It's been a few years since KDiZD was released, so it's about time to announce its sequel: The Shores of ZDoom
Our goal is a reinterpretation of Doom's second episode, taking the original maps as a concept base for a new adventure of our own creation.
As with KDiZD, we're not only going to recreate the maps with a more modern appearance, but also add new areas to them to spice up the maps everyone knows so well already.
However, although we are adding more complexity to the maps, we hope to have learned from the mistakes made with KDiZD and we are taking special care to incorporate the layout changes as naturally as possible into the original works and make the resulting levels flow as smoothly as possible.
The team has been working on the project for quite some time now and although progress is rather slow, we're heading somewhere at least. We're also looking for additional mappers, but more on that later...
Spoiler:What is planned/being worked on
- 10 maps + Intermap (UDMF format, SP and Coop friendly)
- new enemies (a few completely new and a few already seen in KDiZD)
- lots of other new content (decorations, textures, sounds etc.)
- new weapon (maybe)
We need help
Considering the large scale of the project and seeing the progress done so far, we decided to look for additional mappers to help us out.
However, we have set ourselves a very high standard when it comes to the visual appearance of the maps and we need to make sure new mappers can keep up with that!
It's not just about the visual design though, we're also trying to keep up with the maps' layouts and added or modified areas need to feel like natural extensions to the originals.
Because of that, we need to ask everyone interested in joining to produce a small-scale demo area to demonstrate your mapping style. It doesn't have to be anything ground breaking, but it should show your understanding of space, architecture and texturing.
It should also be mentioned that we're looking for people willing to stay around for a long time, since we don't want to start looking for new people again a few weeks later!
So if you're interested, just send me a pm and you'll get the textures to create your demo area.
When it's done