at the earliest, on Monday next week. Keep an eye out!
Spoiler: Details
Last edited by Devianteist on Sun Feb 26, 2017 12:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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